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Chiobu Milf wishes Samsters a Happy New Year 2023


I won't even bother to attack a delusional virgin. You are not even worth my time and effort.
Hey your actions are not what you said. Look at this thread is enough proof you bother to attack me first when I didn’t attack you. And you are attacking me again accusing me delusional virgin when I am a virgin is a fact and nothing delusional. Pui!


I can't believe that you even bother reasoning with her. Just ignore all her comments.
You Cantonese son of slut whore attacking me slut whore are the one that don’t need to bother reasoning with. Not me fighting abuse and bullies. Pui!


Sor-por should just post a pic of her intact hymen instead of constantly harping about her virginity no end here.
Oh ya didn’t you son of sor por just said you don’t bother to attack me? Your actions have once again been the opposite of what you said. Pui!


I will ignore her.
May I ask Sam Leong and the moderators to restrict her to her threads.
Thank you.

Don't do that. We need her presence in this forum so that it will become livelier and more interesting. She provides us with comic relief. Sometime ago she went MIA, and we all missed her presence greatly.