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Serious China and India could go to war.


India says 20 soldiers killed in brawl with Chinese military at disputed Himalayan border
Posted Yesterday, updated 41m
A small town in a valley.
China has blamed India for the clash in the Ladakh region.(ABC News: Siobhan Heanue, File Photo)
India's army says 20 of its soldiers have been killed in clashes with Chinese troops at a disputed border site in the western Himalayas, in a major escalation of a weeks-long stand-off between the two Asian giants.

Key points:
An Indian government source said no shots were fired but soldiers attacked each other with rocks and metal bars
China accused Indian troops of provoking and attacking its forces
Both countries have rival claims to vast swathes of territory along their mountainous border
China's foreign ministry confirmed there had been a "violent physical confrontation", but made no mention of casualties. India's foreign ministry said there had been casualties on both sides.

An Indian government source said the troops fought with iron rods and stones, but that no shots were fired.

The clashes happened in Ladakh, along a contested border between India and China.

The Indian army initially issued a statement saying three Indian soldiers had died, but later updated the number to 20 and said 17 "were critically injured in the line of duty at the stand-off location and exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the high altitude terrain".

"They attacked with iron rods, the commanding officer was grievously injured and fell, and when that happened, more soldiers swarmed to the area and attacked with stones," said the Indian government source, who had been briefed on the matter.

China analyst Professor Srikanth Kondapalli says China-India border row could lead to a 'local war'.
The two sides had been discussing ways to de-escalate but at some point the People's Liberation Army turned on a group of Indian soldiers, the source said. The Chinese side brought in reinforcements and the brawl went on for a couple of hours.

"Both sides suffered casualties that could have been avoided had the agreement at the higher level been scrupulously followed by the Chinese side," Indian foreign ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said in a statement.

The first statement from the Indian army had said that: "During the de-escalation process under way in the Galwan Valley, a violent face-off took place [last] night with casualties on both sides."

The officer who died was a colonel, the government source said.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman in Beijing said there was a serious violation of a consensus reached by the two countries.

"China is raising strong opposition and stern representations to the Indian side on this."

Last deaths happened in 1967
A map showing how India, Pakistan and China all hold different parts of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh
India and China have a long-standing border dispute over Ladakh.(ABC News: GFX/Jarrod Fankhauser)
India and China, the world's two most populous countries, have not been able to settle the dispute along their vast frontier.

The nuclear-armed neighbours fought a brief but bloody border war in 1962, and distrust has occasionally led to flare-ups ever since.

Border guards have had skirmishes and fist fights when patrols have confronted each other, but the deaths this week were the first fatalities since 1967.

Since early May, hundreds of soldiers have fronted up against each other at three locations, each side accusing the other of trespassing.

Military experts say one reason for the face-off is that India has been building roads and airfields to improve connectivity and narrow the gap with China's far superior infrastructure.

At Galwan, India completed a road leading to an airfield last October. The Chinese side had asked India to stop all construction.

India says it is operating on its side of the Line of Actual Control, the de facto border.

An Indian man burns a photograph of Chinese president Xi Jinping during a protest.
An Indian man burns a photograph of Chinese president Xi Jinping during a protest against China.(AP: Ajit Solanki)


Alfrescian (Inf)
thought those disputed territories are usually no man's land to prevent disputes and military conflicts. what's there to fight for ?


Super Moderator
sorry ah, can someone enlighten me, how do you pronounce the name Siobhan?

Sio Barn?


China-India border dispute could ‘spiral out of control’
China-India border dispute could ‘spiral out of control’ China warns as India confirms 20 soldiers killed
June 17, 2020 1:38pm

At least 20 Indian soldiers have been killed in a “violent face off” with Chinese forces as the nuclear armed neighbours inch closer to all-out conflict.
Staff writers and wiresnews.com.au
At least 20 Indian soldiers have been killed in a “violent face-off” with Chinese forces along the disputed Himalayan frontier in the deadliest clash between the nuclear-armed neighbours for more than four decades.
Both sides blamed each other for Monday’s clash in the precipitous, rocky terrain of the strategically important Galwan Valley, between China’s Tibet and India’s Ladakh region, which analysts described as “worrying”.

India had earlier put the toll at three dead. But in a statement later the army added that 17 more “who were critically injured in the line of duty at the stand-off location and exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the high altitude terrain have succumbed to their injuries, taking the total that were killed in action to 20”.

China has not confirmed its number of casualties, however the Times of India has quoted unnamed sources as claiming up to 20 Indian Army and 43 Chinese personnel were killed.

On Tuesday the Global Times, China’s English language newspaper, that has been increasingly used by the Communist Party to promote its world view, said the “arrogance and recklessness” of India was the reason for the tension.

“In recent years, New Delhi has adopted a tough stance on border issues, which is mainly resulted from two misjudgements. It believes that China does not want to sour ties with India because of increasing strategic pressure from the US, therefore China lacks the will to hit back provocations from the Indian side,” it said.

“In addition, some Indian people mistakenly believe their country’s military is more powerful than China’s. These misperceptions affect the rationality of Indian opinion and add pressure to India’s China policy.”

Members of the non-governmental organisation MADADGAAR PARIVAR, burn a poster of Chinese President Xi Jinping along with Chinese items as they protest against the killing of the three Indian soldiers by Chinese troops. Picture: SAM PANTHAKY / AFP. Source: AFP
The editorial claimed “the gap between China’s and India’s strength is clear.”

“China does not want to turn border issues with India into a confrontation. This is goodwill and restraint from China. But China is confident in the situation at the border. It does not and will not create conflicts, but it fears no conflicts either. This policy is supported by both morality and strength. We will not trade our bottom line with anyone.”

“The clash in the Galwan Valley this time has led to casualties on both sides, indicating China-India border tensions, amid constant frictions, may spiral out of control.”

It claimed China did not disclose its number of casualties in a bid to prevent the issue escalating.

Indian protesters in Ahmedabad. Picture: SAM PANTHAKY / AFP Source: AFP
But New Delhi’s foreign ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava hit back, saying the clash arose from “an attempt by the Chinese side to unilaterally change the status quo” on the border.

An Indian army officer in the region told AFP there had been no shooting in the incident.

“It was violent hand-to-hand scuffles,” the officer said on condition of anonymity.

Beijing confirmed a clash took place and accused Indian soldiers of “attacking Chinese personnel”.

Indian troops “crossed the border line twice … provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides,” China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Tuesday.

“We again solemnly request that India follows the relevant attitude and restrains its frontline troops,” he added.

Pangong Lake in Leh district of Union territory of Ladakh bordering India and China. Picture: Prakash SINGH / AFP. Source: AFP

India and China have long squabbled about their border but recent weeks have seen an escalation.

On May 9, several Indian and Chinese soldiers were injured in a clash involving fists and stone-throwing at Naku La in India’s Sikkim state, which borders Bhutan, Nepal and China.

Alice Wells, the top US State Department official for South Asia, likely irked Beijing last month when she said China was seeking to upset the regional balance and had to be “resisted”.

But the Chinese foreign ministry said only last week a “positive consensus” was reached following “effective communication” through diplomatic and military channels.

India’s foreign ministry too sounded conciliatory, saying the two sides would “continue the military and diplomatic engagements to resolve the situation and to ensure peace and tranquillity in the border areas”.

However, Indian sources and news reports suggested that Chinese troops remained in parts of the Galwan Valley and of the northern shore of the Pangong Tso lake that it occupied in recent weeks.

“We are at an extremely worrisome juncture in the relationship,” former Indian ambassador to China and foreign secretary Nirupama Menon Rao told AFP.

India and China have never even agreed on the length of their “Line of Actual Control” frontier, and each side uses different frontier proposals made by Britain to China in the 19th century to back their claims.

They fought a brief war in 1962 in which China took territory from India. Further deadly clashes followed in 1967, but the last shot fired in anger was in 1975.

In 2017 there was a 72-day showdown after Chinese forces moved into the disputed Doklam plateau on the China-India-Bhutan border.

After that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese leader Xi Jinping appeared to ease tensions at two summits.

“If not handled correctly this can really escalate into something much bigger than we had initially imagined,” Harsh Pant from the Observer Research Foundation think-tank told AFP, calling China’s statement “worrying”.

“China, with its better infrastructure, with its better military capabilities, perhaps thinks that this is the time to push India, to see how far India will go,” Pant told AFP

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Our artillery has the capability of crushing bones at close quarters fighting. Proven in NZ early last year. At long range, they could burn the whole countryside. If Modi buys our SAF artillery, chinkland would be fucked. We could burn down all of Tibet and its glaciers.

And China will sit idly by?:rolleyes:





Alfrescian (Inf)
......this is the only scenario where China and India can prove useful to the world,by killing off one another.

Why hasn't China annexed India in the past two thousand years is beyond me.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
U.S. News & World Report reported:

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News. The incident took place during a meeting in the mountainous region between the two sides – both of which had agreed to disarm – to determine how the two militaries would safely withdraw their presences from the region.

According to the U.S. assessment, the Chinese government considers the casualties among their troops as a humiliation for its armed forces and has not confirmed the numbers for fear of emboldening other adversaries, the source says.

The sources who spoke with the Times said 43 Chinese troops died in the fighting.
