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Serious China and India could go to war.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
China already has Norinco and Poly industries who are selling arms to international customers.

Maybe with our newly acquired catering knowledge, our SATS can sell curry rice to Indian soldiers in the front line

I could supply packet food to the front lines for both sides. My catered food has both keling and chink cuisine. And my styrofoam and paper packaging is of the best quality for an affordable price.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China already has Norinco and Poly industries who are selling arms to international customers.

Maybe with our newly acquired catering knowledge, our SATS can sell curry rice to Indian soldiers in the front line

Our SIA gals can be battlefield ambassadors. Daytime = logistical support. Nighttime = comfort women for boosting troop morale.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don’t kid me our weapons can’t handle Bangla riot and good for killing NS serf only

Our artillery has the capability of crushing bones at close quarters fighting. Proven in NZ early last year. At long range, they could burn the whole countryside. If Modi buys our SAF artillery, chinkland would be fucked. We could burn down all of Tibet and its glaciers.


Send for training with the Nihon how they run this during the war
Hey China Troll, so you gonna tell us what the Canadian Ang Mohs do to you? DId they humiliate you? So you now hate white people? Evil because they were mean to you? Awwww. So sad for you.

China is not your friend


Send for training with the Nihon how they run this during the war



syed putra

China already has Norinco and Poly industries who are selling arms to international customers.

Maybe with our newly acquired catering knowledge, our SATS can sell curry rice to Indian soldiers in the front line
The chinese would love them too.we can turn curry as china's national dish like what happened in UK and japan.


Alfrescian (Inf)



次貨都偷渡出國賣淫呀, 陰公


China wants to be Anabel Chong in the greatest gang bang of all time, wants to be violated from all sides, taken roughly by one and all. China will be treated like the bitch she is, the greatest whore the world has ever seen.:biggrin:
Y'know back in the day, I was in the US when I ran across Annabelle Chong and her feat. When I came back to sinkieland, nobody believed me....


Did you shake her hand and wave a Sinkieland flag to pay her tribute?
not up close and personal. It was in a few mags. Aging precludes me from remembering which. But I do remember mentioning it in a conference with angmohs and sinkies. The angmohs roared with laughter and the sinkies pretended to go along with it. Totally butt hurt in reality.