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Cyclist punch people car but balls shrink and escape when driver call police


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should have just run him over. Here's a reference guide from the Tiongs.



Cyclists are pest
but not all leh
i am a PCN cyclist and i observe all rules. i don't even ring the bell on pedestrian walkways when there are people blocking my way. they usually give way when they turn their head back and see that I am behind. i also dismount my bike and push when the walkway is to crowded...


but i know there are many pest cyclists even on the pcn. speeding, and creating dangerous situations with humans sharing the pcn paths. then there will be those who refuse to dismount and push on certain bridges when the sign saying dismount and push, like the bridge connecting tanjong rhu to national stadium side. the other bridge is changi point beach side to changi point hawker centre. very inconsiderate behaviour


so the driver calls the police.... what exactly do you think the police will do for you? go arrest the cyclist for you? lol... u wait ok wait long long... let me tell you even if you capture the cyclist punching and causing dent to your car on 4K FHD camera, the police still will not be able to do anything besides telling you to go file a magistrate complaint and hire own lawyer, etc... all ownself prepare to pay maybe >$10K, $20K....... for nothing.... am I right SPF?

Even after you managed to jump through all the fire hoops, ton of time wasted, and wore yourself down and finally the guy kena the most act of mischief nia..... and fine him how much only lol.....


Damage people's car have to run before anything else.
He was stupid to even point the middle finger.
Once I rode my bike passed a car and hit the left mirror while squeezing in between lanes. I disappeared even before the driver could react to it.


There are always 2 sides to an incident between 2.

The camera can be used as evidence, but only circumstantial, as the actual damage to the car was not shown, or what triggered an exercising individual on a lightweight bicycle to supposedly 'knock' on the car with his soft bodied hands.

The insignificant nobody me had heard from acquaintances whom own cars but take pleasure in driving closely to bicycles INTENTIONALLY, usually using their side mirrors to hit them, & then gloat with pleasure over such incidents, probably because of their dislike of them hogging the roads.....when there is SO MUCH space on even one lane for both to share.....

All it needs is tolerance, to share & avoid unpleasantness. Why spoil a beautiful day hurting & harming others, which will result in civil suits with more time & effort taken? Was the car really damaged, or one's pride & ego?


All it needs is tolerance, to share & avoid unpleasantness. Why spoil a beautiful day hurting & harming others, which will result in civil suits with more time & effort taken? Was the car really damaged, or one's pride & ego?
Tolerance, yes it is required, to a certain extent.
In this case I think the car driver over reacted by sounding his horn several times.
However, I do not agree that the car need to be damaged in order for the car to horn at the cyclist (probably once or twice will do) it is to let him know he has banged his car and that he is not the king of the road.
Eg while you are walking comfortably and someone bang onto you, he need to apologise to you too, even you will not suffer any injury as a result , even the slightest.
Hence pride or ego should not come into place here. Basic courtesy is the correct word to use.
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syed putra

Damage people's car have to run before anything else.
He was stupid to even point the middle finger.
Once I rode my bike passed a car and hit the left mirror while squeezing in between lanes. I disappeared even before the driver could react to it.
Probably no damage done. Wing mirrors are designed to flex upon minor impact.


Probably no damage done. Wing mirrors are designed to flex upon minor impact.

Probably only recent made cars in China will perform as you said but will still need a significant amount of pressure to close on its own, otherwise, it will be a horror to continually adjust the side mirror in a mere tropical storm or at hi speeds, let alone better cars made from EU or US.

However, based upon the camera, the car was moving at slow speeds as a traffic light was ahead, & the lane was wide enough for both to co-exist, & thus the pressure to graze upon the cyclist would be minimal, but would harm the Human cyclist made of flesh, to provoke a response.

Was there a need to drive so close to a cyclist, who is a fellow Human & a precious life, with a right to share wide roads, to insanely self determine oneself as king of the road?


LTA started this feud : Cyclist & Motorist to share the road ...
Cyclist without COE, Road Tax, Insurance, no knowledge highway code
But can permit them to cycle on the road