More words of wisdom!Toilet bowl post is only clear to you, not to the public, because you desperately need to grab a straw in order to extricate yourself from the embarrassment of misinterpreting a dialect that you don't understand.
You misinterpret every word just so that you can create a platform to launch your tirades. In this forum, you have made words like sex, suck, cock, toilet, whore, prostitute, mistress your sole copyrights. Anybody who uses any of these words will be implicated and accused of insinuating something against you, as if you are the most important person in this forum. And if you can't prove, you will add another layer of untruth by accusing them of being Malaysian dogs in collusion with one another to slander you.
In the past we may have found you to be amusing, and then irritating, and then vulgar, and then illogical. But what makes us despise now you is your lack of honesty and courage to admit a mistake. Your scheme has been found out by Ah Meng and the rest. You are not the victim; we are all your victims.
We are just like butt parties in the shooting range, walking around with your imaginary targets of KT Latha and Sinkie.
More words of wisdom!I can't tell the difference, whether she is swearing vulgarities or describing herself ad nauseam. If it's the latter, that perhaps is the only time when she speaks the truth. It hurts nobody but presents the most accurate reflection of her upbringing.Of all new languages that she has learnt to date, learning to swear vulgarities at others has been her most successful learning. Extremely proficient.![]()
You can see why the need to learn foreign languages and play the piano."Next time you want to shoot off your mouth, do consult your hymen first. Since it's still untouched, it may have a bit more brains than that mess that remains in your head."
Like all psychiatric disorders with the exception of the newly discovered HDC (Hymen Disorder Complex), faggotism is curable. HDC, unfortunately, is for life.
after realizing auntie gin's true look must withdraw my "ravishing beauty" accolade. and the wanking also stops.
Internet monikers have no locus standi under the law. Check with your small left eye if you don't believe me. Then confirm it with your big right eye.
This is a copyrighted word in this forum. It carries the same meaning as mistress, whore, public toilet and .... toilet bowl according to a particular dictionary written by a Hokkien foul-mouthed scholar who scored an A1 for English.An ugly woman needs attention. In the Kdrama too, there's this UGLY manager that behaves like a slutty attention seeker too...Her name is Bong Se Ra. Lol![]()
Please seek permission before you use the above word or words in this forum.
And now that you understand "slut"means "toilet bowl", in future if you pattoh tia want to pangsai, please don't say I want to go to the toilet. Just say I am looking for a slut. This is the new English standard.
Likewise, you want to kio kway, please use A1 English and say "I want to look for a toilet bowl". But you don't go kio kway @ Sim Siang Choon hardware showroom. They will fuck you. Understand ?
I long for the day where, in a field covered with pink carnations, Ms Hymen cradles me with my head resting back against her bosom.
To shut the world out, I will pull her right nipple all the way out to cover my right ear and stretch her left neh-neh pok to cover my left ear whilst I gaze lovingly into her small left eye before switching my love-struck gaze into her big right eye. We then gently exchange kisses, careful to avoid her cute bunny teeth as I don't want the sirens of ambulance shattering our loving liaison.
Meng you should change your name to Mr Bates.
She's Lady Mary?![]()
She may blurt out excitedly “ Finally catch you!!! Are you MasterBates? “
my kakis and I doubled our sessions around AJ-GRC in the last few nights before GE15 after the mood in the crowds during the WP rallies didn't seem right. You could almost be right there was a little fear we could lose AJ, but morale was still high.
Right until KNN the results were announced. The shell shock brought our libido down I had to pin the Phily thread just to keep things going.