When Visa International appointed its new AP Regional head in Singapore, he began taking in his fellow country from Standard Chartered Bank where he was previously from. They were all Ang Mos(Britsih). One of them sent out an email on how they successfully have come together in Visa. He unfortunately sent the email to all staff and there was an uproar.
Standard Chart had to fill many vacancies and for the first time began picking Indian National for the first time. Now the entire Middle Management is Indian.
I have been watching all these and the idiots that get left out are the Singaporeans.
Aiyoh, I have lots of respect for you bro scroobal but why do you, like may others here, belittle fellow Singaporeans?
If you see an open manhole then a blind man walks into the manhole, do you call the blind man daft? If you see a man with a limp that cannot run fast, do you belittle him for being slow? When you notice an elderly being slow in comprehension, do you belittle the elderly?
Likewise, you and I, we may see things that others don't but that doesn't mean that we are better or smarter or that we should belittle others that we see as being less able.
The blind man has very likely inculcated his other senses to the point where he is more intuned than you and I when it comes to our hearing or smell. The man with a limp has grown to appreciate things in life that we, in our haste, have missed and lost. The elderly have so much wealth in experience and knowledge and love.
What we throw away or belittle is what we lose. The more you throw, the more you lose. When you are old, you will have nothing left to throw but yourself. Such is life and the knowledge of life and the good that life should bring unto us all.
I have said may times before, do not blame the 66%, let us take the blame instead for it is us that sees what they do not see and it is imperative, now, more than ever to share what we know and feel with others that need it.
In a period of strife and hunger, you have a loaf of bread and the person next to you has nothing to eat - do you bellitle this person for having nothing or do you give this person a piece of your bread? How much you give is truly your prerogative but do you give sufficiently to this person or do you belittle him?
I believe most of us here know we have a part to play. The utmost question is how to play our relative parts.
In signing off, I would like to point out that readers may wonder how unqualified and poorly skilled FTs can survive in MNCs. The answer is simple in that a lot of products from MNCs really sell by themself, through branding, marketing and effective pricing. Most of which are done a a select group of highly qualified professionals who may or may not reside here in Singapore.