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cherie lim, kim lim's stepmother, kym?


50 million is a cheap change for Peter Lim. After giving 50 million to Ms Teo Geok Fong, Peter lim has since become a Billionaire.
Back to Cherie Lim, if my husband can give away 50million to his ex-wife just to be with me. I would also stop working for good. After all, TCS is paying 3500 sgd or 2700 sgd for a start as monthly salary
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Mediacorp is like a marketing fish tank for these girls to get ahead. Why didn't he fight for Zoe with Ong Beng Seng?

Byebye Penis

glad tat brought out tis...
PL made his $B on his own merit..
OBS did it via his FIL..
wat more to sing.. :geek:

Founding father's sister-in-law helped OBS to get the land for 4 seasons hotel. From that day onwards, his FIL don't dare to raise his voice at him.


this one jin satki
