I have never asked him why he divorced his wife, all this while, who coincidentally, share the same first name as the female protagonist in the public saga now.
According to him, his marriage with Wendy lasted for only a few years. Wendy was his childhood sweetheart whom he eventually married. He said she "changed" considerably after their marriage and the frequent tensions and squabbles became excruciatingly unbearable for him. As a result, he would often work late in office, to avoid Wendy and all the matrimonial spats.
A couple of months from those late nights in the office, he eventually fell for one of his younger and supposedly more empathetic female subordinate. For privacy reasons, I shall refer to her as "Saseko".
His intimate affair with Saseko went on for a couple of months until one day, Saseko demanded that he divorced Wendy. He said at that time, he finally realised that he had made an error of judgment.
He added that before he could even come clean to Wendy, Saseko had already SMS-ed Wendy, requested for "showdown" talks ~ all done without his knowledge. To his shock and horror, from Wendy’s affidavits filed in the divorce courts, Saseko had even met Wendy privately many times without his knowledge and revealed all ~ to the extent of even showing pictures of them “making out” during business trips. The next thing he knew, Wendy threw him out of their matrimonial home. He was so upset that he ended the relationship with Saseko as well. He said he couldn't continue with such a "fucking" slut.
First, he cheated on Wendy. Second, he dumped Saseko. Third, he went on with a few other women, like Cocotte.