Managed to get some yesterday. Like fishing.
hmmm yoyo lah this time round only peaked for a while on Wed
hmmm yoyo lah this time round only peaked for a while on Wed
Has anyone ever noticed at the Raffles Place open space outside Arcade got impromptu Money Changer? There is 1 old man always seated around there. And if you observed he will be approached by i guess ppl who knows he offers this svc. haha u seelah like i have nothing to do so free observe ppl one.
I heard fr a friend the rate is much better cos i guess no rent to think abt. But the worry it can be considered money launderg as no transactn recorded. Haha no risk no gain i guess
CIMB now - 2.6648. Looks like stable for now
Raffles 2.685
If 2.70 is widely available at all MC, you will see long queues all over.
Just now at Chinatown Complex only 2695.ALL money changers now 2.7! but no Q.
Next week should drop more.