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covid, lockdown, vaccine restriction/passport protest until govt resign


You have no idea whether it is misinformation because we have yet to reach the end of the chapter. For all you know the conspiracy theorists could be right after all. This won't be the first or last conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.

You need to keep an open mind and allow people to make up their own minds regarding vaccines.
Engaging in harmless insults and vulgary-filled debates and opinions about vaccines is one thing I'll be the first to admit doing.

Not having an open mind and not allowing people to make up their own minds regarding vaccines is what the TS is clearly doing by inciting people to take up arms and going against the law. Just saying... :rolleyes:


In reply to tobelightlight. Still remember the son who said he is taking actions because his mother is suspected to die because of vaccine?. Till now, no news. Don't know if it is settled in private?
Still remember that vaccination is safe but news on compensation to those who suffer side effects after more than 70% of the population are vaccinated?
I couldn't forget that easily. He persuaded his mum to get jab, whom she initially unwilling to do it, and die after 8 hours of the first jab. How is he going to live his life now. The feeling of guilt will torment him for the rest of his life.

Many believe HSA is the authority of health and science. They approved the vaccine. They can't find any graphene oxide in the vaccine?


Many believe HSA is the authority of health and science. They approved the vaccine. They can't find any graphene oxide in the vaccine?
You expect a Sinkieporean to be smarter and catch these crooks?
They can't even catch scammers. And worse can't even outsmart our local ahbengs.


Should not MOM and MOH look more closely on the current workforce situation after the announcement made on 50% of those who can work at home can return to office? This is because now my managers ( not those senior management, but middle management) are sending their employees back to office while they work from homes. They are sending those with prevailing medical conditions workers back to office because they are fully vaccinated now. They explained that these workers are operation workers and need to work in office more than them. Since the managers are providing supervision only, they can supervise from homes. This makes no sense because the workers have worked from homes effectively. And, tthe still have medical concerns. These workers although are concerned, they are helpless. Can they be deployed? No. Recently, the newspaper has reported this. Can they go to MOM? MOM has clearly told everyone who went to them that MOM can only take actions for unfair compensation and unfair retrenchment. Surprisingly, my friends from DBS and UOB said that their managers are not hurry in getting their employees back to office. Although my bank is also a local bank, they are 'desperate' in getting their workers back and their workers with medical conditions. Perhaps, my situation is unique. Since this topic can be sensitive, so I will like to ask my brothers and sisters from this forum to share with me if all of you are experiencing the same. Thanks.


Should not MOM and MOH look more closely on the current workforce situation after the announcement made on 50% of those who can work at home can return to office? This is because now my managers ( not those senior management, but middle management) are sending their employees back to office while they work from homes. They are sending those with prevailing medical conditions workers back to office because they are fully vaccinated now. They explained that these workers are operation workers and need to work in office more than them. Since the managers are providing supervision only, they can supervise from homes. This makes no sense because the workers have worked from homes effectively. And, tthe still have medical concerns. These workers although are concerned, they are helpless. Can they be deployed? No. Recently, the newspaper has reported this. Can they go to MOM? MOM has clearly told everyone who went to them that MOM can only take actions for unfair compensation and unfair retrenchment. Surprisingly, my friends from DBS and UOB said that their managers are not hurry in getting their employees back to office. Although my bank is also a local bank, they are 'desperate' in getting their workers back and their workers with medical conditions. Perhaps, my situation is unique. Since this topic can be sensitive, so I will like to ask my brothers and sisters from this forum to share with me if all of you are experiencing the same. Thanks.
Your situation is certainly unique but to solicit for "answers and experiences" here from all kinds of crazies and nutcases will get your head spinning so fast you won't know what you were asking for in the first place. :biggrin:

If you sincerely want to know more about your situation and to do something about it, this is where you should direct your queries:


Just saying...


Denver high school students walked out of school today to protest the mask mandates.
There is hope for our youth.



You expect a Sinkieporean to be smarter and catch these crooks?
They can't even catch scammers. And worse can't even outsmart our local ahbengs.
Singapore is not just unsafe from law enforcers treating potential suspect with no human rights and respectful protocols. We are also unsafe the so-called health and science authority whose our health and safety is depended upon. It is better to keep yourself knowledgeable and set aside resources to protect yourself from these so called authorities.


Alfrescian (Inf)
for the world governments, high vaccinations rate is the logical choice. what annoys me is that they said almost all people can take the vaccine, even those with underlying health issues. the SG govt is considering giving a third jab to the elderly and some ill health people. they are sure this specific group can survive the third jab with no serious side effects ?


There were 191 new Covid cases on Sept 2, the highest single-day tally recorded since July 20. Of these, 113 were unlinked. Previously, MOH stressed that there is continuing evidence that all fully vaccinated individuals do not suffer serious disease when affected. Only today, MOH added 'unless they had underlying medical conditions that made them more susceptible. They added this after TWELVE FULLY VACCINATED were seriously ill. What does this show?
Re look at MOM website and found how badly considered advice has given to employers to manage vulnerable employees, including elderly and underlying medical conditions employees. MOM "encouraged" ( noted that it is encourage meaning not a must) to provide exception arrangements. MOM also seems to pass the responsibility on how the arrangement is made to the employers because on its website writes"the employers know best". Another sign on since they have hit the 80% mark then they've fulfilled their responsibilities?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How many Leaders, Bosses, Executives vs the common workers/folks ? 10/20% vs 80/90%. The ignorant are many the woke or smarter ones are few but it's a free world. Free will is the ultimate rule hence infinite possibilities too.

When some1's argument is millions cannot be wrong you know he's sheeple. Low IQ low SES prolly CECA of LAND of the RAPE...... Or when he ask you to check with Authorities for infos you know he's got Agenda, Unscrupulous motive. He's likely from the other camp. lol....

There are many who love to watch the world burn or when they realized they've farked-up wants to get others to follow.

That's the nature of life of existence itself.

The real threat is in SG we have no outlet or source to complain or fight back. You'll be POFMA whichever way you argue even their own siblings go against them ya ?
Blood is thicker yet they give up.

So now it's going to be indirectly mandatory and for those rich maybe only maybe you can survive longer and tahan the onslaught but the common folks it's almost death sentence.
If your hand-to-mouth survival it's worst. Everywhere you go there's going to be restrictions. Not to mention they divide and conquer they incite and brain wash the vaxxed they will go against those unvaxx like they're untouchables and criminals, it's extreme atrocities and inhumane. No more free will no more human rights.

Work discriminations etc.. Twice weekly swap test self paid no entry to many places and even hospitals etc... Private hospital different story but when i have mouth ulcers i went Mt E that's $500+ per visit lol.........

You have cancer you go Radiation+Chemotherapy SGH, u'll be half death even if you survive, mostly recurrence within 5yrs. The rich ones goes private for Immunology it uses advance medication scientific technology, blood cleanse change blood also 'sup sup sui' to increase you natural immunity and cure your cancer naturally only 3 to 4 hundred thousands not very expensive. lol......... It's very advance just not widely marketed for obvious reasons.

Why pinky fingers and Lao goh both kena Cancer twice still here tok cock & sing song lol..........

When health is lost everything is lost. When your natural immunity is compromised or tempered with drugs to fight you're dependent & weaken naturally it's common sense. You're broken.

Only if y'all understand the term : 寧為玉碎不為瓦全 "rather be shattered piece of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery"

Amen ! lol........ :P <3


Just a reminder the Jury is still out. The long term effects of mRNA vaccine are unknown. They may be saving lives now but what is the long term cost? Nobody knows at the moment.
Your body manufactures tonnes of mRNA every single hour

they do their jobs, and then disappear

mRNA does not enter the nucleus to mess with DNA

that’s basic cytology for you

I don‘t see what’s the difference with synthetic mRNA

thats why FDA has declared mRNA vaccines safe and approved it for routine rather than emergency use like previously

soon it will become mandatory :laugh::laugh::laugh:


What can we say? What can we do? The vulnerable employees are sent back to the office when the healthy and young employees remain WFH. MOM has since said the employers know what is the best. Is this the know best? DBS and UOB are not hurried in sending their employees back to office. Why the local bank that I work in is so desperate in sending its employees, vulnerable employees, back to office? Discriminating or trying the best to axe them? Poor vulnerable employees are worriedand helpless.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Your body manufactures tonnes of mRNA every single hour

they do their jobs, and then disappear

mRNA does not enter the nucleus to mess with DNA

that’s basic cytology for you

I don‘t see what’s the difference with synthetic mRNA

thats why FDA has declared mRNA vaccines safe and approved it for routine rather than emergency use like previously

soon it will become mandatory :laugh::laugh::laugh:

mRNA is not the issue. It's what the body's response is over the long term.


mRNA is not the issue. It's what the body's response is over the long term.
mRNA instructs your cells to manufacture spike proteins to trigger a natural immune response

the very same spike proteins on a SARS-Cov2

the antibodies (manufactured by your own white cells) will protect you from serious effects of an infection

just as they have done for eons for measles, mumps, rubella

chicken pox, tetanus and now HPV

It's nothing mysterious or diabolical . Simple medical science and immunology

Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists ignore facts and evidence so that they may justify their own stupidity and give themselves a false sense of superiority

You are better than that, Sam


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
mRNA instructs your cells to manufacture spike proteins to trigger a natural immune response

the very same spike proteins on a SARS-Cov2

the antibodies (manufactured by your own white cells) will protect you from serious effects of an infection

just as they have done for eons for measles, mumps, rubella

chicken pox, tetanus and now HPV

It's nothing mysterious or diabolical . Simple medical science and immunology

Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists ignore facts and evidence so that they may justify their own stupidity and give themselves a false sense of superiority

You are better than that, Sam

I know perfectly well how mRNA works in theory and even if I didn't there is a treasure trove of information that I can reference.

The theory is perfect. What can go wrong?

The answer is we don't know yet. Scientific discovery is littered with examples where synthetic methods have not mimicked nature's process as closely as was expected. The variable is not in the mRNA technology but in the fact that humans are so genetically diverse that there is no knowing whether everyone will respond the same way.

Only time will tell.

Don't be arrogant. Science is never settled.


I know perfectly well how mRNA works in theory and even if I didn't there is a treasure trove of information that I can reference.

The theory is perfect. What can go wrong?

The answer is we don't know yet. Scientific discovery is littered with examples where synthetic methods have not mimicked nature's process as closely as was expected. The variable is not in the mRNA technology but in the fact that humans are so genetically diverse that there is no knowing whether everyone will respond the same way.

Only time will tell.

Don't be arrogant. Science is never settled.
Alright let's compare and contrast

Sam's Covid Strategy

Masks - useless
Herd Immunity is best - natural antibodies triggered by "natural" pathogens
Vaccines - natural antibodies triggered by "synthetic" pathogens : BAD as long terms results unknown . Science is never settled

BUT : a lot of high risk immunocompromised people will die in your strategy. Tough tits. Life is not fair. People die everyday anyway. Suck it up

Government Strategy

Masks - critical as it limits airborne spread and mitigates daily numbers
Vaccines - critical as it prevents serious symptoms and overloading of hospital resources

THEREFORE : less people die and herd immunity is achieved in a measured calibrated way so we may go back to normal

PLUS : Pfizer mRNA is FDA certified safe and already mandatory in many US institutions

Which one has better optics for the government of the day ?

Honestly if you were left in charge bubonic plague will still be around