Ah cslong ah, ah highflyer ah, ah relaxman ah, where have you been since you had chickened out from sec thread? 病情又发作啦, 吃药时间到啦? I have a good friend who is a shrink, I can recommend to you. I understand you could be paranoid to attend my proposed moral values class out in this open forum, so a private session with my friend sounds ideal and less intrusive for you. How? Let me know and I can pm you his contacts. I sincerely want to help. No chickening out again hor.....Cheers.![]()
Confirm cslong == Highflyer. Same biases and comments with terrible grammar.
I see traffic degenerating across board on this living in JB forum.
Kudos to the admins for a job well done!
A dumb statement. Traffic degenerating?? funny, how come you still posting here??
Still wanna talk big and yaya? Pls repent.... Is just a mild warning before you get your another nick huatgugu end up just like you, vohkster.
Still wanna talk big and yaya? Pls repent.... Is just a mild warning before you get your another nick huatgugu end up just like you, vohkster.
Mild warning? What? Since when u are an admin here? If u start respecting other developers n stop spewing crap and actually owned a property perhaps people will take ur views seriously. Let that be a serious warning to you.
Meanwhile for those with VIP tickets to Lee Hom, I as a bonanfide owner of Eco Springs ( unlike some salesman) am happy to announce that gates will open at 7pm. No free food but my sales rep tells me they will get food trucks at the venue. There is too much to cater to 30k crowd and safety n logistics does not allow such arrangement. Means u have to pay if u want food. Normal ticket holders and VIP is free seating. VVIP holders get designated seating. First come first serve. I hear there is confirmed fireworks at the end. Enjoy your night of exclusive entertainment. Even so-called reputable n rich China developers can't offer such benefits to property owners. The only fireworks RnF owners will probably see is NDP fireworks across the causeway. What class!
So childish. Like a kid that never been to a concert before? Btw, watch carefully on your Eco Spring unit. Many EcoWorld models have design flaws. You may need some help from feng shui master. Seriously, i dont mind helping.
Idiot Long, get back to your RF kennel now! Else no shit for you tonight! Cheers![]()
Well those whose developer cannot afford to pay for grapes will say sour grapes. Don't be so naive, if feng shui was a cure all, all of us will be rich already. I don't believe in feng shui cos I think a person is in control of his own destiny n fortune. If u believe in feng shui but yet don't work hard how to afford Eco Spring? I won't stop you from believing that changing ur bed position or toilet bowl position or hacking down walls every 2 years will make u rich. After all the feng shui masters n contractors will thank you for supporting their livelihoods. If I had the money I would invest in a good sound proof system and good air purifier system. After all luckily I don't stay beside a polluted n noisy causeway. Worst facing a stagnant waterfront.
Thanks for your offer. Judging by your reputation, I think ur feng shui tips will make us die faster n poorer.
Come on. While some may believe that Feng Shui is only superstition, an increasing percentage of the population consider it essential for good luck and will only consider homes that have good Feng Shui elements.You clearly knew that. Why resist it. So far, my Feng Shui advise is based on facts. You can double check it in internet or ask any Feng Shui Master if you dont believe me.
If you asked Feng Shui "master" whose livelihood depends on it, what answer do you expect? It's a no brainer. In my view, the most apt answer that will settle the argument is 信者有,不信者无!:p
Of course those who do not believe in feng shui can definitely ignore all warnings alerted to them. However, highlighting this issue especially on the floor plan design flaw of Eco Summer and Spring helps potential buyers to re-think and deliberate further before making a decision on their investment choice. This why we have this forum. Some people here must learn to respect others opinion. I dont pluck the info from the air. Is base on facts and experts opinion. For example, having a slant ceiling such as at Eco Spring units is a known bad feng shui element. We do not want people to spend above RM1mil and end up with a house that have so much bad feng shui elements, right?
While the proportion of Chinese population in the world is significant, it is still much less than 50%. One wonders how the "majority" of the world population gets by without suffering the dire consequences of bad feng shui as you put it. I stand enlightened.![]()