.......... homosexuality is no longer an evil sin. [Psalm23: That's the problem in human institution. Today is sinful, tomorrow not sinful....But God's laws never change....homosexuality is always sinful since from OT to NT time! ]
This is a public forum. You can say whatever you want to your fellow Christians in the privacy of your church. Nobody will care. But if you do it publicly, be prepared to get flamed! [Psalm23: Yes....and this applies to you too...be prepared yourself to get rebutted for some of the evil things you are telling people.]
That's a straw man. In reality, less than 5% of the population is gay. Gays have always been around, and mankind is still doing pretty fine reproducing itself. [Psalm23: How you come out with the less than 5%....I don't think anyone know the percentage...but the danger is when people like you started to spread the evil gospel like "your sex organ is yours, and it's none of God's business; Buddhist scriptures tell you that homosexuality is not a moral issue; translating everything and anything into homosexulity....than overtime the percentage will increase. As mentioned, even secular governments acknowledge that if homosexual became widespread, the collapse of society and value family is imment. Sadly, many developed nations and largely to ensure the government of the day is politically-correct so that they can be re-elected again, these nations simply give up and legalising same-sex marriage which is in essence allowing homosexuality to thrive. When this become a problem in the society at large, everyone has the right to voice their concern....just like you feel there is nothing wrong in homosexuality - you too are exercising your voice and spread this evil gospel of homosexuality.]
I will be happier if you could just open your eyes and see that your Lord Jesus Christ is indeed a homosexual. [Psalm23: I can't say anything more than you are going to be happier because you hope that people who believe what you say will make you happier as a homosexual (and I presume you are because of your 3-infamous claims).I think that subconsciously you believe that to be the case, as can be evidenced by your compromised response to me. [Psalm23: I am fully conscious that that cannot be the case. The world is really indeed of a Saviour because of sinners like me, and Jesus, as the Son of God came to be our Saviour. And since when I have compromise your response? You are trying to be have some sense of comfort by trying to 'proof' that homosexuality is ok...you quote Buddhist scriptures; perverted the scene of the last supper when John laid his head to listen to the heartbeat of Jesus.......let me repeat....Many verses in the NT....notably in the Book of Matthew and also in the Book of Revelation, Jesus has told us plain and clear: Homosexuals (people like you...unless you repent) will be kept out from His Kingdom. It is our responsibilities as born-again Christians to tell our own Christian brothers and sisters about this gosepl truth and not to believe in what you have told: Buddhist scriptures tell you that homosexual is not a moral issue. Quite to the contrary, Bible is very clear that homosexual not only a moral issue but participating it will be excluded from the Kingdom of God. Let me add here that the scene at the Last Super when Jesus was with all His disciples is one of the greatest scenes in the Bible; it was there that we are told of two extreme type of people - one who was prepared to betray Him i.e. Judas Issariot and and other who is always listening to the heartbeat of what the Saviour has to tell Him, i.e. John. For John's steadfast love of God and everready to do carry out what God has told Him, John was given, among other things, two of the important jobs - one was to take care of Jesus earthly mother, Mary, and the other was that God revealed to him at the Patmos Island and the he, John could pen this revelation in the last of the Bible - the Book of Revelation. Many of the things that God reveaed to John was ridiculed for many years but today with the latest science and technology, many people including famous scientists have been very baffled by this Book which among others tells people of the electronic commerce, nuclear energy and more importantly how the events that will lead to the return of Jesus and these events are almost exactly of what we see today....among others...the widespread of evilness like homosexuality. We, meaning truly born-again Christians have great spiritual lesson to learn from this....we need to keep our ears close to the heartbeats of God and rather than the heartbeats of the world. The worldly heartbeats we hear will cause us alot of headache and confusion where the heartbeats of God will give us comfort and peace...Unlike John whom he could hear the physical heartbeats of God by staying close to the chest of our Saviour, however, God's heartbeats can be heard loud and clear when we read of His Holy Word, the Bible!
Lastly, I am fully conscious of what you said....and I am making a very consciously assessment: Given all your infamous claims you must be a homosexual and to justify yourself, you are now trying to include famous people like Buddha, Jesus to be part of you, or at least approving your sexual-orientation!]