Only more than 10? Did you work with, work under, have Japs work for you in regions in Japan, East and Southeast Asia and South Asia. Who is the outsider. I know of gaijin who stay in Japan for 30 years cannot speak Japanese has close ties with Japanese in he and her mind but everyone around me tell me they gaijin and I nihonjin. I say sorry, I gaijin desu. I oso know of many who marry nihonjin for 15 years and their spouse tell me oo chan/kun mada gaijin yane. But the gaijin think they jippunese though Japs tell me gaijin some nasty say nisemono nihonjin. No matter, phones came in, East Asia conference of fireworks likely to be on, due to stupid foreign policy move by Japan that make it difficult to diffuse. Enlightened Jippunese also just confirmed that. Say if tables turn oso do not know how other party let alone Jippunese defuse. Not my problem, I watch in SE Asia. BTW, many Jippunese now flocking like lemmings back like the last time they flock out during all the crisis. Problem now, no skill labor that they want and at the cheap rate and no industrial park available soon. Gaijin companies already take and some are your not so favorite kimchees. Does not bother me. Bad strategic planning - told them 10 years ago, too howlian. Say SE Asia not ready for Jipun. So Korea sneak and take as are some of the EU and US companies. Wait and see lor. I super relaxed on this one. I get Jippunese phone asking me how. I tell them remember what I tell you 10 years back and you say no worry? BTW I am proud to inform Singapore exporting a lot of processed seaweed to Japan after 3-11. Seems Jippun people scared glowing Jippun seaweed. With 3-11, you will hear gaikoku no kaisan oishikunai. Oh more than 70% of sushi products come from overseas and SE Asia is a proud supplier too. Oh well, me enjoy at source and have access to the freshest source that same quality as those sent to Japan but fresher. Have fun in Japan. Me not going there and have declined quite a few invitations. I am however getting quite a bit of requests for visits SE Asia for business prospects.