• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah we don't force...we just keep taking away your most basic freedoms till you say YES.

that's the argument from the anti-vaxx camp here in Alberta too.

It has become a fight against freedom.

In Singapore you have encountered this as well with the Sovereign group.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah we don't force...we just keep taking away your most basic freedoms till you say YES.

You should move to North America. You will prefer it here.

More freedom. Also more like minded people for you.


5,000 travellers who defied hotel quarantine rules got big fines, but no sign of fines in Alberta​

Seven travellers told CBC News they landed in Calgary, refused the hotel quarantine and didn't get fined​


Sophia Harris · CBC News · Posted: Oct 04, 2021 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: October 4


The Public Health Agency of Canada has records of 5,538 fines being issued to air passengers who refused to quarantine in a hotel after arriving in Canada. The quarantine requirement ended in August. (Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press)

Anu Khullar says she was shocked how easy it was to refuse to quarantine in a hotel after landing in Calgary on June 20, following a trip to Honduras.
She received no pushback and no fine, she said.
"There were two police officers standing there and they just smiled at me and said, 'Hi,'" said Khullar who lives in Edmonton and owns a home in Honduras.
"Got my luggage, got my car, drove home, everything was great."
Canada's hotel quarantine requirement for international air passengers ended in August, but it's still sparking controversy. That's because while more than 5,000 air passengers who refused to quarantine in a hotel were hit with fines, others who violated the rule faced no repercussions.
"This wasn't a program that was sort of implemented fairly, necessarily, across the board," said Cara Zwibel, director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's fundamental freedoms program.
CBC News has found no evidence that any hotel quarantine fines have been issued to air passengers who landed in Calgary, and has found evidence so far of only two fines issued to Montreal arrivals. Calgary and Montreal are two of just four cities — along with Vancouver and Toronto — where international passengers could land while the hotel quarantine rule was in effect, from Feb. 22 to Aug. 8.
The absence of fines issued in Calgary doesn't mean all Calgary arrivals obeyed the rules. Seven travellers told CBC News they landed in the city, refused to quarantine in a hotel and received no fines.
"This was way too easy," said Khullar.


Anu Khullar on vacation in Honduras before flying back to Canada on June 20. She said she received no pushback or fine for refusing to quarantine in a hotel. (submitted by Anu Khullar)
Khullar said she felt no need to quarantine in a hotel because she was fully vaccinated and could do her full 14-day quarantine in her empty house.
Her original return flight to Canada was to land in Vancouver. But Khullar said she switched her arrival city to Calgary after reading scores of posts on social media from people who said they landed in Calgary, refused to go to a quarantine hotel and didn't get fined.
"It was an absolute joke," said Khullar. "You might as well say, 'OK everybody, just fly back to Alberta. You don't have to worry about a single fine.'"

Who can issue fines in Calgary?​

The federal government created its hotel quarantine program to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The program required international air passengers to do part of their quarantine in a designated hotel while waiting for their post-arrival COVID-19 test results. Passengers had to foot the hotel bill, which could run as high as $2,000.
The Public Health Agency of Canada has posted records of 5,538 fines issued to air passengers who refused to quarantine in a hotel. They range from $3,000 to $5,000 plus added fees.
Almost all of the fines were given to travellers who landed in Toronto (4,850) and Vancouver (685). The remaining three involved Montreal arrivals. However, PHAC clarified in a footnote that it's unknown if those three cases actually resulted in fines.
None of the fines were issued in Calgary.
According to Statistics Canada, 434,210 non-essential air passengers entered Canada from March through June, the busiest months for the hotel quarantine program. Of that total, 225,809 landed in Toronto, 94,084 in Montreal, 80,722 in Vancouver and 33,595 in Calgary.
PHAC told CBC News its officers couldn't fine hotel quarantine violators in Alberta because the province never adopted the federal Contraventions Act. But the agency said police in Alberta could issue the fines and suggested checking with police for up-to-date statistics.
Alberta RCMP and Calgary police told CBC News they have issued no such fines.
In May, Calgary police said that because the Contraventions Act doesn't apply in Alberta, they don't have direct authority to fine hotel quarantine violators. Instead, they could only investigate a case if they receive a complaint.
Watch: Hotel quarantine fines handed out unevenly:


Canadian hotel quarantine fines were handed out unevenly​

Canada's hotel quarantine requirement ended in August, but we're just now getting a sense of how it was enforced. CBC News has learned that fines were unevenly handed out, depending on which city passengers landed in. 1:59

Any fines in Quebec?​

CBC News has also heard from five travellers who said they had landed in Montreal, refused to quarantine in a hotel and have yet to receive a fine.
Synthia Vignola flew to Montreal from Colombia on March 21. Vignola said she refused to go to a quarantine hotel because she felt safer isolating at her home in Sainte-Marthe, Que.
Vignola said a federal government official at the airport told her she'd receive a fine in the mail. More than five months later, no fine has arrived, she said.
"I'm not surprised," said Vignola. "A lot of people [broke the rules]. Nobody receives nothing."
However, following the publication of this story, CBC News confirmed that a couple who landed in Montreal on May 9 and refused to quarantine did eventually receive a fine in the mail — on Aug. 27.


Synthia Vignola flew from Colombia to Montreal on March 21. She said she has yet to receive a fine for refusing to quarantine in a hotel. (submitted by Synthia Vignola)
PHAC said its officers couldn't directly fine quarantine offenders who landed in Montreal because, in Quebec, these types of fines can only be issued by provincial prosecutors.
The office of Quebec's director of criminal and penal prosecutions (DPCP) told CBC News it is unable to provide specific data on the number of fines it has issued to hotel quarantine violators. DPCP said people can receive a fine up to one year after committing a violation.

'I'm not paying it'​

It's a different story for air passengers who landed in Vancouver and Toronto and refused to quarantine in a hotel.
CBC News interviewed eight travellers who were directly fined between $3,450 and $6,255 by authorities at the Vancouver or Toronto airport. They each said they plan to contest their fine in court and feel it's unfair they should have to pay when other travellers have faced no repercussions.
"I'm not paying it, because this absolutely doesn't make any sense," said Michael Allen of Windsor, Ont. The former CFL player turned organic greenhouse operator was fined $6,255 at the Toronto airport on July 8. He said he was returning from a business trip to Jamaica.


Michael Allen, a former CFL football player turned organic gardener, returned to Canada from Jamaica on July 8 and refused to quarantine in a hotel. He says he's fighting the $6,255 fine he received at the Toronto airport. (submitted by Michael Allen)
Allen said he refused to quarantine in a hotel because he felt it was best to do his full quarantine at his empty house.
He's now waiting to fight his fine in court.
"Some people get fined. Some don't.… There is no consistency," said Allen, who also pointed out that travellers who entered Canada by land did not have to quarantine in a hotel.
"All these things make it unjust. It's just an unjust law."

Lawyer Zwibel said the inconsistency is one of the many reasons she believes the quarantine program was flawed and unnecessary.
"The reality is that the law can't solve every problem, and this is one instance where I think the law was not very effective," she said. "There are other tools that probably work better, tools like public education."
When asked about claims the hotel quarantine program was unfair because some travellers didn't get fined, PHAC reiterated that authorities in Alberta and Quebec had the power to issue fines.
The agency also said the hotel quarantine requirement was implemented only for international air passengers because, at the time, air travel accounted for most leisure trips, and air travellers generally had higher COVID-19 test positivity rates than those travelling by land.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@JHolmesJr so in AB many of the "laws" and "rules" are not enforced. For wayang only.

In fact we have no vaccine passport system. The Premier calls it the "Restriction Exemption Program".


What we know about Alberta's new vaccine passport (that's not being called a passport) so far​

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Restrictions exemption program takes effect Sept. 20 and will impact businesses like gyms and restaurants​

Hannah Kost · CBC News · Posted: Sep 16, 2021 12:14 PM MT | Last Updated: September 20


Businesses will be able to operate 'as usual,' the government says, as long as they are serving only those who have proof of immunization or who have a recent privately paid for negative test. (Dave Gilson/CBC)
Starting Monday, Albertans will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test in order to gain entry to many businesses and venues.
Alberta currently has more than 19,000 active cases — the most of any province. As of Friday, there were 911 people in hospital with the illness, including 215 in intensive care.
After months of rejecting the premise of a vaccine passport, Premier Jason Kenney announced the sweeping new measures to combat the COVID-19 surge on Sept. 15, but under a different name: the restrictions exemption program.
WATCH | Here's how Alberta's 'restriction exemption program' will impact your plans for the foreseeable future


Don't call it a vaccine passport. But whatever you call it, here's how it will impact your plans for the foreseeable future.​

30 days ago
There is a long list of dos and don'ts if you're venturing out to exercise, eat out, or enjoy a show. Alberta's restriction exemption program is at the forefront, but there are many lingering questions about how it will work. 4:36
As of Sept. 20, some businesses and venues will have the option of requiring proof of vaccinations for patrons who wish to access their services — or opting out of the program and having to adhere to a strict set of capacity and operating restrictions.
But the restrictions for businesses that opt out will vary, and some Albertans have expressed confusion about what documentation they will need to provide and how to access it.
A full list of restrictions and exemptions is available on the government's website, but here are some of the broader strokes about how the program works.

When will Albertans need to begin showing proof of vaccination?


Lana Weatherdon, 43, receives the AstraZeneca vaccine from Lee Buzzell-Lavoie at the Telus Convention Centre immunization site in Calgary on April 20. (Leah Hennel/AHS)
Starting Sept. 19, vaccine-eligible Albertans have to prove they have had at least one dose to access services in the province that decide to take part in the restriction exemption program — and that dose must have been administered at least two weeks before the time of service.
After Oct. 25, proof of two doses will be required.

I'm a business. Do I need to register for this program?

Nope, but the government says there will be audits and enforcement to ensure rules are followed.

I'm a vaccinated Albertan. What can I use as proof of vaccination and where can I find it?

Albertans can show the paper immunization record they received at the time of vaccination.
If you lost your paper copy, you can print it online at MyHealthRecords, or request another copy by contacting the pharmacy or clinic where you were vaccinated.


The Alberta government says work is also underway to make proof-of-vaccination available through a QR code 'in the coming weeks.' (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press)
You can also now print a smaller card that is available on MyHealthRecords and shows proof of vaccination to keep in your wallet.
WATCH | Albertans react to province's lastest COVID-19 measures


Frustration, relief usher in Alberta's new COVID-19 regulations​

1 month ago
Albertans are trying to digest what the latest health regulations mean for them. 1:53
Alternatively, a digital copy of vaccine records is available on the MyHealthRecords smart phone app, and the government advises saving a copy on your phone.
The government says work is also underway to make proof of vaccination available through a QR code "in the coming weeks."

I'm an unvaccinated Albertan. What do I need if I plan to go out?

You'll need to plan ahead.
Unvaccinated Albertans will have to show valid ID in addition to a negative COVID-19 PCR or rapid test result, done by a private company, and it must have been completed within 72 hours of going out.
The government stipulates that tests must not be from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.

What will happen for businesses that implement the program?

They will be able to operate "as usual," the government says, as long as they are serving only those who have proof of immunization or who have a recent privately paid negative test.
However, masking restrictions will remain mandatory throughout the province.

What restrictions will apply to restaurants, bars and nightclubs that don't take part in the program?

Indoor dining will not be permitted, but a maximum of six people per table — composed of one household, or two close contacts for those who live alone — will be allowed to eat outside.
Liquor sales must end at 10 p.m., while consumption must end by 11 p.m.

What restrictions will apply to indoor entertainment, event and rec centres that don't take part in the program?

Attendance will be restricted to one-third of fire code capacity for venues like movie theatres, museums and bowling alleys.
Two-metre physical distancing is also required.
And people must be with members of their household only, or two close contacts if they live alone.

What restrictions will apply to gyms and sports facilities that don't take part in the program?

Indoor group classes and activities will not be permitted, and indoor competitions will be paused except where vaccine exemptions have been granted.
Indoor one-on-one training and solo activities are allowed with three metres of physical distancing.
However, the government says that outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.

What about events like weddings and funerals?

Indoor wedding ceremonies and funeral services are permitted with up to 50 people or 50 per cent of fire code occupancy, whichever is less.
Indoor wedding and funeral receptions are prohibited, unless the hosting facility implements the restrictions exemption program.
Outdoor ceremonies, services and receptions are permitted with up to 200 people, and must follow liquor sales and consumption curfews.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of Health, said Sept. 16 that venues hosting events like weddings or funerals can choose to implement the program, in which case there would be no cap on attendance.

What services in Alberta cannot take part in the program?

The government has decided some essential services fall outside the scope of the restrictions exemption program.
They include retail and shopping malls, libraries, schools, places of worship, publicly funded and First Nations universities and colleges, and personal services like hair salons.
This means they must comply with health restrictions that include capacity limits and physical distancing.

Who in Alberta is exempt from the program?

The program won't apply to employees of businesses participating in the program, those who have documentation of a medical exemption for vaccines, or children under 12.


The clowns are bunch of CB kia, e en vac also died,ceca import never stop till now, clowns are lying , full load in n out ,CB now ppl are paying with their lives,still want to carry on ,all cock up


keep letting in fton ceca freely, it's never been stopped, even heard from taxi drivers full loads of them in and out non stop...screw up


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
So much fuss over such a virus that causes such minor symptoms that the only way to find the majority of cases is to test for it.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


Super Moderator
Staff member
How would anyone know what a falsehood is when things change every couple of months.

In the end when it comes to laws like POFMA, it is the lawyers who decide what is a falsehood and what is truth.

Yes. LAWYERS and JUDGES decide what is TRUTH. So lawyers know what is a falsehood and what is a truth.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One of the biggest fault and failure of this bunch is that they spent more time trying to control people and muzzle freedom of speech than to solve problems.
For covid all they know is vaccination and more vaccination as though its a magic bullet and for growing the economy its more and more immigrants - a group devoid of ideas.
They are just a bunch of one-trick ponies except that when there are three of them, they run into each other
during showtime the dust they kick up screw the bystanders.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Work means they reduce the death rate.

Based upon the latest data countries many countries with higher vaccination rates are are also having higher death rates too.

View attachment 125435

I think comparing SG with Sweden and India at this point Oct 2021 is not quite a fair comparison.

As you know Sweden went with an open approach and has more actual herd immunity at this point.

Same with India.

Is it possible to compare SG with Alberta? or Ontario?

Both countries had their populations vaccinated around the same time. Singapore a bit earlier perhaps.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Not helping case counts either.

View attachment 125436

this one already well established and accepted by the medical community.

The explanation given is that while case numbers and infectivity rates are not lowered with the vaccines overall mortality and morbidity rates should be lower.

Are they? I think so far they are saying that it is. You also have to differentiate between the vaxxed population and unvaxxed population of course.


The vaccinated super spreaders are doing a good job in pushing higher new cases numbers daily. Keep up the good work.
Thank you

That’s the plan . We are spreading to you so you get your natural immunity so we can achieve an endemic state with herd immunity

Of course many of you will die . Hee hee hee hee

Still trying to find out if the vaccinated deaths are due to the non MRA vaccines. But everyone remaining tight lipped . Dammit


Super Moderator
Total number needing oxygen supplementation is 404 :frown::frown::frown:

soon I think MTF would further classify these chaps under intubated vs mask only... KNN...