wow so amazing even more advanced than 4th or 5th generation.
Top 3 nuke powers have 4G Nukes already in service and deployment, but lack war to test. Not all the same advantages between US Russia and Chinese.
5G are experimental and developmental. Including nuke driven energy beams.
1G = atomic bombs = Hiroshima Nagasaki = fision nuke
2G = H-bombs = fusion nuke E.g Tsar Bomba
3G = Power modification E.g. Electromagnetic bombs, Neutron Bombs, Dirty Bombs, can select Characteristics to achieve desired Destructive / non-Destructive effects tailored for each type of different targets.
4G = pure fusion, clean nuke, radiation last only shortly, Miniaturized nukes, bomblets, for spread out and even energy distribution over large cities. Tactical war heads, can deny and cover up use of nukes. Already secretively used in Iraq Syria etc, without any admission of nuke used.
5G = Beamed Energy Provided by nuke fusion, space to earth and earth to space, anti-missile, anti-satellite, anti-warheads, anti-carriers, anti-silo. Well-controlled and focused radiation, harmful only for very short duration, clean and can be used quite close to own forces. In a way, shaped charges in anti-tank ammo focusing a sharp beam of blast to piece amour is non-nuke way, they now find ways to similarly play with nuke.