When you care you're farked ! lol.......
Just do whatever you do as long as you harm none, you can answer to the law/authorities and your own conscience that's about it.
The rest are just arguments for fun to let off steam, anger and frustrations and share jokes etc nobody really knows who's who in here plus when a guy puts a Moslem nick or Indian nick or iLoveChinese nicks chances are it's opposite they're here to disgrace that nick lol...........
Don't forget we have a lot of Malaysians, Filipinos and many of those 'Sovereign' folks among us that hate SG for what it is...... yet stuck here /rofl
The only thing is are you here to share, have fun or enlighten others for the betterment of humanity or you love to see the world or certain people burns. Let me remind you the perception is the reflection of thyself.
If you do things out of righteousness or care you will synchronize with that energy you'll draw those energy or events towards yourself if you've not learnt or noticed that then "
May you live in interesting times" (
寧為太平犬,不做亂世人) "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos." lol...........
The Kingdom of GOD is within.