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Delulu Gin accuses another two blokes of whistling at her


K Shanmugam Sc Today 3 July 24 within ten minutes (6.54 pm and 7.03 pm), I was harassed twice by two men in Fairprice near my home that whistled at me. I don’t want to endanger myself anymore to confront evil doer men but obviously they are guilty conscious dare not confront me taking photo of them. Anyway Fairprice should have cctv to confirm they are whistling.

How can it be everyday everywhere I go got such evil cheap men whistling at me whenever they saw me if there’s no evil conspiracy against me? Are Malaysians and locals ETC allowed to gang up to smear and defame a woman as slut whore mistress and use whistle to harass me?

This evil is definitely started by evil Malaysian criminals in JB since 2017 and obviously so widespread that I can meet two harassers within ten minutes in Fairprice today. And in mayfair too the harassers prime suspects Hongkie Cantonese and China woman use whstle to harass me too and someone just hit my dining room window a few minutes ago. Usual prime suspects Hongkie Cantonese and China woman (or her accomplice).





Why isn’t IMH activated yet? It seems like many mentally unstable people are not housed inside. Too many crazies to fit inside or?
I'm not sure is there really a legendary siao lang geng.
Imh is for patient to stay in a ward, and it needs the patient themselves to agree to visit a psychiatrist and thereafter being warded, with a standard hospital ward settings.
Whereas a siao lang geng is a cell with white padded 4 walls. For this we need someone to activate and arrest a siao lang. Gansiokbin belongs to this group.


Old Fart
So... she does her grocery shopping at the NTUC supermarket at Jurong East Street 31. :biggrin:

Check the floor tiles and decor. :wink:

you should go there and surveil. Start whistling and if any woman takes your photo, take her photo in return and post here. We will be eternally grateful!:biggrin: