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China wins gold and silver medals for women ping pong at Commonwealth Game 2022.


PRC-born Singaporean table tennis player Li Jiawei has retired and gone back to live in her first home in Beijing.

She has decided to start her family in China instead of Singapore.

In the men’s national team, Singapore has players like PRC-born Chen Feng and native-born Clarence Chew. Chen Feng, 22, came from China at the age of 16.


PRC-born Singaporean table tennis player Li Jiawei has retired and gone back to live in her first home in Beijing.

She has decided to start her family in China instead of Singapore.

In the men’s national team, Singapore has players like PRC-born Chen Feng and native-born Clarence Chew. Chen Feng, 22, came from China at the age of 16.
Will probably join the PLA and attack Taiwan and Sinkieland.