Balless ah gua.
U wait ......
wait what ? for me to sodomize u ah ?
Balless ah gua.
U wait ......
who cares ? crazy fellow
Why u bother with ralder teaching oil.wait what ? for me to sodomize u ah ?
Why u bother with ralder teaching oil.
Rich oil your lost father ah.
Your mother bangali cheeby born a phua bak kia
Fucking lonely Kay poh chee.
Come here wayang .
You and your clone go find your niche fucker.
You put place and time and next day then you drive pass to see coast is clear or not.
You fucking coward go hide in your mother's panties.
You son-of-a-bitch chow bo lang.
You want to teach your father how to fuck is it?
Welcome Home Master RichOil !!!
You and your clone go find your niche fucker.
You put place and time and next day then you drive pass to see coast is clear or not.
You fucking coward go hide in your mother's panties.
You son-of-a-bitch chow bo lang.
You want to teach your father how to fuck is it?
You under radar.... Keep promoting....
yes. same ticketing as for AP. best you call handsome Ah Poh. He is located at tmft
hp 81821366
wait what ? for me to sodomize u ah ?
promote for Fuck ???
AW is closing shop this 31 August 2016 .
For fuck sake !!!
Great news to hear AW closing shop.
Albert will not be too rich and less gamblers go jump sea.
AW and AG both like pirate ship.
These ship operated like wihtout any capital investment.
When players cash money with their chips the counter will pay out broken old notes from existing buy in players, simply that New Century Tours do not load gaming capital onboard the ship.
I hope Singapore authority banned AG so that no more cruise promotions in this forum to induce gamblers onboard casino ship.
Go MBS or RWS to bet legally.
Honest and fair game, no wasting 3 hours ferry time exclude land transport.
See 'choon choon' bet one game and come home happily.
Hearsay often AG or AW when anchoraged Harbourfront, always got extra passport and wihout pax claimed !!!
promote for Fuck ???
AW is closing shop this 31 August 2016 .
For fuck sake !!!
Great news to hear AW closing shop.
Albert will not be too rich and less gamblers go jump sea.
AW and AG both like pirate ship.
These ship operated like wihtout any capital investment.
When players cash money with their chips the counter will pay out broken old notes from existing buy in players, simply that New Century Tours do not load gaming capital onboard the ship.
I hope Singapore authority banned AG so that no more cruise promotions in this forum to induce gamblers onboard casino ship.
Go MBS or RWS to bet legally.
Honest and fair game, no wasting 3 hours ferry time exclude land transport.
See 'choon choon' bet one game and come home happily.
Hearsay often AG or AW when anchoraged Harbourfront, always got extra passport and wihout pax claimed !!!
Reasons why go cruise,..ban in IRs, dont want to pay $100 levy.
Without discipline and self control, not going cruise go IRs...also need to jump.
Best is dont gamble but if enjoy some punting form time to time.
Set a budget can afford to lose and stick with it, dont overindulge... can have some fun
Wish all bros good luck and hengheng!
Reasons why go cruise,..ban in IRs, dont want to pay $100 levy.
Without discipline and self control, not going cruise go IRs...also need to jump.
Best is dont gamble but if enjoy some punting form time to time.
Set a budget can afford to lose and stick with it, dont overindulge... can have some fun
Wish all bros good luck and hengheng!
pay $100 entry levy very much better than onboard these 2 pirate ship.
Simply that the 2-way journey from your home/ship by taking MRT, feeder bus then to TMFT then ship will take you min 5 hours. Sometimes ferry delay or other unforseen circumstances may delay further to an hour or two with total 7 hours.
In additional who know how fair and honest the games at AW and AP ????
Also win cannot suka suka come home must wait for their ferry schedule so in the end the winning ended crying home.
I hear from ex dealer said the DICE game under the table got magnet to control the winning number.
So the moral of the story stop onboard these 2 pirate ship not to get conned.
Time is money. If gambler drive there need to pay parking fees of min $12 for overnight parking and your car body will be easily faded with the sea wind.
Play legally either at MBS or RWS, is worth to pay $100 entry levy rather than been conned and wasting min 5 hours for 2-way journey.
promote for Fuck ???
AW is closing shop this 31 August 2016 .
For fuck sake !!!
To all gamblers !
Stop onboard AW & AP, Albert sucked !
AW and AP take you min 5 hours 2ways from home/jetty/ship/home.
Time is money, don't waste time.
These pirate casino ship Dice & Roulette games under the table got magnet to control the winning number. 100 gamblers onbaord 100 died, 1000 onboard 1000 died.
Pay $100 entry levy and play legally either at MBS and RWS, bet one game and win straight go home at anytime.
If those banned in IR then go Genting, Cambodia or Macau anytime better than Albert's pirate ship.
Honest and fair game controlled by CRA.
promote for Fuck ???
AW is closing shop this 31 August 2016 .
For fuck sake !!!
Great news to hear AW closing shop.
Albert will not be too rich and less gamblers go jump sea.
AW and AG both like pirate ship.
These ship operated like wihtout any capital investment.
When players cash money with their chips the counter will pay out broken old notes from existing buy in players, simply that New Century Tours do not load gaming capital onboard the ship.
I hope Singapore authority banned AG so that no more cruise promotions in this forum to induce gamblers onboard casino ship.
Go MBS or RWS to bet legally.
Honest and fair game, no wasting 3 hours ferry time exclude land transport.
See 'choon choon' bet one game and come home happily.
Hearsay often AG or AW when anchoraged Harbourfront, always got extra passport and wihout pax claimed !!!
heard that not only Albert Ng heavy losses some of his loan sharks runners also run road.
you can see AP and AW all empty seats even on sat and sun .
Karma at work .