First of all, let me clarify I am not CG basher nor Setia supporters...I juat happened to read from another forum and get to know more about CG reputation in China..
You mention once the building has been completed, all the buyers can list down all the defect, and we have the right to hold oir payment until all the defects fixed by the developers and we as the buyers satisfied.
This is a correct step but also a move that may bring unwanted outcome..
The Project as mentioned in the video was launched with selling price over a millions.. but current resale value about 500k RMB after the news break out.
I can imagine if things really happened and buyers band togther to get the rework done.. it will eventually leaked to the public (another KSL saga perhaps) and it may bring down the resale the worst case scenario, it may even affect entire Iskandar development since CG project/Forest City are giant projects.
If you have been travelling extensively in will know the kind of things that happened there can be so wild that you cant even imagine a human would ever do..
I am not vested in CG BUT I hope CG will be doing fine..Some time.. I just simply hope.. 要死, 死远一点。 不要牵连他人。
My sincere apology if my comment appear to be CG/Chinese bashing.
Btw.. I kapo do abit more research.. CG listed (not sure in China or HK) and this is the recent report (Nov 2015). Apology, it in Chinese..
Almost all projects kena complaint..
Critical remarks in the news report..
- 碧桂園因質量問題遭到業主維權幾乎已成“常態”。
- 有媒體統計數據顯示,年內,碧桂園在安徽安慶、巢湖、蕪湖,江蘇如東、靖江、無錫,廣東臺山等地,涉及6個省13地樓盤均出現工程質量問題和投訴 。
- 在記者調查過程中,有信息源透露,開發商為了省錢,應該是采取的最低施工標準。