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Posted on 12 May 2010
Sec school shoplifters boldly help themselves to snacks and drinks in shop
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This shocking CCTV footage shows how three boys from a local secondary school took packets of snacks and soft drinks freely from a provision shop and hid the items in their pockets.
The shoplifters did not seem aware of the security camera which was recording their every move.
STOMPer Caught! came across the video on a video-sharing site and was surprised by the brazen manner in which these boys were committing the crime.
They did not seem to be bothered by the presence of other students in the store and took the items without hesitation.
In an email, an appalled STOMPer Caught! says:
"This is probably the most blatant shoplifting a security camera has ever caught.
"These boys were caught in full view of the camera, stealing from the shop.
"And they did it a total of three times!".
STOMP is currently rendering the video. Watch this space for the entire footage.
Sec school shoplifters boldly help themselves to snacks and drinks in shop
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This shocking CCTV footage shows how three boys from a local secondary school took packets of snacks and soft drinks freely from a provision shop and hid the items in their pockets.
The shoplifters did not seem aware of the security camera which was recording their every move.
STOMPer Caught! came across the video on a video-sharing site and was surprised by the brazen manner in which these boys were committing the crime.
They did not seem to be bothered by the presence of other students in the store and took the items without hesitation.
In an email, an appalled STOMPer Caught! says:
"This is probably the most blatant shoplifting a security camera has ever caught.
"These boys were caught in full view of the camera, stealing from the shop.
"And they did it a total of three times!".
STOMP is currently rendering the video. Watch this space for the entire footage.