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Critical Spectator: Singapore can easily support 15mil population


Now tge key question ish....how many are good white CECA?



A Stimulus Is Good, But China Still Faces a Hard Slog​

Beijing is back in investors’ good books. To justify the euphoria, it needs some meaty goals.
October 3, 2024 at 3:00 AM GMT+8
By Daniel Moss
Daniel Moss is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering Asian economies. Previously, he was executive editor for economics at Bloomberg News.

A long way to go.

A long way to go.
Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

In little more than a week, China's efforts to crank up its economy have achieved something important: President Xi Jinping changed the conversation about global prospects. The Federal Reserve, usually the principal force driving market sentiment and forecasting, has company.

That's a big shift. For Beijing's stardom to last, it needs to not only deliver what's been flagged: forceful monetary easing, fiscal expansion, new measures to help homebuyers, capital injections into lenders, and the creation of a market-stabilization fund.

Officials also now need to offer some meaty goals that justify the euphoria. What does a win look like, and would such a victory be temporary

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
there is a flaw in the article....he used manhattan and paris and claim they are more saturated than singapore. hello, yes it is dammed packed in manhattan, but weekend, i can drive out to outskirts of new york city or into neighboring states. Ditto for Paris. Singapore? I go where? JB? Batam?
fucking ang moh talking through his fucking ass.

accomodate 15M? sure raze district 10 into a public housing loh....get rid of all the landed properties....


Alfrescian (Inf)
there is a flaw in the article....he used manhattan and paris and claim they are more saturated than singapore. hello, yes it is dammed packed in manhattan, but weekend, i can drive out to outskirts of new york city or into neighboring states. Ditto for Paris. Singapore? I go where? JB? Batam?
fucking ang moh talking through his fucking ass.

accomodate 15M? sure raze district 10 into a public housing loh....get rid of all the landed properties....

He's just a PAP porlumpar and your typical clickbait merchant.

The PAP regime employs 洋五毛 too it seems. :cool: