Has anyone withdrew their CPF recently after leaving SG ? My questions are:-
1. Is it easier to turn up at CPF to hand in the forms? The instruction on the form says “ This form should be completed at any CPF service centre if you are in Singapore”.
2. How long before you see the funds in bank account after submitting the forms?
3. Any other relevant advice/info greatly appreciated
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
My relative withdrew his CPF some time ago. Not sure how relevant the information is since its some time ago.
1) Before you do anything, you must first renounce your singapore citizenship. And then receive the confirmation from NRO or whoever it is that your renunciation has been accepted and approved by them. For females, this is not a problem. For males with NS and Reservist obligations, this could be an issue. If your renunciation has not been approve, don't bother asking for your CPF.
2) You have to go to CPF yourself. That's the best way. There are forms that you have to sign, and they will fuck you around for alittle while. Or if you are not in singapore, you can hire a lawyer to get the CPF for you. They will represent you in all dealings with the CPF.
3) The easiest way for the funds to go to you is to ask them to deposit it to your singapore account if you still have one. If not, you can try and open one since you are already in Singapore. CPF can easily transfer the funds to your local account. Then once they do that, you can instruct bank to send to you overseas via wire transfer. If you don't do this and you give the CPF your overseas bank account, you have to include BIC numbers, correspondence banks, etc. And some shithole is going to fuck it up at CPF trying to send it to you.
4) Length of time depends on which method you use. Having CPF transfer to your sing account is the fastest and safest. Actual time, I can't say since it varies from applicant to applicant.