Did pap gov say you don't have to pay for hospital stay, medical treatment and expenses if you get infected by the Wuhan virus?
why did pap gov issue only 4 surgical mask per household and tells you not to wear protective mask and gear if you are healthy.
Isn't it true that a healthy person without protective mask and gear during the Wuhan virus crisis is a potential host and carrier?
The fucking pap gov, bastard hoching and faggot lee hsien loong is hoping and wishing for as many singaporean to get infected
with the Wuhan virus as possible so that the pap gov, bastard cheebye hoching and bastard faggot lee hsien loong can deplete your
cpf medical and personal saving by charging exobitant fee for your hospital stay and medical treatment.
why did pap gov issue only 4 surgical mask per household and tells you not to wear protective mask and gear if you are healthy.
Isn't it true that a healthy person without protective mask and gear during the Wuhan virus crisis is a potential host and carrier?
The fucking pap gov, bastard hoching and faggot lee hsien loong is hoping and wishing for as many singaporean to get infected
with the Wuhan virus as possible so that the pap gov, bastard cheebye hoching and bastard faggot lee hsien loong can deplete your
cpf medical and personal saving by charging exobitant fee for your hospital stay and medical treatment.