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Posted on 06 May 2010
Cleaners to increase frequency of clearing bins especially in evenings, says TC
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Ang Mo Kio- Yio Chu Kang Town Council have instructed cleaners to increase the frequency of clearing bins in response to STOMPer Jay's feedback about the rubbish found near a litter bin. They will also step up on educational efforts to persuade residents to help keep the estate clean.
The town council said in a response:
"We refer to STOMPer Jay’s feedback on rubbish found near the standing litter bin at Block 464, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 on 5 May 2010.
"Following the feedback, the Town Council has ascertained that there are some elderly folks who rummage through the litter and recycle bins, usually late at night.
"They often leave an unsightly mess in the process.
"In this instance, the spill-over litter pictured in STOMPer Jay’s feedback have been cleared.
"The Town Council has instructed the cleaners to increase their frequency of clearing the litter bins, particularly in the evenings.
"Further, we will also step up on educational efforts in the form of posters and notices to persuade residents to work with the Town Council in keeping the estate clean."
Cleaners to increase frequency of clearing bins especially in evenings, says TC
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Ang Mo Kio- Yio Chu Kang Town Council have instructed cleaners to increase the frequency of clearing bins in response to STOMPer Jay's feedback about the rubbish found near a litter bin. They will also step up on educational efforts to persuade residents to help keep the estate clean.
The town council said in a response:
"We refer to STOMPer Jay’s feedback on rubbish found near the standing litter bin at Block 464, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 on 5 May 2010.
"Following the feedback, the Town Council has ascertained that there are some elderly folks who rummage through the litter and recycle bins, usually late at night.
"They often leave an unsightly mess in the process.
"In this instance, the spill-over litter pictured in STOMPer Jay’s feedback have been cleared.
"The Town Council has instructed the cleaners to increase their frequency of clearing the litter bins, particularly in the evenings.
"Further, we will also step up on educational efforts in the form of posters and notices to persuade residents to work with the Town Council in keeping the estate clean."