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Employment handbook launched
Posted: 28 July 2012 1357 hrs
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Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Mayor for North East District Teo Ser Luck[/TD]
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SINGAPORE: Residents living in the North East District will now have an additional toolkit to help them in their job search.
North East CDC with the support from the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) has launched "My Handbook to Employment" to guide residents in landing jobs of their choice.
The informative guide provides essential job application tips -- such as 'Identifying Self Awareness' and 'Preparing an Impressive Resume' -- to arm residents with the necessary skills to help them find gainful employment.
The guide is produced in four languages and targets rank and file employees, as well as Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).
The handbooks will be distributed at various locations, including libraries located within North East District, community clubs and job hubs.
Interested individuals can also attend the Employability Skills Enhancement Programme that is conducted in both English and Mandarin. Participants will be given tips on job search, including resume writing, and be put through a mock interview session.
The handbook was launched at the "Road Map to Better Jobs" Career Fair organised by North East CDC and WDA.
North East District's Mayor, Teo Ser Luck, said: "The number of job seekers in the district has risen to almost 30 per cent as compared to the previous quarter.
=> From? Half-fxxx minister giving half-fxxx statement. This is the quality of the FAP's $$$million ministers.
"And many of those who come to us for employment assistance often also seek help on resume writing, performing at interviews, etc and other related areas.
"We produced the handbook to consolidate the know-how and tips that are needed to ace a job in an easy-to-read manner. With the launch of this initiative, we hope that job seekers will find it useful in preparing themselves thoroughly so that they stand a higher chance of being recruited."
- CNA/al
Posted: 28 July 2012 1357 hrs
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Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Mayor for North East District Teo Ser Luck[/TD]
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SINGAPORE: Residents living in the North East District will now have an additional toolkit to help them in their job search.
North East CDC with the support from the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) has launched "My Handbook to Employment" to guide residents in landing jobs of their choice.
The informative guide provides essential job application tips -- such as 'Identifying Self Awareness' and 'Preparing an Impressive Resume' -- to arm residents with the necessary skills to help them find gainful employment.
The guide is produced in four languages and targets rank and file employees, as well as Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).
The handbooks will be distributed at various locations, including libraries located within North East District, community clubs and job hubs.
Interested individuals can also attend the Employability Skills Enhancement Programme that is conducted in both English and Mandarin. Participants will be given tips on job search, including resume writing, and be put through a mock interview session.
The handbook was launched at the "Road Map to Better Jobs" Career Fair organised by North East CDC and WDA.
North East District's Mayor, Teo Ser Luck, said: "The number of job seekers in the district has risen to almost 30 per cent as compared to the previous quarter.
=> From? Half-fxxx minister giving half-fxxx statement. This is the quality of the FAP's $$$million ministers.
"And many of those who come to us for employment assistance often also seek help on resume writing, performing at interviews, etc and other related areas.
"We produced the handbook to consolidate the know-how and tips that are needed to ace a job in an easy-to-read manner. With the launch of this initiative, we hope that job seekers will find it useful in preparing themselves thoroughly so that they stand a higher chance of being recruited."
- CNA/al