Re: Stupid Is Stupid Does
But, stupid atheists will believe in a STUPID and DEAD rock or scum pond to produce a living creature from nothing (no blueprint) for nothing (no reason). 
Clearly, you are parroting from what you are instructed in church. How could I believe in living creature coming from a dead rock when I have successful rebuked the biblical claim of human life forming from dust.
By playing a programmed record without using your head, you just cut your own tongue. And how rude you are, Mr prophet.
So, creatisnists like Mr Prophet are very Intelligent in believing that:
1. The earth is only 6000 years old
2. The earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolves around the earth
3. The earth was flat
4. Hell is at the center of the earth
Atheists are stupid because they believe in:
1. The age of the earth is least some hundred millions years.
2. The earth revolves around the sun.
3. The earth is round
I am going to expect you throw in the ridicules analogy of the typing chimpanzee soon, like playing a dead record over and over again.