As tstar has spoken for me (thanks bro!), my HDB loan has a few thousand outstanding. Right now CPF also as good as kosong. As a single income earner with family, my resources have always been stretched, especially when there's a new kid on the block (which some say is the best investment LOL!). Anyway, like tstar has also said, my move over to JB also means I am still stretched, but there is a new stream of income from HDB rental that comes in handy to lighten a bit. In addition, it made possible to own additional two freehold property assets (or liabilities, depending on how one views them) in JB, compared to just keeping one HDB unit if I choose to stay in Singapore. Yes, in a way I am living dangerously, there are risks involved, whether I choose to buy JB or buy a bigger HDB, because we needed a bigger space. The risk free option is remain in same HDB for the reminder of our lives, and feel it getting smaller as kids grow bigger. So yeah, it's move to improve our family life, which hopefully works out well. No risk no gain, right? :p