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Dr Jeremy Ng, SGH head of surgery, suffered cardiac arrest while jogging and kicked the bucket


At 35 .. the last time I had passed my 2.4km & earned $100 incentive but was that long long time ago

Now I can only walk & I dun even do cardio exercise like jumping jacks anymore :biggrin:

Jumping jacks still can la. I always do three sets of 20 after my gym session 2x per week. Each session is about 3km of fast walk on thread mill with 3 x 200m 'fast jog' (12km/h) but that's about my limit before I feel uncomfortable. Each person's safe tolerance level is different, we just need to know our limits.

Long-distance running above 35 is not advisable as it's not only damaging on your knees but will overwork your heart.

Some more everyone is jabbed with the untested mRNA vaccine, so it's better to play safe else else one day while jogging you suddenly noticed a thick fog in front of you and you start feel lighter and lighter and float around...LOL.


At this age one should know own limit and not to go jogging running etc.
People have the wrong thinking that to keep fit one need to jog but this is rubbish. It will make it worst and fasten death.
Just go walk, it will be better for your heart.
This is a good piece of advice


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jogging is good but best is to get health screening to detect other hidden causes of danger and most importantly after jogging, you need to give yourself sufficient time for recovery, like one or two days of rest before the next round of jogging. Don't do it continuously.


Jogging is good but best is to get health screening to detect other hidden causes of danger and most importantly after jogging, you need to give yourself sufficient time for recovery, like one or two days of rest before the next round of jogging. Don't do it continuously.
Actually jogging itself is the best health screening. It's completely free.

Robert Half

Jumping jacks still can la. I always do three sets of 20 after my gym session 2x per week. Each session is about 3km of fast walk on thread mill with 3 x 200m 'fast jog' (12km/h) but that's about my limit before I feel uncomfortable. Each person's safe tolerance level is different, we just need to know our limits.

Long-distance running above 35 is not advisable as it's not only damaging on your knees but will overwork your heart.

Some more everyone is jabbed with the untested mRNA vaccine, so it's better to play safe else else one day while jogging you suddenly noticed a thick fog in front of you and you start feel lighter and lighter and float around...LOL.

I had 3 pairs of dumbbells (2kg, 3kgs & 4kgs) & a magnetic bike. I normally do stretching exercises then weight training & 10 mins cycling all done at home :biggrin:

Walking is done outside Orchard Road to Bugis Junction. I did not buy thread mill cos they said its consume too much electricity.

For me .. no more long distance running in morning & mainly doing exercises at home.

I took sinovac cos I got to know a few old retired doctors took it. They all think that this is safest vaccine in the world :biggrin:
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Actually jogging itself is the best health screening. It's completely free.
Yes screen already thru jogging only two outcome.

1) you feel very fresh and shiok or..
2) you feel sudden pain in your chest then wake up in a thick fog and start to feel very light and float over your body...


Is to establish baseline so Turthspeaker cannot distort turth
Truth is anyone can catch a cardiac arrest be it vaxxed or unvaxxed but after covid vaccine roll-out, every physical and mental sickness are amplified.

Just like death. Death also happens before covid but excess death after covid already tells you something not right. Go figure.

What distort truth? Your IQ level is so low still want to argue about truth everytime

Flying Horse

The ecg tests u do everytine are all bs.
If majority of the population wake up from this bs and STOP repeating it again and again mindlessly letting those hospitals and ECG machine vendor milking their bank account thinking that everything is fine when the ECG report say so. The problem is most people don't seriously think about what benefit do I get by all these ECG test. ECG is only relevant to those who have congenital heart defects not healthy normal person.


Majority population will not wake up. Don’t waste time on them. Just let them live in their own delusion. They were probably the NPC born to this world and their role is to be a NPC, so they are not entitled to enlightenment unless they could prove otherwise