How come they appointed someone else in the end to officially take the bookings. Should you not have referred to that person. I spoke to that lady who told me that you are not authorised. Do get her or Ng to make a statement that the information was incorrect and we can sort this out once and for all. My apologies if this is indeed the case.
The trouble with you is that you keeping moving from party to party with no commitments. You have become a weak link in the opposition chain. Reminds me of the old man who holds a cabinet positiion but has no specific responsibility or accountability
Like I said, all the PAP has to do is to go to you and get all the issues of all opposition parties and you are member of none.
Did I said I was the sole ticket agent? I was only assisting Mr. Ng. I posted messages on web & forward to bookings details to Mr. Ng. directly, my message included the number to contact Amy & Mr. Ng to make direct payment.
Amy was the treasurer & CEC member of course then she will the the final responsibility to collect the $$$$ and Mr Ng the chairman to allocate the table. My help is to spread message on internet, why everything have to be approved by you is it?
Amy had resigned from RP after JBJ's funeral.:( So you took over is it?

Who are you to decide that I must take a membership with a party?
I can not help them without becoming a member is it?
Your boss LKy's law huh?
I will support and assist those who are forward in fighting against famiLEE LEEgime and those who the famiLEE LEEgime seek to destroy. But I don't really appreciate a party platform. It is really just a burden & liability. In the past 1 or 2 decades I had helped at least 5 different parties, and it had been always nearly unilateral helps, I do really received any help from the parties. I only contributed what I can, and don't ask for anything, usually they don't have any thing to provide to me. Just complains and expectations and restrictions etc they imposed on me. So in my experience they are just burdens and liabilities which are part of the price I had paid to support or assist them. I will continue to do so. I will only stop when their burdens and expectations and restrictions etc got too much in my own ways.
I have my own objective to eliminate and punish greedy LEEgime, this is not what ANY existing party is up to. They can not live up to my expectation actually, e.g. SDP's 10 CEC members appologized to Old Dog Theif famiLEE in GE2006, I almost withdrew my support few days before polling. I paid price to support these parties but many times they only disappointed me in their push against famiLEE LEEGime. On top of that, they will then impose their own expecations and restrictions on my fight against famiLEE LEEgime. That is all a membership is about to me, the parties are not able to advance push against famiLEE LEEgime as far as I am, and then they want to hold me back to stay with them.
I will totally be compromized if I moderate and tone down my fight just to make some soft party members feel comfortable. It is easy for famiLEE to make them turn back and even appologize etc. But I ensure that they have no strings to pull me back with them. In a war fighters do fall in the frontline, but fighters shouldn't be pulled back by corpses of their fiends, forward is the only direction to go. I will step over corpses of my fellow fighters to go forward and fight the enemy, if these corpses want to grab and hold me back I will chop their hands, then I will chop the enemies heads. I will NOT be down because my fellow fighter are down. I will help them if they are pushing forward, or when enemy is striking them, even if they are unable to help me, that is OK, but I will not let them hold me back.
That is how I fight.
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There is no such thing in politics that fighters stick to a party.
Mr. Shih Ming Teh who led the Red Shirt Army against Ah Bian was the chairman of DPP, he resigned from DPP. Then he found the Red Party. Ah Bian was the chairman of DPP, he resigned from DPP also.
Late Mr. JBJ was sec gen of WP, he quitted the party and later found RP.
Mr. Chiam was sec gen of SDP, he quitted and fond PPP.
Mr. Ng Teck Siong was a co-founder of SDP with Mr. Chiam, he was a candidate wtih WP duirng JBJ era, he quited from both and he co found RP with JBJ.
Andrew Kwan was a PAP, he fight against famiLEE LEEgime and left PAP. There are many other ex-PAP within opposition, if you checked.
The examples are countless. It shows that people in politics do help each other and fight together some times and break away some times. It is norm and it is the same way in other countries and in history.