I'd like to take a step back and ask the question if it is worth it to chase after the S$-RM exchange rate. Cos I notice some will change their money whenever the rate starts to get somewhat higher than the previous rate. For those who do that, are you foreseeing that the RM will get stronger in time to come? From what I see, the trend seems like RM is steadily getting weaker against the S$ over the last many years.
For example, when it was S$1 = RM2.50 just a few months back, some were saying Wahhh, good rate! Must change! Cos it was only 2.40+ or so last time. If you had done the conversion then at 2.5 with a significant amount of your S$, at S$1=RM2.57 now, you would have lost 2.8%, which is quite a lot. So if you changed S$10k then, you already lost S$280 today.
Isn't it better to change only when you need to use RM, rather than get over enthusiastic whenever the rate goes up?
To me, I feel therein lies the problem with investing in Malaysian properties due to the weak RM. For eg, for those who bought properties when the exchange rate was at 2.3 some time back, just on currency factor alone, you would have lost more than 10% at today's exchange rate. Of course, the appreciation of the property value could be higher than that and overall, you might still gain, but the risks of currency exchange have to be duly noted.
Does the above make sense? I'm no expert in financial matters. Just my thoughts and reasoning. Feel free to discuss.