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Cure for cancer, aids, etc


Alfrescian (Inf)
I wasn't sure of the benefits of drinking water ozonated. A friend told me that Spore uses O3 to clean our water & I was concerned that the cleaning agent(03) must be harmful to humans if it's strong enough to kill pathogens. I was wrong and many sites recommend the drinking of O3 water regularly for the benefits it can provide.

Even the FDA has accepted that it is safe, http://www.biozone.com/ozone_drinking_water.html

When you ozonate water it kills all the pathogens and that is a good thing However the half life of ozonated water is about 30 minutes so you can't store it & have to drink it within 30 minutes if you want the full benefits.

Warning: Must use glass containers to store ozonated water because it will damage plastic. That's why silicon tubes & not plastic tubes are included when you buy an ozonator.

They recommend avoiding tap water because of the impurities in it. Try to using cold mineral water or cold distilled to make ozone water. Colder water is better because the colder the water , the longer it will reatain the ozone. If you are doing the Beck protocol you should following the sequence found at http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/BobBeck-OZ.html

I found the following site which is about the power of ozone interesting, http://educate-yourself.org/ozone/

The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©


A Quick Overview ©

By Ken Adachi <[email protected]>

Introduction / Therapeutic Applications / Ozonated Water / Ozonated Olive Oil /

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Ozone is an unstable, but highly beneficial molecule. It's the tri-atomic form of oxygen: Instead of the normal arrangement of 2 atoms of oxygen (O2), ozone is comprised of 3 atoms of oxygen (O3). Ozone, however, doesn't want to stay in that tri-atomic state very long and unless held in check or bound by other molecular couplings, ozone will usually break down from O3 to O2 + O1 within 20 minutes of so (at atmospheric pressure at least). O1 is called a singlet oxygen atom and it's HIGHLY REACTIVE. with just about any substance that should NOT be in the human body including all pathogens (virus, bacteria, etc.) and synthetic compounds or their metabolites such as drugs and their metabolite residues.

There are 3 common methods of producing ozone.
1. Hot Spark
2. Ultraviolet light
3. Cold Plasma

Hot spark (corona discharge) production was used mostly for industrial applications, but today you will corona discharge ozone available for personal application. Ultraviolet and cold plasma are most commonly offered in therapeutic work.

Cold plasma will produce far greater quantities of ozone in a given space of time compared to ultraviolet production. However, that is not to say that the ultraviolet method is not a useful method of producing ozone. When you want a smaller, steady trickle of ozone, then UV might be the better choice.

Some cold plasma units also have the capability of producing short-lived isotopes of ozone which include O4, O5, O6, O7 etc. These isotopes are even more reactive than ordinary O3.

Ozone reacts with many common chemcicals, but some compounds are non-reactive. See this link for more information:

Therapeutic Applications
Ozone can be applied to the body in a number of ways. The Germans have a long history of applying ozone in a therapy known as Autohematherapy. This therapy requires the removal of a pint of blood from the body, ozonating it, and reintroducing the blood into the bloodstream.

A second technique is to introduce the ozone directly into the bloodstream via intravenous injection. The idea of intravenous injection has raised concern with some people concerning the notion of gas embolism which might lead to a heart attack or blockage in the lungs. Gas embolisms, however, do not occur with pure ozone. Air, which is largely composed of 80% nitrogen and 20 % oxygen, will create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not ozone. Nitrogen will create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not ozone. The rate of ozone delivery and the very small needle used to inject the ozone, guarantee no possibility of gas embolism. Do not allow this bogus fear tactic to keep you from investigating this highly effective and safe therapy!

A third technique is to introduce the ozone gas stream into the colon via the rectum (called Rectal Insufflation).

A fourth technique is to ozonate water and have the patient drink it.

A fifth method is something that I learned from a cancer patient (Mark Blakemore) who was given a couple of months to live by his oncologist. He was able to cure himself of cancer with ozone by allowing a gentle stream of ozone to enter the bloodstream by holding the ozone output tube about one inch from his eardrum in a process known as ear insufflation..

A sixth technique for assimilating ozone through the skin is called an Ozone Shower. You enclose the body part (or the entire patient from the neck down) in a plastic bag or a jumpsuit made of Tyvek (a permeable synthetic fiber) and attach a tube carrying the ozone stream into the bag. The patient is nude if it's a full body application. It's best to warm up the skin and open pores by taking a warm shower beforehand. Breathing a substantial concentration of ozone is irritating to lung tissue, so you should point a fan at the patient's face to keep him from breathing the ozone directly.

The therapeutic properties of ozone can be astounding. Organized Medicine, the FDA, and above all the Pharmaceutical giants have been actively suppressing information about ozone therapy for the better part of this century. Officially, the FDA list ozone as a toxic gas, an utter and contemptible falsehood. Many healers, including licensed MD's and chiropractors have been jailed and viciously harassed for treating (and healing) patients with ozone. Why? It works and the pharmaceutical houses, along with their puppets in the FDA and local medical boards don't want you to know that it works! That's why.

Ozonated Water
Ozonated water is highly beneficial for either healthy or sickly people. It's easy to make and should be consumed regularly. Besides providing more oxygen to the brain (greater alertness and mental clarity), Ozonated water will oxidize pathogens and synthetics residues in the body, allowing their complete elimination through excretion. To make Ozonated water using our generator, simply place the output tubing with the attached air stone bubbler into a large empty glass or pitcher. Fill half of the glass with ice and top off with clean water ( I normally use distilled or spring water and avoid tap water, but use tap water if you have nothing else. The ozone will oxidize out the undesirable contaminants in tap water).

Run the generator for 5-10 minutes for a large glass of water and 20-25 minutes for a pitcher of water. The purpose of the ice is to make the water as cold as possible in order to absorb more ozone and hold onto it for a longer period of time. Room temperature water loses its ozone within a few minutes. Drink the Ozonated water as soon as you can after making it. The ozone is constantly coming out of solution and will completely dissipate in about 20 minutes, so the sooner you drink it, the more ozone you'll get. Don't try to guzzle it because it's icy water, but keep on sipping it steadily until its all down.

You can extend the 'shelf life' of Ozonated water by adding a couple of drops of ConcenTrace (available in most health food stores as a trace mineral supplement) to the water before you ozonate it. You can then bottle it and keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. Some ozone will attach itself to the minerals in ConcenTrace and prevent it from bubbling out of the water so quickly.

Ozonated Olive Oil
You can ingest a teaspoon of ozonated olive oil once or twice a day and get a steady internal application of ozone. You can use any olive oil, but I prefer to use organic Extra Virgin Olive oil. I nearly fill an 8 0z. glass jar (with a screw on lid) with olive oil. You can bubble ozone through the oil for 60 minutes if you're using a 100-200mg ozone machine or 30 minutes if you have a 400 mg. ozone machine. After screwing on the lid, you can store it in the refrigerator for about 30 days.

If you have an ozone machine with a heavy duty air pump, you can make concentrated ozonated olive oil by bubbling ozone through olive oil for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks, 24 hours a day. I usually use a round fish bowl half filled with olive oil. At one point in the production process (after a few days), the viscosity of the olive oil will be such that you will get foaming for a while. Using the round fish bowl will cause the foam bubbles to climb up the inside of the fish bowl where its own weight will cause it to drop back into the main body of oil. It's the ideal shape to use to prevent foaming oil from going over the top of your container. I prefer to use a cold plasma ozone generator for all types of ozone applications. Cold plasma has zero nitrogen by-products (a potential drawback to corona discharge machines for internal applications. It's OK for external applications) and yet a very high output of ozone compared to UV, which has a substantially lower ozone output and lower electron spin velocity than cold plasma produced ozone. After placing it in a small jar, you stick it into the freezer for storage (always put it back into the freezer after use in order to retain the maximum potency of ozone).

Technique for Concentrated Olive Oil
Take a wide mouth glass jar or lab beaker or (ideally) a round glass fish bowl and fill it somewhere between one third and one half with olive oil. Don't add more than one half olive oil because you're going to have a mess on your hands later on. Place the special tubing for Ozonated olive oil that came with the generator into the bottom of the jar and turn the generator on. Adjust the flow output valve for a nice even bubbling. I usually loosely place a glass plate on top of the beaker to keep out dust. Any kind of loose tent will work though. After 10 or 12 days, the olive oil will go through a phase where it will produce lots of big foamy bubbles which can rise to the top of the beaker (and possibly overflow-thus the caution about not adding too much olive oil). That phase will pass and the bubbles will soon become much finer and the foam will then become smaller in volume. Eventually, the foaming will stop altogether. After running the process for 3 or 4 weeks, the olive will have a thick, syrupy consistency. You can use this form for oral application or use it for other applications with require a semi- liquid consistency. Use your imagination and run some experiments. Ozonated olive oil is extremely useful. I'm sure you can come up with a few tricks of your own.

By attaching the ozone molecule to the olive oil molecular matrix, you can apply the ozone topically to lesions, cuts, abrasions, infections, scars, wounds, etc. Its therapeutic capacities can be amazing. If you have a serious external lesion or infection that is not healing, you should consider using Ozonated olive oil.

Ozone Generators
Send me an E mail for more information regarding ozone generators.

. (Ken Adachi, Editor)

(My thanks to Ed McCabe, Merlin Wolf, Dr Bob Beck and Mark Blakemore (self described during a radio interview as "just a dumb farmer") for their contributions in helping to educate the public about the many benefits of ozone therapy.)

Articles on Ozone & Hydrogen Peroxide:

Ozone Destroys Mold Growth (Oct. 31, 2007)

Ozone's Reaction with Common Chemicals (Sep. 29, 2006)

Oxygen, Ozone, & Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. Majid Ali (July 17, 2003)

The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide (July 17, 2003)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Just an update about LIPH.

Just tried to order it from Amazon but unfortunately they can only ship this product to a US address. I went to ordered it directly from the company at http://www.liphsolutions.com/ I ordered 6 bottles & shipping shipping was only US$16.00, this is cheaper than from Amazon.

Just an update that I received the Liph today on a Saturday and it only took 8 days by US priority mail. It was NOT delivered by Singpost & may explain why I got it so quickly:biggrin:


Early detection does not always work. My aunt went for regular check-up and the bone cancer wasn't detected until the very later stage.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Early detection does not always work. My aunt went for regular check-up and the bone cancer wasn't detected until the very later stage.

Cancer is a great MIMIC. My uncle did not know anything about his body until a lump appeared over his rib cage.He was seen by several doctors who dismissed it as nothing serious. One GP referred him for an x-ray and it was discovered that the lump was actually a secondary from cancer somewhere. Subsequent investigations showed that he had Prostate Cancer . He is now on chemotherpay and is well. So it is not easy to detect cancer. Many cases are discovered late - stage 4.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I've been trying out the Bob Beck protocol even though I do not have cancer. The protocol includes the Magnetic Pulser, Electrifier, Colloidal silver, ozonated water.

By coincidence at about the same time I also caught the flu. Started getting a sore throat & started coughing:( It usually me a a long time to recover:( I would go through a cycle of running nose & sneezing, and then followed by a cough. However this time round I only got a sore throat & then a slight cough. It was very mild.

It could of course just be a coincidence, a placebo effect, etc, etc. However, even if it is a placebo effect, it sure beats suffering the usual symptoms:wink:
Since I'm only starting the protocol, I am being cautious and started slowly. Doing only a 20 min session of pulsating & electrifying, together with taking a sip of the colloidal silver & 4 ounces of ozone water .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Creepy thread :(

Years ago I might have the same thoughts as you, because no one thinks about getting ill when they are healthy.
However nowadays as we get older & more vulnerable, it's common to see friends, relatives, colleagues, ..... getting all kinds of illnesses. What's worst is that some of these illnesses may be as a result of the unhealthy cramp living conditions in Spore.

When I was working in an MNC, had many colleagues who would travel & I noticed that when they returned, some people in the office would get the sick. Makes one wonder about all the germs that are being brought into Spore by the FT & travelling Sporeans :confused: If you take public transport go to a public place you are vulnerable:( Don't forget that SARs was brought into Spore by a Sporean who travelled to HK.

Cancer is just an extreme case of an illness. Many of the alternative treatments for cancer also apply to mundane illnesses e.g. healthy diet, taking anti-oxidants, electro medicine,...


Years ago I might have the same thoughts as you, because no one thinks about getting ill when they are healthy.
However nowadays as we get older & more vulnerable, it's common to see friends, relatives, colleagues, ..... getting all kinds of illnesses. What's worst is that some of these illnesses may be as a result of the unhealthy cramp living conditions in Spore.

When I was working in an MNC, had many colleagues who would travel & I noticed that when they returned, some people in the office would get the sick. Makes one wonder about all the germs that are being brought into Spore by the FT & travelling Sporeans :confused: If you take public transport go to a public place you are vulnerable:( Don't forget that SARs was brought into Spore by a Sporean who travelled to HK.

Cancer is just an extreme case of an illness. Many of the alternative treatments for cancer also apply to mundane illnesses e.g. healthy diet, taking anti-oxidants, electro medicine,...



Alfrescian (Inf)

The doctors & big pharma may want you to think that they are the only ones with the answer$. Since I have started looking into this I've seen many people who claim to survive & cured cancer. In fact there's plenty of cheap solutions out there. The biggest problem is that there is alot of misinformation going on out there Many interests are being threatened with cheap solutions & the ones with the money are actively trying to prevent people from learning about the "alternatives".

So are all these people delusional:confused:

Of course these ordinary people don't have the $$$$ to do so called "clinical studies" to proof that they are cured :biggrin: There are many in the US that are still walking about despite being told by their doctors that they should be dead:wink:

My own experience has shown me that "alternatives" can be as effective. When I had my heart attack, the doctors were more than happy to offer expensive$$ solutions. Today I am still alive despite not following the approved medical advised from a cardiologist e.g. open heart surgery, angioplasty, statins,..

So pardon my skepticism of the medical community:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)

Nice picure :smile:

Some alternative therapies are "medical" treatments. These treatments need to be carried out under a doctors supervision.
For example Intravenous Chelation & EECP are very effective treatments for those with circulation problems e.g. heart attack survivor, stroke patients. The use of a hyperbaric chamber improves circulation & is beneficial for diabetics. Chelation is a treatment for getting rid of heavy metals from the body. EECP is a non-invasive method of moving blood flow through the body.

The reason these treatments are not popular is because they don't generate as much $ as the very popular treatments like open heart surgery, angioplasty & statins:rolleyes:

The "medical" solution for cancer is chemo therapy. There many alternative therapies out there. Some of them are herbal remedies, some are from ayurveda, some are from simple foods to correct an imbalance, some developed by doctors or biochemists.

Let me just list SOME of them : essiac tea, budwig diet, Laetrile/Amygdalin/Vitamin B17, shark cartilage(study done in Cuba), Dichloroacetate (discovered by the Univ of Alberta), Cesium Chloride, PolyMVA, the beck protocol, 714-X Compound(developed by Gaston Naessens), Revici Therapy(developed by Dr. Emanuel Revici), Hydrazine Sulfate, MGN-3(natural substance that increases bodies immunity), etc, etc, etc

If people rely on only the "medically" approved treatments, better make sure you have $$$$$$. Doctors can't guarantee that Chemo will work. There's plenty who criticise it for damaging the patients health.
From what I've read adopting a protocol will improve chances of surviving cancer e.g. lifestyle change plus eating healthy plus adopting one or more of the alternative treatments.

No one claimed that it was easy :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If people rely on only the "medically" approved treatments, better make sure you have $$$$$$. Doctors can't guarantee that Chemo will work. There's plenty who criticise it for damaging the patients health.
From what I've read adopting a protocol will improve chances of surviving cancer e.g. lifestyle change plus eating healthy plus adopting one or more of the alternative treatments.

No one claimed that it was easy

I agreed. Alternative medicine is also not cheap. My friend spent a fortune for a secret family recipe to cure his cancer. He spent about $100K. In the end, he died - all his insurance money went to the " alternative medications". So when you have reached a stage of terminal cancer, it is better to accept it and graciously embrace death with a mega smile. Don't have to suffer yourself and to suffer others,especially your dependents and your loved ones. Just leave this world with a love in your heart and peace in your mind.

Thanks for sharing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I agreed. Alternative medicine is also not cheap. My friend spent a fortune for a secret family recipe to cure his cancer. He spent about $100K. In the end, he died - all his insurance money went to the " alternative medications". So when you have reached a stage of terminal cancer, it is better to accept it and graciously embrace death with a mega smile. Don't have to suffer yourself and to suffer others,especially your dependents and your loved ones. Just leave this world with a love in your heart and peace in your mind.

Thanks for sharing.

People should be aware of anything that is expensive & ineffective. So what "alternative" treatment did your friend undergo :confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
While I was looking into liposomal Vitamin C I stumbled upon an interesting site about Cancer.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more of about this problem http://www.pdazzler.com/archives/62
For those dealing with cancer you should take a look on the left side and download “The Cancer Patient Handbook”. This is a PDF file is written by Alan Holman and is FREE.

According to the author a CANCER CURE requires dealing with the cause AND symptoms of the illness. The cause is a poor diet & lifestyle. The symptom would be the tumours.

Taking baking soda, Laetril(vitamin B17), Sodium Dichloroacetate(the cure discovered at the Univ of Alberta), etc …. will help with the tumours. However unless you also deal with the poor lifestyle & diet, the cancer will eventually return.

If you decide to take baking soda to increase the bodies alkalinity, you should be aware that the baking soda from the supermarket has aluminum. If you want to avoid aluminum you should get it from a health store like www.iHerb.com They have one without aluminum http://www.iherb.com/Bob-s-Red-Mill-Pure-Baking-Soda-Gluten-Free-16-oz-453-g/9852

There are many treatments for cancer. In case you haven't read about the one discovered at the University of Alberta known as DCA(Sodium Dichloroacetate) you can read about here http://technorati.com/lifestyle/article/the-cure-for-cancer-has-been/ or watch the news clip in youtube here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpkMD_WFPUE As to why I'm highlighting DCA, it is because there are plenty of so called experts in this forum who refuse to believe in CURES unless it comes out of a lab:biggrin: Fortunately you can get the necessary materials for DCA treatment via the US. Take a look here http://puredca.com/store/

For those who have done chemo therapy you have the added problem of getting rid of of the chemicals still in your body. Even if the cancer appears to be gone, the problem is that the residue from the chemo chemicals will act like a time bomb in your body. The author advises doing chelation to get rid of chemicals from your body.

Liposomal is an effective method of getting Vitamin C into the body. Everyone including those without cancer should be taking vitamin C. Livon laboratories makes products using this delivery system. You can take a look at their products http://www.iherb.com/search?kw=livon laboratories
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thank you for all your hard research in enlightening us about cancer. Hope you can summarise your findings into something we can follow daily. Thank you once again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thank you for all your hard research in enlightening us about cancer. Hope you can summarise your findings into something we can follow daily. Thank you once again.

When I started looking into this topic I was actually very surprised by how many older females are affected by cancer in Spore: relatives, neighbours, colleagues, ... It is an epidemic. Not "if" but "when" as you age in Spore.

Health problems like cancer & heart problems don't happen overnight. It's the result of years of poor diet & poor lifestyle.
I'm no expert but from reading some of the material out there you have to:

1) detox. Get all the bad things out of your body. This will impair the body's proper functioning & weaken resistance to illnesses
2)Treat the tumours. There are plenty of natural substances one can ingest that will increase alkalinity that will reverse cancer
3)Start to eat properly. Try to eat organic. Avoid ALL processed foods because they contain plenty of sugars, preservatives, msg, ... Sugar is especially bad because its like throwing gas on a flame.
4) De-stress. In Spore there is too much stress. It causes pre-mature aging & illnesses like cancer.

With the above schema. Go read the available literature & chose how you want to achieve the 4 goals.
1) For Detoxing you have to do it on a regular basis because we are getting polluted on a regular basis.
I read about http://www.mybepure.com/ but there seems to be a problem with the ordering page. Can take a look at GNC, iHerb, etc.

2)Treating the tumours is a big, big,big ...topic.
There are plenty of choices: baking soda, essiac tea, laetril(B17), DCA(dichloroacetic acid), colloidal silver, Budwig protocol, etc, etc
Most of these solutions are affordable & I take some of them to improve my health even though I do NOT have cancer e.g. drinking essiac tea & the Budwig protocol.

If you do all these steps it should help:smile:
Results may vary depending on how early or late the problem was detected. Some may have better genes or have looked after their health in the early years. Some people might prefer to go to a doctor for a solution. It's their choice but I advise people to look at the alternatives available before deciding.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It may surprise some that Big Pharma companies are actually trying to copy what is already available from nature & patenting their cures. For example stattins is actually derived from red yeast rice. For those who prefer a more natural product without its many side effects should look at red yeast rice instead of statins.

Today I read about 'Thunder of God Vine( lei gong teng)' a chinese medicine which they have found that it cures pancreatic in mice. You'll probably get it cheaper from a TCM doctor than from a Big Pharma.


Drug From Chinese ‘Thunder God Vine’ Slays Tumors in Mice

A drug made from a plant known as “thunder god vine,” or lei gong teng, that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, wiped out pancreatic tumors in mice, researchers said, and may soon be tested in humans.

Mice treated with the compound showed no signs of tumors after 40 days or after discontinuing the treatment, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center. The research, funded by the university and the National Institutes of Health. was published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Enlarge image Drug From Chinese Herb ‘Thunder God Vine’ Slays Tumors in Mice

Cystic carcinoma pancreas. Photograph: MBq

“This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells,” said Ashok Saluja, vice chairman of research at the center and the study’s leader, said in a telephone interview. “You could see that every day you looked at those mice, the tumor was decreasing and decreasing, and then just gone.”

The plant, also known as Tripterygium wilfordii, contains triptolide, which earlier studies have shown can cause cancer cells to die. In traditional Chinese medicine, the plant is used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. While the researchers hope to start human trials in six months, Saluja said it’s still a long leap from mice to people.

“Does that mean it will definitely work in humans?” he said. “We can definitely not say that.”

The results pave the way for clinical trials in patients with pancreatic cancer, one of the most lethal malignancies, the researchers said in the study. About 44,000 new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year in the U.S., according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Only about 20 percent of patients survive a year after diagnosis, Saluja said.

Survival Odds

Even for patients diagnosed at the earliest stages of their cancer when the odds are better, only about 14 percent survive five years or longer, according to the American Cancer Society. The current treatment is Eli Lilly & Co.’s Gemzar (LLY), which sold $452 million last year. A generic version of the drug became available in 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“It adds six weeks -- it’s nothing,” Saluja said. “There’s definitely a need to discover and develop more strategies for pancreatic cancer.”

The researchers dubbed the drug Minnelide, a combination of Minnesota and triptolide. They developed a water soluble version that could be injected into mice, and in the future administered to patients intravenously.

Saluja and his group have formed a company, Minneamrita Therapeutics, which will attempt to take the drug into the first of three stages of human clinical trials that are generally required before U.S. regulatory approval. Saluja said the company has discussed the trials with the Food and Drug Administration.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Today met another person with breast cancer. :eek:

Seems like there's an epidemic:(
For those unfortunate people a reminder that you need to watch your diet. You should eat like a diabetic, that means eating a low GI(Glycemic Index) diet.

Avoid foods that contain simple carbohydrates like rice, sugar, potatoes,... Avoid fried foods, trans fats, msg, preservatives, engineer oils that are designed for long shelf life,... Avoid all processed foods.

Eat home cooked food. Bring a lunch box to work. Eating multi-grained or brown rice is a healthier alternative along with steamed vegetables, sweet potatoe, etc. It's time to consider becoming a vegetarian because nowadays the meat in our foods are tainted with antibiotics.

Once you have a healthier diet your chances of survival increases. You can further increase the chances by eating broccoli. If you don't like broccoli you can find supplements with indole-3-carbinol, the active ingredient in broccoli in the supplement shops. iHerb has such a supplement http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Indole-3-Carbinol-200-mg-60-Vcaps/636 and I think US$17 is not that expensive.

If you are male, indole-3-carbinol will help to balance your hormone levels. So it helps both males & females.

Don't forget to add flax seed oil to your diet. To make flax seed more effective read up on the "Budwig Diet" . Combining flax seed with cottage cheese using a hand blender increases the potency of the mixture against cancer. I'm not a biochemist so I don't understand the science behind it:o You can read about it here: http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/budwig.htm

Adding Essiac tea to your regim will help to detox the body.

These simple steps would benefit anyone & not just people with cancer. That's why I include the Budwig diet as part of my diet. Having a heart attack is expensive & uncomfortable :(

If you do have cancer you can read about all the other treatments like baking soda, laetril(apricot seeds), colloidal silver,.... It's a very large topic.


Alfrescian (Inf)
bump......................this wonderful thread.............

closed-minded people should stay out.....................i scared later you all go blind after seeing the light after being in the Dark ages for so long.........