aiyo, seems like i hurt someone's delicate feelings
Thot you cld do with a tongue lashing. Was just doing you a favour. But let's not sidetrack the thread.
aiyo, seems like i hurt someone's delicate feelings
Thot you cld do with a tongue lashing. Was just doing you a favour. But let's not sidetrack the thread.
seriously, no need to get all so defensive. nobody's judging you
No, not defensive. In fact, enjoying myself as i always do.
I agree. One day I saw a draft presentation by a overseas returned scholar and I saw one of his headers "Causation Factors". I asked him why not "Causes". He told me that the presentation must reflect his standard of education.
In another case of overseas returned scholar, much of the content was not flowing but was laden with bombastic words. He obviously spent much time carrying out word replacement with the help of a Thesaurus.
I however noted that kids of senior servants and professionals(especially doctors) tend to do much better in articulating. And clearly its the home environment that made the difference. I wonder what is going on in our schools.
I think that most Singaporeans are firstly, not deep thinkers by habit, and secondly, they don't compose their thoughts well before speaking. Look at some of the interviews on CNA and local TV. They seemed rather overwhelmed by the mike in front of them and gave out really lame cliched broken sentence answers. Worse, some even tried smart alec soundbites, which really should embarrass Singapore. At first, I thought it was because English is not our mother tongue, unlike the angmohs, esp the Americans, esp the blacks, who are without fail very articulate and clear in their diction. I didnt mind the Singaporean accent or the inability to pronounce some words correctly if they took more trouble with finding the right words and expressing their feelings with more accuracy. Compare them with street interviews in HK, Taipeh, Japan or even China. These people in contrast, gave more meaningful answers and as a result came across as more thoughtful, profound and sincere, and not some convenient stereotyped, hackneyed phrases. The result is that they projected themselves better. If this were to happen in job interviews, there is no doubt who will get the job. I have come across many angmohs wo are no more better qualified on paper than Sinkies, but when they stand out there to give an impromptu speech, they win hands down.
I After a year of working in Temasek, thru a local contact managed to get a job with one of the largest law firms here as a Business Development Executive.
it means admin manager or something la. law firm is a business wad. of course it has to solicit business/clients
Law firm is not supposed to be a business. They have their own 'publicity rules' that forbid them from soliciting clients.
Far from it, the bottom line is $$$.
When Hong Kong was the "Regional Office HQs for tons of MNC" in the 80s. The first time I visited one of these offices, have a shock, almost none of the staff can speak in non-halting English, including those in Management. Although they can communicate very well in Email.
And their Cantonese accented spoken English till today, is many times worse then us.
When asked why Singapore was looking for people like her - her sincere answer was a million bucks. According to her, the locals can't speak or write English properly and firms that deal with international firms cannot employ locals.
This is probably the most ironic thing in this country. We complained, got upset/angry because some foreign workers could not utter enough english to do the work here.
Then, we have some foreign workers refused to hire local singaporeans because the local workers could not utter enough english to do the international work.
Are we doomed or what?
dumb means dumb, no need justify
facts speak for themselves
during interview, singaporeans under 30 years old tongue-tied like fuck or use standard rehearsed answers
I think that most Singaporeans are firstly, not deep thinkers by habit, and secondly, they don't compose their thoughts well before speaking. .
i agree. Singaporeans generally are a shy lot. I'm in America right now - throw a stone and 80% of the time you hit someone who can talk the socks off a Singaporean. It's a good reason for parents to send their kids overseas. These kids will be forced to catch up with the angmohs and when they come back they'll be more eloquent than locally educated kids.
i see you haven't spent enough quality time there to figure out that 80% of these 'can talk the socks off a singaporean" types have no substance to back their fluent statements of opinions.
In life, perception is reality. It really doesn't matter whether "substance" is forthcoming. All that is required is the perception that "socks talker" is confident and knowledgeable.