This is a facsinating thread...
I agree with some of TracyTan866's conclusion but her arguementative skill leave much to be desired....
I dun agree with Boss half the time but he make compelling points .... I dun think he is trolling... he has a valid point... but most here are just too biased,,,
I thought Nice-Gook was a troll last time.... Learn so many things from him...please keep sharing....
It will still be 60% simply because that is the percentage of the Singaporean electorate that can see through the falsehoods that the opposition parties perpetuate and realise what an excellent party the PAP is.
This is stinkiest piece of bull shit I even come across in any forum other than that those I sprout myself....
The WP is no different. Just look at the number who entered parliament by hiding inside LTK's chinaman underwear.
True some of them could be better.... some are just loyalists being rewarded
race, religion, language are very sensitive and must be handled wisely...look at the SMRT saga and Seng Han Tong's issue..
motherhood statement from TT
The current generation are a different kettle of fish. They are self centered, lazy, stingy, unappreciative of the great things the govt does for them and totally oblivious to the hardships faced by segments of the community. The pretend to care but don't lift a finger to actually do anything to alleviate the plight of these poor unfortunate souls.
They waste both their time and their money on useless gadgets to boost their fragile self esteem. The 12 hours they spent queuing for an iPhone could have been channeled towards helping at an old folk's home or an orphanage. The $$$$ they spend on iPhones, iPads, Galaxies and what have you could have been put to much better use organising a food kitchen and a shelter for the homeless.
To the current generation of Sinkies, I spit on you twice over... PTUI.. PTUI.... and one more time for the heck of it. PTUUUIIIIIIII!!!!
ABsolute agreed with Boss on this. I am Gen Z or gen Y ... I absolute agree.... you can see how spoilt the youngster are even in poly .... just look at the Adelyn Hosehbo saga and Aaron Tan Saga....
the most recent poly transport subsidy make me puke ..... these poly kid spent 3 yrs not learning anything, working part time half the time.... piak around and watch K pop idol and every of these bratty kids have an iphone or galaxy tabs,.... and they have the cheek to ask for subsidy...? no sene of shame only a sense of entitlement which the OPP and even YPAP is flaming ... Philip Yeo is right hout govt being afraid of the people now
Those that have formed the government are the exceptions. They have sacrificed their time, their privacy and their freedom in order to keep Singapore successful and prosperous.
They may be young but they have earned my respect and admiration. I wish them the very best for their own sake and for the future of Singapore.
disagreed with boss... some may be like that.... like Tin PeilIng who took a lot of venom online.... but what about those coward like Steve Tan, Lim Hwee Hua amd George Yeo who have no fighting spirit at all ???
what about careerists like Sim Ann, Lawrence WOng, TCJ, CCS? they are all careerist for which politics is just another step in their public sector career .... these scums are the worst....
Yup,the telecoms simply entraps you by this so called freebies.In the same principal of debt trap-
But what is missing is the consumer protection by the government.When first the Hire Purchase came into being there were laws the protected the consumers so that unfamiliar consumers do not enter into contractual agreements they hardly understand.
WHAT debt trap? WHO FORCE YOU TO BUY IPHONE ??? like BOss, I am also on a cheapo phone and singtel i value.... do you really need to play mindless game on MRT??? whatever happen to reading a good book ???? no wonder sinkier are getting illiterate and becoming mindless zombies...
stop the culture of blame
Whether you take the subsidy and sign the two-year contract or you don't, you still pay the same subscription. You only lose the right to change operator during the two years. Most people accept the compromise and enjoy the subsidy.
you can take the phone and sell it... its like getting phone service for much cheaper.... I get upfront cash some more... hahaha
I'm sure many are enthralled by your investigative journalistic skills. However, you didn't dig deep enough or you would have discovered that I'm more consistent than anyone else when it comes to airing my views.
Boss is like my beloved Ron Paul..... consistent thats why they hate him....
I am beginning to have the view that oversea-based citizens should not be given the right to vote as they will be basing their votes on what they remember of the past and not having experienced first hand the reality of the present. Alternately, those non-citizens based in Singapore should be given this right. In the UK this is exactly what is happening. Long stayers have the right to vote in the local election but not the national election. Since in Singapore there is only one election, my mind is only half made up.
People dun agree with you.... so dun let then vote ??? sound like LKY