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Cyclist punch people car but balls shrink and escape when driver call police


Most highways have 3 WIDE lines, & even on estate roads with single lines, it is often WIDE enough for both cyclist, bikers & cars to co-exist. It is about tolerance, sharing & thankfully as SbfUncle had said - basic courtesy.

The insignificant nobody me do drive, & when I encounter cyclists, especially on weekends mornings when they do their regular exercising on highways, and most of them would only keep to one lane, I often either move to one side, safely on the WIDE lane, to avoid them, or slow down if the next lane is busy, await till there is sufficient space to filter safely to the other lane, to continue my journey.

It is only a MERE matter of seconds, which would not take up much one's time, no matter how CRITICAL one's journey is.

It may be a pragmatic choice I made, to save myself from hitting upon another fellow Human & the legal consequences that would follow, but MORE Critical that is INGRAINED in my mind is that EACH life is precious & means something special to another....

To share an experience - a fellow worker had her finger severed accidently in the manufacturing plant. When I heard of it, within seconds, while others were too shocked to react, I scooped her up along with the severed finger, place her carefully in my car, and pedal to the metal to NUH.

Even then, the traffic was heavy, with cars & bikers, some whom showed me their rage with middle fingers & horns when I overtook them on the road, but it is nothing compared to cries of pain from the passenger beside me, & I had to focus on road to make SURE that I still follow the highway code, although on a stretched perhaps hope, to not only save her life, but other road users as well....
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