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Chiobu Milf wishes Samsters a Happy New Year 2023


You can do all the hard work but you will just be a maid to such people that think you are not important.
You have to be the best in everything if not any small thing can be made use of by 小人 to blow up and or twisted to attack you.


In conclusion a woman who marries the right guy is a good investor! That’s the most important investment of a woman’s life. Nothing else matters.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Instead of having some chiobu wishing us happy new year here, we have a sor-por-fatt-din on the 1st day of the year..... :cautious:


Alfrescian (Inf)
She's like a broken record, going on and on with the same shit. There's no new year for her. She's still stuck in 2019.
Happy New Year to you.
Wish you good health, prosperity, success and satisfaction with your career, or profession, or business.


She's like a broken record, going on and on with the same shit. There's no new year for her. She's still stuck in 2019.
Tell that to youself Broken record is bad people like you attacking me on and on a virgin as slut. You Cantonese son of whore with no conscience think you can enjoy your new year but heaven will stuff you with m&d. Pui!


Does it matter whether or not you are a virgin?
And do you have to inform others, whether or not you are a virgin?
Tell that to yourself mark Andrew yeo and Jeremy Quek and kt latha - that you support once a slut always a slut - and all Ccb Malaysians and Ccb sinkies does it matter whether I am a slut or not? What makes you all think you are entitled to bully a slut? And that’s why I have no choice but to inform people that I am a virgin not a slut, if not I never care I am virgin let alone tell people proven by my years of silence on that here.View attachment 174486View attachment 174487


Tell that to yourself mark Andrew yeo and Jeremy Quek and kt latha - that you support once a slut always a slut - and all Ccb Malaysians and Ccb sinkies does it matter whether I am a slut or not? What makes you all think you are entitled to bully a slut? And that’s why I have no choice but to inform people that I am a virgin not a slut, if not I never care I am virgin let alone tell people proven by my years of silence on that here.View attachment 174486View attachment 174487
Seriously you bad people from kt latha to all sluts and sons of sluts here and out there look at yourself your own Ccb mother wife daughters you pure and clean enough to point your evil filthy fingers to insult me slut or not? How old you started having sex and how many sex partners you had to qualify insulting other people a slut? I saw in the video posted here the four Malaysian girls were talking they started sex at 15 or 16. Yucks like that Malaysians still got the cheek to insult me a slut. Pui!


Seriously you bad people from kt latha to all sluts and sons of sluts here and out there look at yourself your own Ccb mother wife daughters you pure and clean enough to point your evil filthy fingers to insult me slut or not? How old you started having sex and how many sex partners you had to qualify insulting other people a slut? I saw in the video posted here the four Malaysian girls were talking they started sex at 15 or 16. Yucks like that Malaysians still got the cheek to insult me a slut. Pui!
Does it matter people are slut or not? Tell that to yourselves ganging up to attack me when you are sluts and sons of sluts yourselves! Pui!