I watched "today in parliament" as a very young child, I didnt understand politics.
But I saw two men, one Mr JBJ and Mr Chiam always kenna laughed at and bullied in various verbal ways by the mass of men wearing white. My young heart went out to them.
I asked myself then; How can these whole big bunch mock these two men whom was elected by the people, in public office? No matter right or wrong, we must accord respect to each other because of the noble intent in serving and representing the people of singapore. Such bulllying behaviour should not have a place in parliament, its not gentlemenly.
I still see Mr Chiam very strong in his spirt. I still tear when I see him for many reasons; despite his stroke, his convictions and love for his country men, his undying spirit.
My heart wil break if he and his team dont win Bishan/TP GRC. Just another five seats out of the 82 seats where at least half of them are of a lesser man than Mr Chiam.