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Time to update manifesto again 
GMS Party Manifesto 2016
Haha.... it just prove that WP people lack creativity or even know what shame is!
Some WP people who are closer to me, have already admitted that some of their comrades have done so lah!
WP people aren't really First World and you are right, they don't make sense at all! Enough said!
WP leadership should thank me to teach their members a hard lesson on Freedom of Speech.
WP people are incapable of evolution and will continue their Dumb and Dumber ways...
One by one, WP MPs will prove to be disastrous.
It is strange Sylvia Lim didn't use her usual WP's "no comment" style when approached about this little romance.
WP MPs including LTK tried to do is to act blur about their contractor attempted to charge hawkers for high rise cleaning when they are not supposed to.
WP has lost quite a bit of respect from the middle ground with such wishy washy dealings
I know WP is now a famous University of Smart Alec
LTK has already surrendered, putting his head into the sand like an ostrich
CSM is "opportunist" when he spent most of his time, decades, outside Singapore but only come back for the GE when it was due in 2011.
It is apparent that the way WP handled this issue is dishonest and the quotation has actually put more doubts on WP's management.
Just too bad, SL and LTK have to continue that dishonest line of argument.
WP AHTC just act blur, see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil.
Has it occurred to you that it would be worst if VB mentioned about that email, to make a solid point about WP's inconsistent dishonest flip flop in its argument?
Don't underestimate PM Lee, he won't just step in if he doesn't have full confidence in the case.
I feel so sorry for WP and its people to stoop so low in standards
WP still stinks like shit to many people.
No wonder WP has tripped over itself again and again
It doesn't really matter, what matters most is that NEA is a valid point against WP.
Those WP amateurs have made it so bloody crude by taking photo of themselves with those boxes of masks!
WP just condone such acts and behavior from ATL, shaking off its responsibility.
I know WP can hardly read properly and that is why they keep tripping all over the place.
Alas... you have missed the point totally! Vivian B is just trying to be sarcastic lah!
Pritam has outdone himself again with this silly press statement.
Sylvia should not come out to accuse NEA of playing politics
haha... Pritam is hopeless.
Ego is with the Smart Alec WP before that.
WP cannot be excused of its faults.
Just too bad, all point to bad contradictions of WP AHTC.
WP should stop playing victim now. This is what NEA has attacked them. Don't need to snake in and out.
Why didn't WP do just that? Talk so much for what?
WP has screwed up big time.
WP has made terrible error. It is lucky that I am not the reporter
WP should do a political retreat, apologize and promise to investigate and review the system they have now.
Pritam can't even get basic facts right on what NEA is attacking AHTC of and yet he dares to write such press statement?
Can someone tell Pritam stop embarrassing himself can or not?
WP has been checkmated, dude.
Just to show what is fundamentally wrong with WP....
This may look as if it is a small matter right from the start but WP screw it up even bigger than it is supposed to be.
You will have to face this flatly, WP is walking down the slippery slope of cronyism.
WP is unprofessional. Any professional service and solution provider will always be there to solve problems, not to push blame later.
I guess whole lot of WP members will fall into your category of opportunists!
WP people are trained to shut up on policy issues but just attacking their critics...
I am sorry but I guess WP IB people also short of fuse as well.
Sometimes I feel that these Blue WP warriors are just too over-sensitive! Maybe even guilty-conscience!
WP is always playing safe but just get whatever good returns from other people's fight
To let WP lead such a movement is really funny.
WP people have been going around to sourly slime other people's good work, out of fear? Jealousy? Envy?
WP needs the change quite badly. This is already past the half way point since last GE2011. The whole problem of WP, from weak performance in Parliament to FMSS, all point to the need to change leadership.
LTK looks very pathetic when he needs to listen to interpretation while PM Lee hoot him while he tried very hard and sometimes LOST when he translated his thoughts from Chinese to English.
I think WP has lots of lapses and room for improvement.
WP the largest opposition only put up posters 3-4 days AFTER nomination day! If they are really serious about contesting, will that happen? Masak Masak, play play, just like chope place with tissue paper lah!
Well, WP people aren't objective at all.
ALL the press releases by WP in recent year will start with praising PAP first, without biting at all!
WP seems to be praising PAP more than attacking PAP policies and actions while other people like me and other activists are doing more than WP!
I am always supportive of WP. In fact, I spent more time supporting WP than any other party because I bother to write about their failings and things they should avoid; Critiques on the flaws and failings are very important for organization to grow and get better.

GMS Party Manifesto 2016
Haha.... it just prove that WP people lack creativity or even know what shame is!
Some WP people who are closer to me, have already admitted that some of their comrades have done so lah!
WP people aren't really First World and you are right, they don't make sense at all! Enough said!
WP leadership should thank me to teach their members a hard lesson on Freedom of Speech.
WP people are incapable of evolution and will continue their Dumb and Dumber ways...
One by one, WP MPs will prove to be disastrous.
It is strange Sylvia Lim didn't use her usual WP's "no comment" style when approached about this little romance.
WP MPs including LTK tried to do is to act blur about their contractor attempted to charge hawkers for high rise cleaning when they are not supposed to.
WP has lost quite a bit of respect from the middle ground with such wishy washy dealings
I know WP is now a famous University of Smart Alec
LTK has already surrendered, putting his head into the sand like an ostrich
CSM is "opportunist" when he spent most of his time, decades, outside Singapore but only come back for the GE when it was due in 2011.
It is apparent that the way WP handled this issue is dishonest and the quotation has actually put more doubts on WP's management.
Just too bad, SL and LTK have to continue that dishonest line of argument.
WP AHTC just act blur, see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil.
Has it occurred to you that it would be worst if VB mentioned about that email, to make a solid point about WP's inconsistent dishonest flip flop in its argument?
Don't underestimate PM Lee, he won't just step in if he doesn't have full confidence in the case.
I feel so sorry for WP and its people to stoop so low in standards
WP still stinks like shit to many people.
No wonder WP has tripped over itself again and again
It doesn't really matter, what matters most is that NEA is a valid point against WP.
Those WP amateurs have made it so bloody crude by taking photo of themselves with those boxes of masks!
WP just condone such acts and behavior from ATL, shaking off its responsibility.
I know WP can hardly read properly and that is why they keep tripping all over the place.
Alas... you have missed the point totally! Vivian B is just trying to be sarcastic lah!
Pritam has outdone himself again with this silly press statement.
Sylvia should not come out to accuse NEA of playing politics
haha... Pritam is hopeless.
Ego is with the Smart Alec WP before that.
WP cannot be excused of its faults.
Just too bad, all point to bad contradictions of WP AHTC.
WP should stop playing victim now. This is what NEA has attacked them. Don't need to snake in and out.
Why didn't WP do just that? Talk so much for what?
WP has screwed up big time.
WP has made terrible error. It is lucky that I am not the reporter
WP should do a political retreat, apologize and promise to investigate and review the system they have now.
Pritam can't even get basic facts right on what NEA is attacking AHTC of and yet he dares to write such press statement?
Can someone tell Pritam stop embarrassing himself can or not?
WP has been checkmated, dude.
Just to show what is fundamentally wrong with WP....
This may look as if it is a small matter right from the start but WP screw it up even bigger than it is supposed to be.
You will have to face this flatly, WP is walking down the slippery slope of cronyism.
WP is unprofessional. Any professional service and solution provider will always be there to solve problems, not to push blame later.
I guess whole lot of WP members will fall into your category of opportunists!
WP people are trained to shut up on policy issues but just attacking their critics...
I am sorry but I guess WP IB people also short of fuse as well.
Sometimes I feel that these Blue WP warriors are just too over-sensitive! Maybe even guilty-conscience!
WP is always playing safe but just get whatever good returns from other people's fight
To let WP lead such a movement is really funny.
WP people have been going around to sourly slime other people's good work, out of fear? Jealousy? Envy?
WP needs the change quite badly. This is already past the half way point since last GE2011. The whole problem of WP, from weak performance in Parliament to FMSS, all point to the need to change leadership.
LTK looks very pathetic when he needs to listen to interpretation while PM Lee hoot him while he tried very hard and sometimes LOST when he translated his thoughts from Chinese to English.
I think WP has lots of lapses and room for improvement.
WP the largest opposition only put up posters 3-4 days AFTER nomination day! If they are really serious about contesting, will that happen? Masak Masak, play play, just like chope place with tissue paper lah!
Well, WP people aren't objective at all.
ALL the press releases by WP in recent year will start with praising PAP first, without biting at all!
WP seems to be praising PAP more than attacking PAP policies and actions while other people like me and other activists are doing more than WP!
I am always supportive of WP. In fact, I spent more time supporting WP than any other party because I bother to write about their failings and things they should avoid; Critiques on the flaws and failings are very important for organization to grow and get better.