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Expiring/expired cunts demand are trending in Singapore!


Got cheebye then do it, you fucking slut.
I will send someone to gangrape you, film your big cheebye hole for the world to see.
Fuck your virginity, you old cunt!
You Asian turtle son of whore are definitely a criminal hiding in rat hole dare not go to my Facebook to do your evil filthy crimes while churning evil filthy lies of me with so much Asian turtle pride here. Pui!


You Asian turtle son of whore are definitely a criminal hiding in rat hole dare not go to my Facebook to do your evil filthy crimes while churning evil filthy lies of me with so much Asian turtle pride here. Pui!

You are a fucking slut!!!!


Can confirm if your mother is also a cheebye?
Very Kind Lady, go kitchen take a knife and fuck yourself in your cheebye.
You Asian turtle criminal go to my facebook to scam my name. Don’t worry I am not a criminal and won’t do that to your facebook account.


As usual Asian turtles sons of whores twist the truth of me refuting evil filthy coward lies to me emphasize virgin when it’s a fact I didn’t even mention it for years in this forum.
asian turtles sons of whores dare not take up virginity test challenge yet want to do evil with so much Asian turtle pride are so disgusting human cockroaches indeed.


Scam your mother's cheebye.
You dirty whore, spread your legs all the way to India.
see everyone? I fight for Ccb sinkies to hire local accountant instead of ceca accountant and that’s what I get in return. A virgin viciously slandered and attacked a whore. Ccb sinkies are not worth fighting for is proven beyond doubt. Just look at me for solid proof.


see everyone? I fight for Ccb sinkies to hire local accountant instead of ceca accountant and that’s what I get in return. A virgin viciously slandered and attacked a whore. Ccb sinkies are not worth fighting for is proven beyond doubt. Just look at me for solid proof.

Everyone can see you are a whore, a fucking cheebye whore!


asian turtles sons of whores dare not take up virginity test challenge yet want to do evil with so much Asian turtle pride are so disgusting human cockroaches indeed.
asian turtles sons of whores dare not even swear if I am a virgin they be burnt to death while I of course no problem to swear that a million times because the fact is I am a virgin and victim of vicious crimes by Asian turtles sons of chickens.