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Everyone can see how evil shameless @houri cancel the fact that he is the one bullying me everyday and today spamming chicken lies in my cancer thread


Look at unrepentant murderer bully he is? Spamming lies is always you Cantonese dog self admitted son of DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE @Houri whereas I am spamming facts. Pui!


As usual you are always accusing me what you are liar criminal bully dog spamming chicken lies and call my facts as lies. Pui!
Proof right here @Houri spamming chicken lies in my cancer thread and yet he turned around to play victim accuse me bully and spamming lies 真够贱广东狗没底线没品

Post in thread 'Iodine deficiency not just caused thyroid cancer but also increased risk of breast, ovarian and uterus cancers'