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covid, lockdown, vaccine restriction/passport protest until govt resign


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Alright let's compare and contrast

Sam's Covid Strategy

Masks - useless
Herd Immunity is best - natural antibodies triggered by "natural" pathogens
Vaccines - natural antibodies triggered by "synthetic" pathogens : BAD as long terms results unknown . Science is never settled

BUT : a lot of high risk immunocompromised people will die in your strategy. Tough tits. Life is not fair. People die everyday anyway. Suck it up

Government Strategy

Masks - critical as it limits airborne spread and mitigates daily numbers
Vaccines - critical as it prevents serious symptoms and overloading of hospital resources

THEREFORE : less people die and herd immunity is achieved in a measured calibrated way so we may go back to normal

PLUS : Pfizer mRNA is FDA certified safe and already mandatory in many US institutions

Which one has better optics for the government of the day ?

Honestly if you were left in charge bubonic plague will still be around

We do not yet know which strategy will result in less deaths.

And I'm all for vaccines so you're misquoting me in saying that vaccines are bad. All I said was the long term effects of mRNA vaccines are unknown. I've had just about every single vaccine that is available to date the latest being an updated shingles vaccine and Pneumovax which is a pneumonia vaccine.


We do not yet know which strategy will result in less deaths.

And I'm all for vaccines so you're misquoting me in saying that vaccines are bad. All I said was the long term effects of mRNA vaccines are unknown. I've had just about every single vaccine that is available to date the latest being an updated shingles vaccine and Pneumovax which is a pneumonia vaccine.
We do not yet know which strategy will result in less deaths


67991 infected
80% vaccinated
55 deaths (0.08%)

1786004 infected
Sputtering vaccination
17191 deaths (0.96%)

Don't have to venture very far to see where herd immunity brings us


There were 191 new Covid cases on Sept 2, the highest single-day tally recorded since July 20. Of these, 113 were unlinked. Previously, MOH stressed that there is continuing evidence that all fully vaccinated individuals do not suffer serious disease when affected. Only today, MOH added 'unless they had underlying medical conditions that made them more susceptible. They added this after TWELVE FULLY VACCINATED were seriously ill. What does this show?
It shows that HSA aka Health Science Authority is a piece of BS. They approved the vaccine but didn't know or declare there is graphene oxide in it? They dunno there is a new technology in it and dunno how to find it or can't find it.

Is it that educated in 10 year series type of exam aren't equip well in dealing with creative and new tech. 10 year series type of education only teach you how to deal with old tech same as old questions in 10 year series.


How many Leaders, Bosses, Executives vs the common workers/folks ? 10/20% vs 80/90%. The ignorant are many the woke or smarter ones are few but it's a free world. Free will is the ultimate rule hence infinite possibilities too.

When some1's argument is millions cannot be wrong you know he's sheeple. Low IQ low SES prolly CECA of LAND of the RAPE...... Or when he ask you to check with Authorities for infos you know he's got Agenda, Unscrupulous motive. He's likely from the other camp. lol....

There are many who love to watch the world burn or when they realized they've farked-up wants to get others to follow.

That's the nature of life of existence itself.

The real threat is in SG we have no outlet or source to complain or fight back. You'll be POFMA whichever way you argue even their own siblings go against them ya ?
Blood is thicker yet they give up.

So now it's going to be indirectly mandatory and for those rich maybe only maybe you can survive longer and tahan the onslaught but the common folks it's almost death sentence.
If your hand-to-mouth survival it's worst. Everywhere you go there's going to be restrictions. Not to mention they divide and conquer they incite and brain wash the vaxxed they will go against those unvaxx like they're untouchables and criminals, it's extreme atrocities and inhumane. No more free will no more human rights.

Work discriminations etc.. Twice weekly swap test self paid no entry to many places and even hospitals etc... Private hospital different story but when i have mouth ulcers i went Mt E that's $500+ per visit lol.........

You have cancer you go Radiation+Chemotherapy SGH, u'll be half death even if you survive, mostly recurrence within 5yrs. The rich ones goes private for Immunology it uses advance medication scientific technology, blood cleanse change blood also 'sup sup sui' to increase you natural immunity and cure your cancer naturally only 3 to 4 hundred thousands not very expensive. lol......... It's very advance just not widely marketed for obvious reasons.

Why pinky fingers and Lao goh both kena Cancer twice still here tok cock & sing song lol..........

When health is lost everything is lost. When your natural immunity is compromised or tempered with drugs to fight you're dependent & weaken naturally it's common sense. You're broken.

Only if y'all understand the term : 寧為玉碎不為瓦全 "rather be shattered piece of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery"

Amen ! lol........ :P <3
civil disobedience and protest in the only way to go, bro.


What can we say? What can we do? The vulnerable employees are sent back to the office when the healthy and young employees remain WFH. MOM has since said the employers know what is the best. Is this the know best? DBS and UOB are not hurried in sending their employees back to office. Why the local bank that I work in is so desperate in sending its employees, vulnerable employees, back to office? Discriminating or trying the best to axe them? Poor vulnerable employees are worriedand helpless.
civil disobedience and protest in the only way to go, bro.


but you have neither the courage nor means to carry it out

only option left for you is to remain in your cave and pay money to swab your nose



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
We do not yet know which strategy will result in less deaths


67991 infected
80% vaccinated
55 deaths (0.08%)

1786004 infected
Sputtering vaccination
17191 deaths (0.96%)

Don't have to venture very far to see where herd immunity brings us

The pandemic isn't over yet. It's a marathon not a sprint.

Remember in January Israel was patting itself on the back for being the first country to reach vaccination targets and threw open its doors.

Infections are now higher than they have ever been.

There is a lot that nobody understands yet. Now is not the time to make any sort of comparison or declaration. It's an evolving situation that has some way to go.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
herd immunity should be acquired naturally because ....?

(waiting for reply :laugh:)

Herd immunity can be acquired either naturally or via vaccination as is the case with measles, smallpox etc.

However current mRNA vaccines concentrate only on creating antibodies against the spike protein whereas natural immunity is created via an immune response against up to 28 more proteins that make up the virus.

Eventually everyone will get Covid regardless of the measures that humans take. Deaths can be minimised only by a combination of natural immunity and robust vaccine induced immunity and not one that only lasts a few months.

Natural immunity superior to vaccination

If the findings are confirmed, the implications for Covid policy will be profound​


Credit: Getty

A major study conducted by Israeli researchers into natural immunity has found that immunity acquired via infection from Covid-19 is superior to immunity from the Pfizer vaccine.

Researchers at Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared the outcomes of over 76,000 Israelis in three groups: the doubly vaccinated (with the Pfizer vaccine), the previously infected but unvaccinated, and the previously infected with only a single vaccine dose.

They found that fully vaccinated but uninfected people were significantly more likely to have a “breakthrough” Covid infection than people who had previously been infected and recovered from the disease.


“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalisation caused by the Delta variant,” the authors conclude.

The study is only published as a preprint at this stage and has not been peer reviewed. Critics including British immunologist Andrew Croxford have pointed out potential limitations, but it has been described by infectious diseases expert Professor Francois Balloux as a “bombshell” development.

If the findings are confirmed, the implications for global Covid policy will be profound.

It would not undermine the importance of vaccination for more vulnerable groups in society. However it would weaken the case for vaccinating children, despite the programme being confirmed in the UK today, as they (and the people around them) would get superior future protection from contracting the disease. And it would pose a fundamental challenge to the singular emphasis on vaccine passports for travel and large events, if unvaccinated people who have already had Covid actually pose less of a risk.


No such thing as real news and also fake news....

Now it's is either internet news or social media news... live with it... journalism is dead...


There is no herd immunity.
There is only herd fantasy.
News from those who lead the community.
To chase hard after the fantasy.


216 locally transmitted Covid-19 cases and 109 unlinked cases. Their response? Not going to tighten the measures until more people are seriously sick and more deaths. Their reason? To fulfil their recent policies. Example, vaccinated travel lanes. Selfless or selfish? Cannot blame some people are showing displeasures and worries for both the children aged 11 and below as well as the vulnerable people? We need more safety measures than self test kits. Throwing few self test kits seems like telling people "you ownself take care of yourself".


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
We do not yet know which strategy will result in less deaths


67991 infected
80% vaccinated
55 deaths (0.08%)

Don't have to venture very far to see where herd immunity brings us

Was :

60,000 infected
'0' vaccinated
30 deaths Actually 15 as half was imported then when many Critically sick old Indonesians came here seeking medical help and died.

So it's

60,000 infected
'0' vaccinated
15 deaths

Now :

67991 infected
80% vaccinated

40 deaths (minus 15 also)


Was :

60,000 infected
'0' vaccinated
30 deaths Actually 15 as half was imported then when many Critically sick old Indonesians came here seeking medical help and died.

So it's

60,000 infected
'0' vaccinated
15 deaths

Now :

67991 infected
80% vaccinated

40 deaths (minus 15 also)
216 locally transmitted Covid-19 cases and 109 unlinked cases. Their response? Not going to tighten the measures until more people are seriously sick and more deaths. Their reason? To fulfil their recent policies. Example, vaccinated travel lanes. Selfless or selfish? Cannot blame some people are showing displeasures and worries for both the children aged 11 and below as well as the vulnerable people? We need more safety measures than self test kits. Throwing few self test kits seems like telling people "you ownself take care of yourself".
You want tighten measures and lock down ?


why don’t you ask the aussies and Kiwis how did that turn out ?

we need more safety measures ? It’s called a vaccine. Go get it and protect yourself


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You want tighten measures and lock down ?


why don’t you ask the aussies and Kiwis how did that turn out ?

we need more safety measures ? It’s called a vaccine. Go get it and protect yourself

Yup i love more tighten measures and Lockdowns been prepared many many moons ago but many common folks and familee can't afford the disruptions and businesses will go kaput. More Vaccines more deaths too it's good for depopulation and resetting the economies. All the useless weak, old and poor people are taking too much space and they've squandered and depleted the earth resources.

With more Lockdowns the Earth is recuperating and even the ozone level is replenished. What'll be left is a less populated rejuvenated Earth and the smart untouched unvaxxed unbroken natural immunity people for a New One World Order.

How nice ~~

Lets see how fast your science and vaxx can catch-up with the fear in you in that 'broken' body and that fearful Covid variants vs those maybe so few but developed natural immunity against all odds. Wipe clean your @$$ for the needles in near future when there's no more space on your arms due to booster shot after booster shots. . lol........

Bring it on ~ ! Show me how you win and defeat Nature with Science. We'll see who are the last men standing ! /rofl........... :P <3
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Yup i love more tighten measures and Lockdowns been prepared many many moons ago but many common folks and familee can't afford the disruptions and businesses will go kaput. More Vaccines more deaths too it's good for depopulation and resetting the economies. All the useless weak, old and poor people are taking too much space and they've squandered and depleted the earth resources.

With more Lockdowns the Earth is recuperating and even the ozone level is replenished. What'll be left is a less populated rejuvenated Earth and the smart untouched unvaxxed unbroken natural immunity people for a New One World Order.

How nice ~~

Lets see how fast your science and vaxx can catch-up with the fear in you in that 'broken' body and that fearful Covid variants vs those maybe so few but developed natural immunity against all odds. Wipe clean your @$$ for the needles in near future when there's no more space on your arms due to booster shot after booster shots. . lol........

Bring it on ~ ! Show me how you win and defeat Nature with Science. We'll see who are the last men standing ! /rofl........... :P <3
In my experience people who are so bombastic and blow such hot air have already gotten their second shot and lining up for government financial assistance :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: