Dear Scroobal
An old chinese saying comes to mind. First Generation builds, Second Generation maintains, third generation destroys, and yes here we are into our third Generation PAP leaders watched over by the first and the second.
What went wrong in the scheme of things ? How could a PAP in charge and in control of everything create such a disaffected and apethetic nation ? How when and why did this rot set in from the first to the current third generation of leaders ?
A wise man once said about the "helicopter vision" so beloved by the PAP. The Grass only looks greener because the shit is much deeper :_))
I believe that the PAP has created such a self serving, self back clapping, self congratulatory mechanism , self praise feed back loop, that they have stopped being able to smell the shit on the grass.
In so much as politicians are self delusional and full of excuses to begin with, I am starting to believe that the PAP is believing the very shit they are creating.
A warning sign of the rot for me would have been the no of people starting to reject PAP tea parties and adomitions to serve the nation.