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Sinki Tutor tio charge for killing a AMDK Cyclist in Perth...now wash karcheng to prepare Aussie Long Stay

Scrooball (clone)

Maybe people wear many hats leh

How can maths tutor suka suka go Perth and has property dispute?
High flier leh. What talking you? A McDonald’s manager needs to order supplies, cook fries and do shift planning, does that make him or her a ‘high flier’? Haha

Property dispute means what? He owns the house? He is renting? He is child of the owner?


High flier leh. What talking you? A McDonald’s manager needs to order supplies, cook fries and do shift planning, does that make him or her a ‘high flier’? Haha

Property dispute means what? He owns the house? He is renting? He is child of the owner?
that is why must read in between the line ,young man :smile:


High flier leh. What talking you? A McDonald’s manager needs to order supplies, cook fries and do shift planning, does that make him or her a ‘high flier’? Haha

Property dispute means what? He owns the house? He is renting? He is child of the owner?
One of those minor Shareholder , perhaps?



SINGAPORE – A 27-year-old Singaporean man has been charged with murder in Perth after he was accused of intentionally hitting a cyclist with his car, dragging the victim under the vehicle for over 30m.

Ng Jing Kai is said to have approached the 48-year-old cyclist over a property dispute around 1.45pm on May 24 while driving a grey Kia Carnival car in Carlisle, a suburb in Perth.

Ng then hit the cyclist with his car, “causing him to be dragged by the vehicle for a short distance, sustaining critical injuries”, the Western Australia Police Force (WAPF) told The Straits Times on June 21.

He really got the guts… driving the pest of the road to their dead end… ha ha ha