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De-dollarisation has started


It started when trump used USD as a weapon of mass destruction.
Enemies of US have been talking about replacing USD as international currency esp. when it is a democratic president. It intensified during Obama.

When Trump is president, nobody dares make a move because everyone fears Trump.

But nobody gives a damn about Biden.


China need US to flourish. No way will they jeopardise this bridge for short ten supremacy. It has lead its people to consume both resources and energy.

I should sell gold when I can.

syed putra

China need US to flourish. No way will they jeopardise this bridge for short ten supremacy. It has lead its people to consume both resources and energy.

I should sell gold when I can.
China export to US about same value as to EU. To Asean it is 15% less. So asean is equally a important market to china.


gold price
Gold prices from 1980 - 2005 hovers about average 400 USD/oz; thereafter ranges between 1000 - 2000. It will simply be a long term uptrend because of global fiat money printing.

It is not true "everything" is nowadays made in China. China controls markets only in cheap, mass-produced goods - low value-added (low profit margin) and relatively low-tech, e.g. cheap plastic goods, toys, sneakers, electronic parts. The US, Europe, Japan and Korea make the high-end high-profit goods. When you go to NTUC, Giant, ... do you find made in China chocolates, instant coffee, biscuits. The favorite cream crackers are from our region, Malaysia, Indonesia. No one trust foodstuffs from China.

The exports of China does not make the Yuan a "strong" currency. In fact, the Yuan must be relatively weak in order for China to win export markets for cheap goods. So the Yuan can never replace the USD as the key international currency in the foreseeable future - not within the next 100 years. When China improves technologically, it does not mean the rest of the world would not be able to keep up - not a certainty.

The current composition (2020) of the worlds official reserves by currency:
USD - 60%
Euro - 20%
Sterling pound - 4.5%
RMB - 2.25%

The key currencies would not change for a long time to come.

"Einstein's E=mc² Is Invalid"
Chan Rasjid Kah Chew,

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
That's what you get for confiscating other countries' funds in your reserve bank. Especially poor Afghan people who need the money to save their starving children. Now the Biden administration wants to pull the same trick with the Russians. The Europeans will have to buy their groceries in Russian Ruples soon

syed putra

That's what you get for confiscating other countries' funds in your reserve bank. Especially poor Afghan people who need the money to save their starving children. Now the Biden administration wants to pull the same trick with the Russians. The Europeans will have to buy their groceries in Russian Ruples soon
Its more like stealing.


That's what you get for confiscating other countries' funds in your reserve bank. Especially poor Afghan people who need the money to save their starving children. Now the Biden administration wants to pull the same trick with the Russians. The Europeans will have to buy their groceries in Russian Ruples soon

Next time got Petrorubles liao. There will be multiple currencies use to trade. Usa self pwned themselves. Money changers cannot just choose customers. Like change alley dun like ur face sanction u then dun change money for u?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Next time got Petrorubles liao. There will be multiple currencies use to trade. Usa self pwned themselves. Money changers cannot just choose customers. Like change alley dun like ur face sanction u then dun change money for u?
Biden is now in Brussels and they'll go to Poland after this. Hopefully Macron and Scholz can talk some sense into the old lizard -- Ukraine is already a lost cause

syed putra

The question is, is Biden in control? He sounds as puppetty as Zelensky to me
All US presidents are 7uder the control of the arms industry,
Like what putin said. Since he was in cbarge of russia, there were 4 US presidents, but sll similar international policies. Very confrontational.