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CPIB give chance to corrupted GLC officers. Closed 1 eye


Maybe for some misdemeanours eg traffic offence of speeding or unhygienic condition at hawker stall, u can give a stern warning.But coŕruption is a serious offence in Singapore,how can CPIB under the PM not charged against the offenders ? The job of CPIB is to catch corrupt offenders in private or public sector. Why is the CPIB so benevolent towards the corrupt perpetrators ? If I am not wrong,this is the first time in Singapore that corrupt offenders are given stern warning and go scot-free. Will singapore's reputation as a zero tolerance for corruption be tarnished ?
By the way, where is Pritam Singh and Tan Cheng Bock when they are most needed now to question the integrity of the Singapore's governance? But even then, I think the CPIB will counter-argue that in this particular case, it's a matter of giving bribes instead of accepting bribes.

Also, why did those 2 also kept quiet when Chan Chun Sing aka Kee Chiu, recently announced that Ministers' salaries will be raised in 2023? Shouldn't they be saying that Ministers should instead be taking a pay cut to commensurate with the current tough economic situation. But yet, they are quiet and in cahoot with the PAP to gungho on their salary increase. A bunch of hypocrites indeed when it comes to money for themselves.


Lee Hsien Yang comment

Keppel’s corrupt actions in Brazil dealt a blow to Singapore reputation. The corruption was on a breathtaking scale. The facts, which were initially vehemently denied, have since been admitted by Keppel. The details are set out here in the statement of facts attached to this Deferred Prosecution Agreement. See pages 23-38. https://tinyurI.com/KeppelDPA.

The CPIB claims “This case is complex and transnational, involving multiple authorities and witnesses from several countries.” This is its justification for not prosecuting anyone.. This excuse does not withstand scrutiny. The CPIB has successfully prosecuted other international cases of Singaporean corruption committed overseas before.

To not prosecute stands in stark contrast to Singapore’s widely touted policy of zero tolerance to corruption, and the uncompromising approach taken in many cases sometimes involving miniscule sums of monies. Furthermore, this latest case is in fact a repeat corruption offence for Keppel and also for some of the individuals involved. The decision not to prosecute will cause more damage to Singapore’s reputation than the reprehensible acts that were perpetrated.


Lee Hsien Yang comment

Keppel’s corrupt actions in Brazil dealt a blow to Singapore reputation. The corruption was on a breathtaking scale. The facts, which were initially vehemently denied, have since been admitted by Keppel. The details are set out here in the statement of facts attached to this Deferred Prosecution Agreement. See pages 23-38. https://tinyurI.com/KeppelDPA.

The CPIB claims “This case is complex and transnational, involving multiple authorities and witnesses from several countries.” This is its justification for not prosecuting anyone.. This excuse does not withstand scrutiny. The CPIB has successfully prosecuted other international cases of Singaporean corruption committed overseas before.

To not prosecute stands in stark contrast to Singapore’s widely touted policy of zero tolerance to corruption, and the uncompromising approach taken in many cases sometimes involving miniscule sums of monies. Furthermore, this latest case is in fact a repeat corruption offence for Keppel and also for some of the individuals involved. The decision not to prosecute will cause more damage to Singapore’s reputation than the reprehensible acts that were perpetrated.
What the CPIB talking ? Talking like a schoolboy,don't talk like professional.Of course,all prosecution of corruption cases are complex.That's why they are selected and employed as trained professionals in CPIB to tackle the corrupt perpetrators.If they admit they are incapable,they should step down and not let the offenders go scot-free. The CPIB must urgently get another batch of well-trained and righteous professionals to battle the corrupt offenders.The CPIB have let down Singaporeans and damaged the reputation of zero-tolerance for corruption in the eyes of Singaporeans and the world.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The relationship between CPIB and GLC, summarized in one picture.



Lee Hsien Yang comment

Keppel’s corrupt actions in Brazil dealt a blow to Singapore reputation. The corruption was on a breathtaking scale. The facts, which were initially vehemently denied, have since been admitted by Keppel. The details are set out here in the statement of facts attached to this Deferred Prosecution Agreement. See pages 23-38. https://tinyurI.com/KeppelDPA.

The CPIB claims “This case is complex and transnational, involving multiple authorities and witnesses from several countries.” This is its justification for not prosecuting anyone.. This excuse does not withstand scrutiny. The CPIB has successfully prosecuted other international cases of Singaporean corruption committed overseas before.

To not prosecute stands in stark contrast to Singapore’s widely touted policy of zero tolerance to corruption, and the uncompromising approach taken in many cases sometimes involving miniscule sums of monies. Furthermore, this latest case is in fact a repeat corruption offence for Keppel and also for some of the individuals involved. The decision not to prosecute will cause more damage to Singapore’s reputation than the reprehensible acts that were perpetrated.




this piece real hot topic.

230 comments in less than 6 hrs :(


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just wonder who is the most senior person that approved the bribe and how it is linked to this decision not to charge.
Want to punish the culprits, I guess you have to vote wisely for a new government to reopen the case