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Chitchat Did the cameraman know Tan Chuan Jin had something with Cheng Li Hui?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe the cameraman also kena makan by that nymphomaniac?

Camera pans in this regime are neither accidental nor random.

Remember these two embedded turds at the NDPs? The camera 'magically' panned to them. :rolleyes:


orh mee suah

Seemed like it.
TCJ became Speaker of Parliament in 2017, before the last general election in 2020.
I am wondering if the PM has been frank with the people.
Look at Tan Chuan Jin’s very first speech as Speaker. At the 12 secs mark, the camera was pointed towards Cheng Li Hui who seems to be smirking as Tan Chuan Jin was speaking!

Even the cameraman knew?!



Look at Tan Chuan Jin’s very first speech as Speaker. At the 12 secs mark, the camera was pointed towards Cheng Li Hui who seems to be smirking as Tan Chuan Jin was speaking!

Even the cameraman knew?!

Good spot. It's unnatural to linger on some minnow so early in the shot. And it's not like the two guys in front are hotshots.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
These things are usually open secrets just that peasants not privy to it
When he was demoted to speaker was already the time it was out in the open
Just like playboy Shan’s dalliances were well known within the legal community