Why I'm upbeat about the Linus Pauling theory is because of the many testimonials to its success.
The "cardio C" is a product that some company has put together using the principals of the Linus Pauling theory but it's cheaper to just put together a DIY formula of your own from vitamin C, Lysine & proline that you can get from the health store e.g. iHerb
Quack Medicine is the Best Medicine
Tue Jan 26 07:04:36 CST 2010
Thanks for the reply Owen. I still have enough CARDIO C to see me through. I am not out of it. Just trying to build a reserve.
FYI in addition to CARDIO C, I have been using turmeric, an enzyme called serrapeptase, COQ10 (ubiquinol), vitamin D, niacin, magnesium, vitamin E and so on. I had a recent stress test (the nuclear medicine one) and my cardiologist was astounded as to the increased blood flow through the heart and that the scar tissue in my heart had decreased from the post heart attack stress test I had about 2 1/2 years ago. He was surprised at the results as he is of the opinion that what I am doing is QUACK MEDICINE. I feel a lot better because of what I am doing however.
Thanks Elmer
Success after Up/Down history
(from (forum)) Fri Jan 15 05:24:46 CST 2010
For the past 3 years I have written and reported about carotid blockage. Since taking the vitamin C and lysine there was an ultrasound that showed some improvement but I don't think they have gotten any worse. To refresh memories in Oct 2008 My blood pressure increased dramaticaly, medications were changed a lot, new ones added and finally after 4-5 months the blood pressure stabilized on one medication. During this time my family doctor sent me to a cardiologist who ordered a CTA. The CTA showed a 70% or greater blockage of the LAD(also called the widow maker) and also 2 other blockages of probable 40 %. That was in March of 2009.
Due to the illness and death of my mother and husband the cardiac cath was postponed twice and I just had it done this past Friday. I was sure that I would come out of the hospital with a stent or a bypass. You can imagine my surprise and delight when the cardiologist said the vessels were clear and I have the film to verify it. So I am wondering this. Are the CTA's that accurate? Or are the continued vitamin c, lysine, proline and other supplements really working which I believe they are.
In the past year I have added vitamin D3 5000 IU, unique E, and the vitamin k2, 2 TBSP Carlson's fish oil to an already good supplement regime. This was truly good news as I have a very remarkable family history of heart disease. I don't have a carotid ultrasound until August but I expect a good report from that as well. My cardiologist did give me a prescription for a beta blocker(metoprolol ER) which I have not been taking because my blood pressure stays good and pulse rate stays in the 60's and 70's.
I just wanted to share this because I really do believe that the vitamin c and lysine in particular have helped me avoid surgery.And probably the K2 has played a part also.
My Wife and My Experience with Plaque Reversal (from Forum)
Fri Nov 6 03:51:44 CST 2009
In 2001 my wife underwent triple bypass surgery when they placed the bypass graft into left circumflex extension(lcx) between(m1) Marginal branch and (m2) marginal branch. The plaque was between the junction of the LDA,LCX and the M1 however after the graft the plaque began to descend into the m1 instead of being pushed back by the back pressure from the graft. Being fresh out of surgery they were not willing to go back in and they wanted wait a month and do Brachetherapy. I.m Sorry but this is not my idea of good medicine and I set out to find away around it. Being familiar with Pauling.s writings on orthomolecular psychiatry. I pursued it and found a company that based it.s formula on his theories. She began taking it and was set to go along with the radiation.
At the procedure, I was ask into the lab area. The doctor came out and asked me, .What did you do to her?. I was kind of shocked and said .Nothing just some vitamins Why?. He said , .It.s all gone! Were not going to do nothing but send her home.. I thought if that stuff did that I.m going to take it too. We both have taken it since! Me I had a Carotid Artery go up to 30% occlusion and back down to zero about a year and half ago. I was taking the same amount as my wife and that.s when the dosage issue came into play. You can read this at the .It.s the dosage stupid.. Thread. Yes I.ve seen regression of plaque in a short period of time! However it was new forming. Plaque can sit in your arteries for years and harden like concrete and not cause any problems then when it.s discovered they want it gone now! That.s not going to happen it will take time to break the shell and start the healing process in the mean time other places that are starting the process will be healed before it gets out of hand. This being done following the Pauling protocol.
As far as Inflammation! Ask yourself these questions. Have I ever had a cut that got inflamed? OR Did I have an inflammation that got cut? (Except by a doctor) Did I get a runny nose and go out in the cold? OR Did I go in the cold and got a runny Nose? Your body response to injury with what Dr. Pauling refers to as a .Cascade of Events!. Inflammation is only one of the events that occur after the injury to the artery. Which Dr Pauling Identified as, .Chronic Scurvy.. Breaking down the collagen that holds the cells together and allowing leakage which the body must stop.
Reading your post I would like to ask if you have tried titrating to Bowel Tolerance. Then you would have a good idea how much V-C your body really needs. Everybody.s Different, Everyday.s Different! God Gave us Cholesterol to protect our bodies and our wallets. Big Pharm and Doctors gave us statins to remove the protection from both!
Passed Failed Stress Test in 2-3 Months
Mon Oct 12 09:23:05 CDT 2009
A friend of mine who took a stress test a few years ago was stopped before he could finish because the Doctor was alarmed by the EKG read out. I told him about Vitamin C & Lysine. He started taking it and a few months later took another stress test and passed with flying colors. No problems what-so-ever.
Again (and I mentioned this in another email) a Doctor friend of mine in California once told me that his grandfather and father both died of a heart attacks in their early fifties. And he, age 39, was suffering from angina when he went jogging. I told him about the Pauling Therapy. A few months later he called me, all excited, telling me that he could now run 3 miles and afterwards ride his bike another 12 miles with no angina whatsoever.
Speaking for myself, after having a heart attack in 1999, I always had a problem with angina in cold weather. After I started the Pauling Therapy it stopped. Cold weather does not bother me any more.
I'd like to post these testimonies on your web page but I can't get on---you'll have to do it.
Sat Jul 11 05:43:53 CDT 2009
Heart Valve "Fixed" without Surgery
Initial Communication Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:01 pm
Owen,any ideas with reguard to the following? Three years ago I had two heart attacks in two weeks and was advised that a Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) was essential. The Right coronary artery was completly blocked. The Left Descending (LAD) was 95% ,LEFT MAIN 30% ,CIRCUMFLEX 70%, etc. I walked away from the CABG and with a few life changes and 15 grams of vitamin c daily. I have finally got off all medication and have to push it to get any angina. After a echo gram they now tell me that I must now have a aerotic valve replacement. I'm using plenty of magnessium but still get bad breathlessness, any ideas would be really appreciated, I hope its not anything to do with the Vitamin C!?
Kind reguards Reg
Latest Communication Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:16 pm (Recommended vitamin K2 for heart valve)
The first cardiologist said my heart valves were useless after a echogram and heart murmer and I was unable to catch my breath {not pleasant ] and I was told I could drop dead any moment, must have a replacement or repair. How lucky to have found the Vitmin C Foundation on the Net. Thanks to your good advice Owen and comrades re vitamin K2 [menaquinone7], my next appointment six months later an angio photo check on all the four valves and the Cardiologist says nothing wrong at all see you in six months (though I will put a couple of stents in your LAD while I'm here?!) No breathlessness, no angina, no medication , except Aspirin and Plavix for one month. Many thanks again for your advice I'm down to 10 grm on the C protocol daily .I don't know how many times I can say thanks.
Carol "2"
Sun Aug 24 08:11:20 CDT 2008
Hi Owen,
In answer to some questions on your forum on how I found out that my heart was clear from plaque.:::: I had a Nuclear Stress test late in 2006 that showed my heart in real distress. The pictures that the test recorded, showed that my heart's arteries were nearly completely darkened in by plaque. This means that the arteries were all clogged, i.e., getting very little oxygen. My doctor said that I needed a bypass or a stent and must start on statin drugs immediately. I turned it all down. Needless to say he was really worried. I was very sick...couldn't walk far or fast, out of breath, blue feet...I felt like I was dying. Sooooo I started taking the Linus Pauling cure that I had been reading about... smile... I started feeling better within the first week. Each time I went to see my cardiologist he would comment on how well I was doing. My EKG's were even getting better. Then I took another Nuclear Stress test in late 2007, which showed my heart to be clear of plaque.
My doctor drew a picture of before and after for me. My feet went from blue in 2006 to skin color in 2007... My cardiologist said he no longer recommends a bypass or statin drugs. I have new energy...and a new life. A few months later in 2008, I had an echo cardiogram performed which showed my heart had gone back to normal size and that my valves were working perfectly. Previous to 2006 it had been enlarged. And that's the simple truth. My doctor is still amazed. I'm still working on the AFIB. You can put this on your forum... Carol 2
Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on Jeff Rense National Radio Show (Aug 14, 2008)
Wed Feb 27 17:01:10 CST 2008
Carol Smith
Owen, When I saw the Doctor and learned the pain was from inflammation not a blockage I said NO to another stent, there had to be a better alternative. Was I scared, YES but I knew that the Ascorsine-9® from Tower Laboratories had always stopped the angina before, but didn't understand why it wasn't this time. I knew I needed help, and you were there for me. Of course, the answer turned out to be adding a whole lot more vitamin C around the clock plus wearing Nitro patches and taking oxygen and becoming friends with the bathroom. I slowly got better and knew I had made the right decision. If the first medical stent was responsible for what was happening to me, then how would putting in two more help? My Doctor wasn't sure how long the two stents would help, the last one lasted 6 months before I started having problems. It might be just compounding the problem.
Well I made it, I am fine NO NITRO PATCHES, NO NITRO PILLS, NO OXYGEN, I have my life back, I feel great and I don't hurt!!! I truly believe that the Pauling-therapy product is the reason. I wasn't getting enough in my system and the inflammation flare up due to the medical stent caused my problem. I am so thankful for all your help. My blood pressure is back to being in normal ranges again. 128/70 to 110/66.
Carol Smith
Read Carol's amazing case history in the book.
Carol's Before/After EKGs
Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on Jeff Rense National Radio Show (Aug 14, 2008)
Carol's Saga Continues... Even more testimony after the book was published.
July 2007
"Owen,On Feb 5th 2007, my Dr. stated the LAD was 97% blocked and the Right Coronary artery was blocked 67%. A medicated stent was implanted in the LAD.
On June 26th the Dr. stated the Right Coronary Artery was completely clear and a 10% blockage in the LAD where the stent was implanted. Tower Lab's Ascorsine-9 Pauling-therapy® receives the credit for clearing the RtC Artery. Thanks for a great product that works.
The tests used in determining the % of blockage were Cardiac Catheterization, Coronary and Heart x-rays with a dye injected. " - J.P. C.
Wed Feb 27 17:27:47 CST 2008
Owen, My mother was about to have a bypass surgery in Nov 2007. She was diagnosed with 3 blocked arteries and needed two replacement valves, the mitral and one other.
They took an xray of the veins in the neck and the specialist at Staffordshire Hospital said that doing the heart was a waste of time. We found your web sites.
She has made a wonderful recovery and now is back in her flat and I am amazed!!!!!
She has only had Vitamin C to date.
Mary Nike, UK
Update: April 22, 2008
My mum is on about 5 to 6 scoops a day (Tower A-9) and the little scoops are inside the pot.
She seems really really well and I am not really believing what I am seeing as the doctors still think she is dying - but no angina attacks and no breathlessness and the sickness was causing by the diabeties tablets metformin - so can I really believe that the vit c clears the arteries - what about the small embolism???
Does this seem too good to be true or does it work!?!
Thanks again
January 29, 2008
Owen, You may want to add to my story in your book. Next month I will be 62 and I feel and look better than I did when I was 50. I am more active than I have been in years. People often tell me how much younger I look than my age. Very soon I will be remarried. My fiancéis not yet 20 years-of-age, we are very much in love and we have been going out for 2 years. She wants to have children, and after months of saying no I have decided to become a start-over-dad at age 62 and plan to live to see my children grow.
If a man in the shape that I was in can turn his life around in just a few years, then those who are not on their death bed should be able to achieve even more with vitamin C and a few life changes. Please be advised that we have decided not to become a media attraction.
Jeff Fenlason