Bankers are CECAs
Sinkies are taxi and PHV drivers
You forget, Sinkees are jaga, gets fuck by the Bankers who are CECA & tell them, they bought their condo for 1.5 million.. PAP is the best.
Bankers are CECAs
Sinkies are taxi and PHV drivers
PAP had created more jobs for Singaporeans, you don’t like?
Nowaday even Deepavali got fireworks ... CNY no have.
I don't like jobs that pay only $2k a month. I want jobs that pay $7.5k a month with minimum 2 months bonsu. That's the offer Ah Nehs get. Why not sinkees?
JP morgan is not a sinkie co. They have every rights to employ any nationalities/race. During the course of my work i also notice alot of sinkie company employing non sinkie citizens too.So can u blame the company?
Nobody blaming any company that employ any nationalities; you are diverting the smoke from the fire.
I was replying to winnipig questioning why cant sinkies be paid same. If ur a boss of a co. How do u chose ur applicant? Base on race, nationality or qualification/experience? I am just speaking in general.
Back in the day is in what year?Back in the day, Sinkieland was a vibrant city, a mini Hollywood of SE Asia.
Then the Familee and its scholar-technocrats took over. The 'vibrancy' you see now is a fake one, like inside a theme park.
Back in the day is in what year?
I dont ever remember sinkieland as mini hollywood.
Maybe mini Hong Kong lah.
Before I was born lah. 1940s to early 1970s. Lol!
Yes that time ramlee was not yet a burger.