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Dark Knight rises


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dark Knight massacre: 12 dead, including children, and 38 injured as maniac, just 24, opens fire at Batman premier in Denver theater

A masked gunman broke into a Denver cinema and shot dead at least 12 people and wounded 38 others, including children, during a late-night screening of the new Batman movie.

James Holmes, 24, entered the mall in Aurora, Colorado dressed in black and wearing a gas mask and bullet-proof vest and set off a smoke bomb at the showing of The Dark Knight Rises before opening fire.

A 12 year old was among those killed. Scores of victims are now fighting for their lives; the youngest is just three months old, and is believed to have been shot at blank point range in the back.

Witnesses said that the man burst through the emergency exit at the front of the auditorium 30 minutes into the screening. He began firing into the audience with a rifle and two handguns as he made his way up the stairs, picking his victims at random.

The unnamed man was arrested carrying two firearms without incident in a car park nearby and told the police that explosives were stored at his home. He remains in police custody.

'He did not resist. He did not put up a fight,' Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN.

Police chief Dan Oates told reporters that an apartment block in the north of Aurora had been evacuated as a consequence of the man's claims his apartment had explosives.

He said they suspect that another handgun was found left in the cinema but there was no evidence of any other attackers. He added there was no immediate knowledge of the motive.
'Witnesses tell us he released some sort of canister. They heard a hissing sound and some gas emerged and the gunman opened fire,' Mr Oates said at a news conference.

The incident at the Century 16 cinema complex began at 00:30 local time - 30 minutes into the start of the screening.

The preview trailers had just finished when a gas canister exploded in the auditorium.

A witness told CNN: 'We heard anywhere from 10 to 20 shots and little explosions going on. Shortly after that we heard people screaming.

'Then they came on PA system and said everyone needed to get out. As soon as we got out, there were people running around and screaming.'

Police received the first emergency call at 00.39 a.m. local time.

Police, ambulances and emergency crews swarmed on the scene after frantic calls started flooding in to authorities, officials said.

Cell phone video taken at the cinema by a witness showed crowds of people screaming and fleeing the building, with some with blood on their clothes.

One witness reported seeing a police officer carrying a girl who looked to be nine with gunshot wound to her back. 'She wasn't moving,' the witness said.

Several others have said there were children at the screening and the youngest victim reported was a three-month-old baby. A six-year-old is also being treated.

Local reporter Justin Jones said: 'The attacker shot a baby at point blank range.'

Another eyewitness, James Cameron, added that the baby girl was shot in the back.

Local hospitals have been alerted to a 'mass casualty incident' and police officers are taking people to hospital themselves, not waiting for ambulances.

Hayden Miller told KUSA-TV that he was inside Theatre 16 and heard several shots. He said at first he thought it was part of a louder movie next door, but then he saw 'people hunched over leaving theatre.'

The FBI say they are working with local police. They say it is still early in the investigation, but that there is no terrorism link so far. The car park of the mall remains closed off.

Police spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson said: 'The scene is still very active and we have little information for release at this time.'

Hospitals reported shrapnel injuries and Denver University hospital reported it was treating three people for 'chemical exposure'.

With ambulances rushing to the hospitals, some chose to get to the nearest medical facility by foot.

Brenda Stuart, of 850 KOA Radio, said: 'Police are taking people to hospital in their own cars, not waiting for ambulances to arrive. There were chaotic scenes as people desperately tried to flee.'

According to local reports the gunman carried out the shooting because the new Batman movie was sold out.

President Obama made a statement in the early hours of this morning to pass on his condolences to the families and to offer his support to Aurora.
'Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado,' he said.

'Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my Administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time.

'We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded.

'As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family.

'All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come.'

Mitt Romney added: 'Ann and I are deeply saddened by the news of the senseless violence that took the lives of 15 people [sic ]in Colorado and injured dozens more.

'We are praying for the families and loved ones of the victims during this time of deep shock and immense grief. We expect that the person responsible for this terrible crime will be quickly brought to justice.'

Aurora is located on the outskirts of Denver, about 10 miles southeast of downtown.

It is the worst mass shooting in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999. Fifteen died, including the shooters.

Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at the school in the Denver suburb of Littleton, about 15 miles west of Aurora, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school's library.






Alfrescian (Inf)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Drop-out PhD student who massacred 12 at Batman movie screening looked like and said he was the JOKER

The reclusive drop-out PhD student behind the Dark Knight screening shooting spree said he was 'The Joker' after he carried out his horrific attack, it has been revealed.

James Holmes, 24, had painted his hair red to resemble Batman's arch nemesis before firing into the crowded theatre in Aurora, Colorado, according to New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

'It clearly looks like a deranged individual,' Kelly said of the shooter at a news conference, CBS reported. 'He had his hair painted red. He said he was "The Joker", obviously the enemy of Batman.'

A neighbour also reported that police, who were searching Holmes's apartment for explosives, asked him if he had seen 'a white guy with crazy hair, possibly dyed unnatural colors', the Denver Post said.

It has also emerged that Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 and injuring 59 after buying a ticket to the film, had been studying at the University of Colorado's medical campus until June this year.

But neighbours at university housing in Denver described Holmes as a recluse who kept himself to himself. One student said: 'No one knew him. No one.'

Holmes - who had been working towards his PhD for a year before dropping out - had one song blaring from his stereo in the hours before the massacre and left the music on repeat in his booby-trapped apartment as he departed to commit the massacre.

His shocked mother confirmed that he was behind the massacre, telling reporters: 'You've got the right man.'
A federal law enforcement official told the Associated Press that Holmes had bought a ticket to the midnight showing and went in to the screen as part of the crowd.

He then propped open an exit door as the movie played and put on donned protective a ballistic helmet, vest, throat protector, gas mask, black tactical gloves.

Witnesses said he threw a smoke grenade and waited for it to explode before opening random fire with an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remmington 12-guage shotgun and a 40-caliber Glock handgun. He also had another 40-caliber Glock in his car, police said.

Twelve people died in the horrific attack, and the bodies of 10 victims are still inside the theatre, police said. The youngest victim is believed to be just 12.
Scores of injured victims are now fighting for their lives; the youngest is just three months old, and is believed to have been shot at blank point range in the back.

Holmes was arrested in the cinema parking lot where he did not put up any resistance. He told police he had explosives at his North Aurora home, and they closed off the apartment to search.

In an address today, President Obama said he was 'heartbroken' to hear of the 'heinous' crime.

'Such violence, such evil is senseless. It's beyond reason,' he said. 'But while we never fully know what causes someone to take the life of another, we do know what makes life worth living.

'What matters, at the end of the day, is not the small things, the trivial things that so often consume us in our daily lives. Ultimately, it's how we choose to treat one another, how we love one another.'

He added that if anything can be taken away from the tragedy, 'it reminds us that life is very fragile'.
Witnesses at the movie theatre said the man burst through the emergency exit at the front of the auditorium 30 minutes into the screening.

He began firing into the terrified audience with four guns as he made his way up the stairs, picking his victims at random.

'Witnesses tell us he released some sort of canister. They heard a hissing sound and some gas emerged and the gunman opened fire,' Mr Oates said at a news conference.

The incident at the Century 16 cinema complex began at 00:30 local time - 30 minutes into the start of the screening.

The preview trailers had just finished when a gas canister was thrown across in front of the screen and exploded in the auditorium.A witness told CNN: 'We heard anywhere from 10 to 20 shots and little explosions going on. Shortly after that we heard people screaming.

'Then they came on PA system and said everyone needed to get out. As soon as we got out, there were people running around and screaming.'

'He looked so calm when he did it,' another witness said. 'It was like scary. He waited for both the bombs to explode before he did anything.

'Then, after both of them exploded, he began to shoot. He had no specific target. He just started letting loose.'

Witnesses said that the shooting was so brutal that bullets went through the walls into the next theatre, where one person was hit.

Police received the first emergency call at 00.39 a.m. local time.

Police, ambulances and emergency crews swarmed on the scene after frantic calls started flooding in to authorities, officials said.

Cell phone video taken at the cinema by a witness showed crowds of people screaming and fleeing the building, with some with blood on their clothes.

One witness reported seeing a police officer carrying a girl who looked to be nine with gunshot wound to her back. 'She wasn't moving,' the witness said.

Among those killed was Jessica Ghawi, an aspiring sportscaster who had recently moved to Colorado from Texas.

She was shot as she watched the film with a male friend, who was injured.

Jessica had escaped another deadly shooting in Toronto on June 2, after a gunman fired in a mall food court, killing one man.

Several others have said there were children at the screening and the youngest victim reported was a three-month-old baby. A six-year-old is also being treated.

Local reporter Justin Jones said: 'The attacker shot a baby at point blank range.'

Another eyewitness, James Cameron, added that the baby girl was shot in the back.Hayden Miller told KUSA-TV that he was inside Theatre 16 and heard several shots. He said at first he thought it was part of a louder movie next door, but then he saw 'people hunched over leaving theatre.'

The gunman was arrested without incident in a car park nearby and told the police that explosives were stored at his home. He remains in police custody.

Police chief Dan Oates told reporters that an apartment block in the north of Aurora had been evacuated as a consequence of the man's claims his apartment had explosives.

They found the suspect's apartment rigged with tripwires tied to bottles of unknown substances. 'It's not something I've ever been before,' Oates told an early-afternoon press conference.

Around 6.40 a.m. local time, there were a reports of an explosion at the apartment.

Police said that another handgun was found left in the cinema but there was no evidence of any other attackers.

They added there was no immediate knowledge of the motive.

The FBI say they are working with local police. They say it is still early in the investigation, but that there is no terrorism link so far. The car park of the mall remains closed off.

Police spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson said: 'The scene is still very active and we have little information for release at this time.'

Hospitals reported shrapnel injuries and Denver University hospital reported it was treating three people for 'chemical exposure'.

With ambulances rushing to the hospitals, some chose to get to the nearest medical facility by foot.

Mitt Romney said today: 'This is a time for each of us to look inot our hearts and remember how much we love each other. Our hearts break for the victims and their families.'

Brenda Stuart, of 850 KOA Radio, said: 'Police are taking people to hospital in their own cars, not waiting for ambulances to arrive.

'There were chaotic scenes as people desperately tried to flee.'


Alfrescian (Inf)

Batman movie screening looked like and said he was the JOKER
NY Police Commissioner said gunman said he was Batman's enemy


Alfrescian (Inf)

The Dark Knight cinema massacre may have been inspired by a Batman comic book strip, it emerged on Friday.

The bloodbath is a chilling copycat of a 25-year-old Batman comic strip which features a deranged gunman opening fire in a cinema.

In the second issue of The Dark Knight Returns, written by Frank Miller - the creative mind behind Sin City and 300 - gunman Arnold Crimp opens fire in a pornographic theatre, killing three people, after listening to Led Zepplin's classic track 'Stairway to Heaven.'

Text from the page reads: 'Arnold Crimp fingers the cold steel thing in his pocket and stares at the movie marquee and does not throw up.

'He thinks about Led Zeppelin and how they are trying to kill him.

'He had not known about Led Zeppelin until Father Don on TV had explained it last night.

'Father Don said that Led Zeppelin hid a prayer to Satan in their song Stairway to Heaven.

'They hid it very well. They recorded it backwards.

'Arnold Crimp took the album from the record store where he worked until they fired him this afternoon and transferred Stairway to Heaven to tape.

'Then he played the tape backwards. He played it forty-seven times until he was absolutely certain that Father Don was right.'

Crimp then walks into a cinema, which is screening a pornographic film called My Sweet Satan, and opens fire.

Holmes motives behind the massacre are unknown, but if he was a fan of the Batman comics, then he may well have read the issue featuring Crimp's killing-spree.

The comic itself is still in print, and on Friday it was available in several Waterstones' book shops, priced £12.99.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Apparently he was a PhD student. He certainly dispels the theory that all terrorist have long beards or are a minority race or uneducated. He looks like any other ordinary guy on the street. Scary.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Apparently he was a PhD student.

i heard he was graduate student at Colorado medical school


The man suspected of carrying out the Colorado movie theater shooting, wearing a Batman-like outfit of black ballistic gear, was a 24-year-old Phi Beta Kappa graduate student in neuroscience.

James Eagan Holmes, from San Diego, was a graduate student in the neuroscience program at the University of Colorado Medical School campus in Aurora, a university spokesman told NBC News. He was in the process of withdrawing from school, the university confirmed.

"The University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus can confirm that Mr. James Holmes was in the process of withdrawing from the University of Colorado Denver's graduate program in neurosciences," the university statement said. "Mr. Holmes enrolled at the university in June 2011."

The university website listed one of his courses as the Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders. He was listed on the class website as making a presentation in the spring on MicroRNA biomarkers.

The University of California, Riverside, confirmed that a student named James Eagan Holmes, with the same date of birth, graduated with a bachelor's degree in neuroscience in 2010. He graduated in four years, attending from the fall of 2006 to spring 2010. Public records show that the Holmes living in Aurora had a previous address at a Riverside dormitory.

A student who lived across the hall from Holmes at Cal-Riverside, who asked not to be named, said Holmes completed the honors program and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key honor societies.

"I always thought that he was a little strange. I could never put my finger on it, but something told me to not get to close to him, female instincts I guess," the female student told NBC News. "I had tons of classes with him and lived across him in the Honors dorms. He was a very smart guy though. He was a little bit of a weird guy, but we were honors students, so weird people were kind of common."

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Friday that Holmes, born Dec. 13, 1987, is the man who is believed to have killed at least 12 people at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie in Aurora, a suburb of Denver.

"We are confident that he acted alone," Oates said. He said he had no way to tell how many rounds were fired, but it was "many, many."

Holmes was arrested without any resistance at his white Hyundai car in the theater parking lot, parked just outside the theater's back door.

He was wearing a black ballistic helmet, a ballistic tactical vest, ballistic leggings, throat and groin protectors, a gas mask, and tactical gloves, Oates said. The police chief did not address reports that Holmes told officers, "I'm the Joker," referring to the villain in the Batman story.

Four weapons were found, Oates said.

The purchase place and dates are still being traced, and the chief said he didn't know yet if Oates had the weapons legally.

Holmes will be arraigned in court on Monday. News organizations have made requests to the judge to allow cameras in the courtroom.

The only previous police record for Holmes is a speeding ticket in October 2011, the chief said.

Know James Holmes? If you have information, send an email to Bill Dedman of NBC News.

NBC's Pete Williams reports the Colorado gunman identified as James Holmes carried two pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun into the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," and said authorities are looking into how he was able to get in through the theater's emergency exit.

Holmes' family, who live in Rancho Penasquitos, a community in the northeastern part of San Diego, issued a statement through the San Diego Police Department.

"Our hearts go out to those who were involved in this tragedy and to the family and friends of those involved," the statement said. "We ask that the media respect our privacy during this difficult time. Our family is cooperating with authorities in San Diego, California, and Aurora, Colorado. We are still trying to process this information and we appreciate that people will respect our privacy." A man believed to be Holmes' father was seen leaving with luggage, escorted by police.

A neighbor, Tom Mai, told The Los Angeles Times that Holmes was a shy, well-mannered kid who was very active in the church. He had trouble finding work after college, Mai said, and then went off to graduate school.

Holmes attended Westview High School in San Diego, graduating in 2006, the Poway Unified School District confirmed.

A woman who said she knew him in high school told NBC News that Holmes was a good person, but oddly always rooted for the villains in superhero movies.

"He was a nice guy. Who very much wanted to be liked and wanted," the woman said. "He was a very, very smart guy. I honestly can not believe he could do this. I know, I know, everyone says that. But it is truly devastating to me.

"He did not have many friends for someone who wanted to be liked," she said. "He loved all the villains in superhero stuff, which I did point out as odd. Most people enjoy the hero!"

Public records indicate that Holmes lived with two roommates, also from California, in the Aurora building where police have found explosives, at 1690 Paris St., Apt. 10. The building is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus.

The Denver Post newspaper reported that Holmes, in an apartment rental application he last year, described himself as "quiet and easy-going." A pharmacy student who lives in the building told The Post he called 911 around 12:30 a.m. Friday because there was a song blaring from the stereo inside apartment 10, where Holmes lived. The student, who wanted to be identified only as Ben, said he couldn't make out the song but that it seemed to be the same one playing on repeat. He also said Holmes kept to himself and wouldn't acknowledge people when they passed in the hall and said hello. "No one knew him. No one," he told The Post.

The Washington Post reported that a neuroscience faculty member at Colorado who said he taught Holmes said he immediately thought of Holmes when he heard that a student was accused of the shooting. He was “very quiet, strangely quiet in class,” and said he seemed “socially off.”

Holmes did very poorly on his comprehensive exams last semester, the instructor told the Post, and the school was considering placing him on academic probation, but was not considering expulsion.

Melvin Evans, who was a bouncer at a karaoke bar near Holmes' apartment, said he recalled Holmes as a patron from checking IDs. He said Holmes would stroll into the Zephyr Lounge, sit quietly in a corner booth and have a Budweiser. "He would just sit by himself. He wouldn’t talk to anybody," Evans said. "He was really, really mellow, really calm. You wouldn't even look twice at him, if you passed him on the street."

Officials said Holmes was not on any watch list that would have alerted authorities that he was dangerous, officials said. The incident was not believed to have any connection to international terrorism, they added.

An earlier report that the car Holmes was driving had Tennessee plates turned out to be incorrect, officials said.


Apparently he was a PhD student. He certainly dispels the theory that all terrorist have long beards or are a minority race or uneducated. He looks like any other ordinary guy on the street. Scary.

Welcome to America. That's the "first world" cuntry that brainwashed Sinkies refer to whenever they need a straw man to knock democracy. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)


Investigators are looking for clues into the motive which led James Holmes to carry out an attack and allegedly kill 12 people at the screening of the new Batman film on Thursday night.

Bomb disposal experts have started the delicate process of entering Holmes' flat in Denver, Colorado, and have warned the intricate wiring means they may have to remove trip wiring which could cause explosives.

The 24-year-old is said to have allegedly created a 'sophisticated' and potentially deadly trip wiring explosive at his home.

Police described the scene as something they have never experienced before and have been using robots to enter the property.

Detectives are also investigating a profile believed to have been set up by the University dropout on a sex-cruising website.

The AdultFriendFinder page, which belongs to a 24-year-old user calling himself 'ClassicJimbo', features pictures of a man who is remarkably similar to Holmes but with dyed red hair.

The profile said he is looking for 'casual sex' or a 'fling' - and writes, 'Will you visit me in prison?'

While there are a couple of minor discrepancies on the profile, including a birth date and height which are slightly different to those reported by officials, it is convincing enough to have attracted the attention of police, according to Mediaite.

The man's red hair fits with the statement by NYPD boss Ray Kelly that the gunman had dyed his hair before the cinema attack.

The user, who admits to not being well-endowed, writes: 'Looking for a fling or casual sex gal. Am a nice guy. Well, as nice enough of a guy who does these sort of shenanigans.'

Under 'Education', he writes, 'Some grad school' - which would fit with an identification of him as PhD dropout Holmes.

'ClassicJimbo' created his account on July 5, and last accessed it on Tuesday.

Holmes, who referred to himself as 'The Joker', was equipped with an arsenal of more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition when he allegedly killed or injured 70 cinema-goers at a screening of The Dark Knight Rises.

Six of the victims who had been named by the end of the night were Jessica Ghawi, 24, Alex Sullivan, 27, John Thomas Larimer, 27, Matt McQuinn, 26, Micayla Medek, 23, and AJ Boik, 18.

Holmes had bought a movie ticket and sat down before sneaking out before the first fight scene in the film. He is believed to have propped open a fire exit before driving his car back to the door.

Inside the boot of his car he had an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 870 shotgun, and two Glock handguns. Now armed with the weapons he burst back into theatre 16 and opened fire shortly before 12.30am.

Some witnesses said they first thought the shooting was part of the movie and said Holmes moved up the cinema aisle, shooting anyone who tried to flee.

Detectives said Holmes was dressed all in black, wearing a ballistic helmet, a tactical ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat protector, a groin protector, a gas mask and black tactical gloves.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said: 'It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red. He said he was "The Joker", obviously the enemy of Batman.'

The Joker is the arch villain in Batman but Holmes' black outfit, gas mask and multiple weapons bears similarities to Bane, the badman in the new Batman film. Bane also wires Gotham City with explosives


Detectives said they have ruled out all links to terrorism but reported that Holmes' living room had what looked like sophisticated trip wires connected to bottles containing unknown liquid.

Bomb disposal experts evacuated neighbours in five nearby buildings and said it could take time to work through the intricate wiring.

Student Kaitlyn Fonzi, 20, and boyfriend nurse Chris Rodriguez, 30, said they fear Holmes may have tried to lure them into his booby trapped apartment.

The pair lived below Holmes and said they heard loud techno music playing at 12am - moments before the shooting spree started.

Music blared from the flat for an hour and Kaitlyn said: 'I went upstairs to complain but there was no one there. The door wasn't locked and I was going to poke my head in but chickened out.

'I'm glad I didn't. We think the music was on a timer.'

A neighbour also reported that police, who were searching Holmes' apartment for explosives, asked him if he had seen 'a white guy with crazy hair, possibly dyed unnatural colors', the Denver Post said.

Police said they arrested Holmes in a car park behind the cinema.

With some of the deceased still missing, authorities have said they will not release a full list of those who were killed or injured in the attack.

However, families who have been informed of the deaths have chosen to come forward to pay tribute to their loved ones.

Alex Sullivan said he had 'planned a weekend of fun' and had started with celebrating his birthday 27th birthday by watching the screening with friends.

He was also looking forward to celebrating his first wedding anniversary on Sunday. Late on Friday, Sullivan's family confirmed that police told them he was among those killed.

Micayla Medek, 23, was also among the dead, her father's cousin, Anita Busch, confirmed the death.

The family of Navy serviceman John Thomas Larimer, 27, said they anxiously tried to contact him but realised he was among the dead when a Navy notification team contacted them.

The knew he had been at the theatre and later said: 'At this point, our other son Noel is in Denver working with the Navy and the family here in Illinois to make arrangements to bring John home.

Eighteen-year-old AJ Boik died after traveling to the midnight viewing with his friend Jordan Crofter, 19, who is believed to be distraught over the death.

Matt McQuinn, 26, has been hailed a hero after diving in front of his girlfriend Samantha Yowler as Holmes took aim.

The death of Jessica Ghawi, who was also known as Jessica Redfield, was a 'complete and utter shock,' said her brother, Jordan Ghawi.

The 24-year-old only last month wrote about how she had survived a shooting at the Eaton Centre mall in Toronto which killed two people and left several injured.

She had moved to Denver from Texas about a year ago to pursue her dreams of becoming a TV sports presenter.

It has also emerged that Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 and injuring 58 had been studying at the University of Colorado's medical campus until June this year.

The massacre took place 20 miles from Columbine High School where two students killed 13 people in 1999.

On Friday night, well over 1,000 people joined vigils at nearby churches and outside the theatre itself to commemorate the victims of the shooting.

Families of the dead paid tribute to their loved ones after receiving news that the worst had indeed come to pass.

Alex Sullivan's uncle said: 'He was a very, very good young man. He always had a smile, always made you laugh. He had a little bit of comic in him. Witty, smart. He was loving, had a big heart.'

The cousin of Micayla Medek said that the report of her death had come almost as a relief after a terrible day of waiting for news.

'I hope this evil act doesn't shake people's faith in God,' she added.

Holmes's firepower included 3,000 rounds of ammunition for his A-15 assault rifle including a 100 drum magazine which could have fired a staggering 60 rounds a minute.

Chillingly, he bought it all over the internet with no apparent checks to see if he was stockpiling.

The full scale of his planning was revealed by Aurora police chief Dan Oates in an emotional press conference in which he almost broke down in tears and vowed to ensure Holmes went to jail.

He said: 'The most important thing is that there is justice for these victims, and that justice will occur in a courtroom'.

Chief Oates said that Holmes had stocked up in just 60 days before going on his killing spree.

He said: 'He purchased four guns at local gun shops and through the Internet he purchased over 6,000 rounds of ammunition, more than 3,000 rounds of 223 ammunition for the assault rifle, 3,000 rounds of 40 caliber ammunition for the two glocks in his possession, 300 rounds for the 12 gauge shotgun.

'Also through the internet he purchased multiple magazines for the 223 caliber assault rifle including one 100 round drum magazine which was recovered from the scene.'

'Even if it was semi-automatic I'm told by experts that with that drum magazine he could have got off 50 to 60 rounds within a minute. As far as we know it was a pretty rapid pace of fire in the theatre.

'My understanding is that all the weapons he possessed he possessed legally and all the clips that he possessed he possessed legally and all the ammunition he possessed, he possessed legally.'

A source familiar with the investigation told the Daily Mail: 'It's insane that he was able to buy all this stuff so easily and legally.

'He had an arsenal and nobody stopped him. With Columbine on everyone's minds it makes you wonder how much has really changed'.

When asked how the investigation had affected him personally, Mr Oates nearly broke down in tears and had to pause to compose himself.

He said: 'Our cops went through a lot. They rushed people out of that theatre into police cars... I've heard some compelling stories...

'One of the things we're working on is how we are going to deal with our own trauma. Somehow in the next couple of days, when this has slowed down, one of our highest priorities is to deal with our own officers'.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Recluse: Holmes went to high school in San Diego, where his parents still live; he is pictured right in his 2005 high school yearbook


Weapons of choice: He had a Colt AR-15 Tactical Carbine and .40 caliber glock handgun (file pictures)



Power: He also had a Remington 870 Marine Magnum (pictured) with him, and another glock in his car


Alfrescian (Inf)
They say this if the final epic sequel, I think Christopher Nolan will not be the writer and the director anymore.

Overall I like the pace of the movie, a lot of talking, Batman bikey is awesome, Anne Hathaway is brilliant in this movie, not a fan of her before....


Alfrescian (Inf)
They say this if the final epic sequel, I think Christopher Nolan will not be the writer and the director anymore.

Overall I like the pace of the movie, a lot of talking, Batman bikey is awesome, Anne Hathaway is brilliant in this movie, not a fan of her before....

in your opinion. is it better than avengers?
i am still waiting for avengers to show up on blu ray


Alfrescian (Inf)
in your opinion. is it better than avengers?
i am still waiting for avengers to show up on blu ray

Definitely better than Avengers which cater to general target audience, Batman is more dark and serious. However I like Sam Raimi Spiderman best, the current one a bit too teen idolish.....

Best Comic movies
1) Spiderman
2) Batman
3) Ironman
4) Xmen
5) dunno... cant think of any yet...

Worst Comic movies
1) Street Fighters
2) Mortal Combat
3) Tekken
4) Dragonball :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The Dark Knight Rises Is a Good Movie
By Hervé St-Louis
Jul 21, 2012 - 10:52

This is the last film in a trilogy by comic book and film writer/director Christopher Nolan that looks at the core Batman character through the lens of the realistic Batman lore from comic books begun in Batman: Year One. Here, Bruce Wayne must face Bane, an excommunicated League of Assassin terrorist that wants to destroy Gotham with a nuclear bomb and create chaos from by letting the people judge the rich. By completely defeating Batman and breaking his back in a fight, there is nothing stopping Bane from achieving his ends, or is there?

Whereas Batman Begins’ photography was caught in a perpetual sepia look The Dark Knight Rises is very different, showing a world of daylight colours where Batman fights in broad daylight. Scenes’ colouring themes are adjusted to what their meaning is about. In The Dark Knight, most of the action occurred at night and we didn’t. Batman was a creature of the night. The cinematography in this film proved that Batman can look real even when he fights Bane in a street filled with cops and terrorists. That scene where the two fought in the midst of the other assailants was breathtaking. They slowly moved towards one another until the fight just erupted.

The integration of the bat jet was also impressive. It didn’t look like a 3D batwing at all. It felt as solid and real as the batcycle used throughout. Really, the special effects team outdid itself with this movie. In terms of film editing and pure cinematography, this may be Christopher Nolan’s best Batman film.

The story was incredible. I was expecting a poor movie with something unreal and less entertaining than The Amazing Spider-man released just a few weeks ago or even The Avengers. The Dark Knight Rises is in my personal opinion much better and with a more breathtaking story than either of the Marvel Comics-inspired blockbusters. Not once did I get bored in this film or even assumed I knew where the film was going next. Usually you can tell where the film is going, what the next arc will be. Of course towards the end, you just know Bruce Wayne will rise again and come back to Gotham City, but the movie is too involved to even allow you one second to ponder where it’s going next. If you lack focus and or have attention deficit disorder, this is your film.

First, call me a fool, but I had no clue about Talia. I will leave it at that. I was totally taken by surprise even if it had been foreshadowed way back in a love scene at the beginning of the film. Truly pitting Bruce Wayne’s two main love interests against one another was a stroke of genius. I don’t recall seeing something like that even in the batman comic books.

As for Bane, without any special drug, he is still the man who can defeat Batman any day of the week, until the end. That’s the Bane I like. He’s more than the parody he has become in comics and way smarter than most of Batman’s villains. I’d say even in Young Justice and the recent Justice League : Doom, Bane was not as impressive. This Bane ranks all the way with the likes of the Joker and Ra's Al Ghul in terms of villainy. He’s really an exceptional match for Batman.

I really feel that the Aurora shooting will shed a negative light on this incredible movie, where within its own continuity, Batman clearly states how he disdains guns. Many scenes in the film did echo the shooting in a prescient way and that made for a very delicate viewing. Fiction was no longer edgier than reality in many parts of this film.

Another thing I noticed in Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises was the echoing of the 99 Percent and Occupy movement very lightly but never completely. It’s hinted there, but Nolan clearly says that anarchy is bad and that order and the police should be the uncontested power. I enjoyed the second cameo by the Scarecrow played by Cillian Murphy. He’s been in all three movies now. That rocks!

If you’re not too squeamish about visiting your local movie theatre, I would suggest that you go catch The Dark knight Rises. In the theatre I went to, there were at least five local police officers patrolling the area and paying attention to movie goers. This is not the type of society where I want to live, where cops are even policing movie theatre. I keep remembering that quote about giving up our freedom for more security is giving up everything. Some people may feel more secure with the police officers on site, but are we really gaining anything when we can’t even go to a movie theatre without all of us looking like suspects?

Rating: 10/10