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China University Graduation Ceremony, Chinese Girl kneels down before African Black Begging Him to Marry Her


You remind me that many years ago i was regular attending live sleague matches at stadiums all over the island. Some of the african players they have minah girl friends. The minahs will support them at every match and maybe also pay for their hdb rentals.
Tat is true sia. My close msian keling bro told me once minahs and ah neh gals get poke by niggers they just won't want them back anymore. He told me alot of them love poking by BBC. He never mentioned chink. Minahs and ah neh rate of getting poke by niggers are much higher tbh.


Sinkie is a land good for foreigners. Rich and poor. Rich invest properties, poor undercut pay and steal sinkie jobs.

Many sinkie chink going for ceca and rich ah neh. Also saw them with blacks, their kids totally shit black and she is so proud of it.

Their ancestors are so ashamed of these girls who open their womb to ceca and afro, why do reverse evolution???


You meant she want to marry the black guy so she can change from China Passport to African passport e.g Uganda, Senegal, Nigeria?

Makes good sense ja
It's very hard for a PRC commie to get into other country even as a tourists. They have to apply for visa for each visit into A country every time.

The commie run China is a hell hole for poor people who is earning 3k RMB and ex premier lee ke qiang say that 600 million people are still earning less then 1000rmb per month . Super Inequality in income distribution, super corruption, competitions amongst kids and work and super High costs of living for the 600million.

On record China still have 10 million super rich individuals. So those you see spending like kings and queens are powering the local internal Economy.

Back to this topic again, in order to get out of the vicious system with no hope of social mobility. The female basic survival instincts kicks in. They need to find someone better off (not necessarily better off in terms of wealth) to get out of this rotten system.

In china a lot of African nation is a friend to them. A lot of blacks or negro are being allowed into China. So you know the female wanted or need to reproduce. So these African people are the perfect choice for these female. Of course some prc female can fuck really and I mean they are very good on bed. The male African also love it too.
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Their ancestors are so ashamed of these girls who open their womb to ceca and afro, why do reverse evolution???
Sinkie shld be the only one that is non ang mo majority nation that English is first language. Open for multi racial marriage and sort of give the most 'racial harmony' in the world impression.

Plus those ceca ah neh niggers took this opportunity to slang English and hook sinkie chink gals lo. Then those very open-minded sinkie chink accept them and their offspring blackened lo.

syed putra

Sinkie shld be the only one that is non ang mo majority nation that English is first language. Open for multi racial marriage and sort of give the most 'racial harmony' in the world impression.

Plus those ceca ah neh niggers took this opportunity to slang English and hook sinkie chink gals lo. Then those very open-minded sinkie chink accept them and their offspring blackened lo.
That should be great for humanity no?


Mixed-blood people have better facial feature.

Not all.
